
  • Representation on the Berlin gallery portal, links to the websites of the member galleries and other partner in the business sector.
  • Exclusive conditions for member with selected businesses in branches like insurance, lighting and software/IT solutions.
  • Quarterly publication of a comprehensive foldable map and gallery guide KUNSTKALENDER Galerien + Institutionen, listing Berlin and Potsdam galleries. Member discount 50%, plus 25% for quarter page advertisement minimum.
  • Planning and realization of seminars and workshops by professionals for galleries with branch specific topics. Members only pay 50% of participation fees.
  • Collaborative networking on cultural, economical and political level.
  • Consulting services and procurance for branch related issues.
  • Marketing platform for member galleries (ARTINSIGHTgallery, ART & WEIN, art walks, special events and exhibitions, advertisement)
  • ART FROM BERLIN, organization and execution of state-sponsored collective participation in international art fairs.

Galleries Association
of Berlin (LVBG)
Kalckreuthstraße 15
10777 Berlin
T: +49.30.310197–14
F: +49.30.310197–15

Werner Tammen
Andreas Herrmann
(Assisting Chairman)
Nana Poll

Honorary Presidents
Georg Nothelfer †
Eva Poll
Michael J. Wewerka