Finissage AHMED KAMEL and Announcement of the stipendiaries in 2017

View from rooftop terrace of Federal Foreign Office. Image: Andréas Lang

The Federal Foreign Office’s AArtist-in-Residence Program, in cooperation with the National Association of Berlin Galleries (lvbg), opens on Wednesday (18.01) with 2016 scholarship holder, Ahmed Kamel. His work centers on the issue of conflict.  With his project, "It did not happen", Ahmed Kamel focuses on how much individual and public perceptions can be manipulated.  Ahmed Kamel has worked in the studio at the AA since October 2016.

The closing exhibition will also feature works by Kerstin Honeit and Andréas Lang, the two other 2016 scholarship holders.  The works by all three artists are presented in the booklet, AArtists in Residence 2016.

The 2017 AArtist scholarship recipients will also be introduced. The jury, Christiane Meixner (Critic, Tagesspiegel), Dr. Marc Wellmann (Artistic Director, House at Lützowplatz), and Andreas Herrmann (Galerist and Deputy Chairman lvbg) have selected the following people:  Said Baalbaki, C & K Gallery; Beatrice Minda, Podbielski Contemporary; Henrik Strömberg, Grundemark Nilsson Gallery.

Finissage Ahmed Kamel & Announcement of the 2017 Scholarship Recipients: Auswärtiges Amt, Entrance Kurstr. 36, 10117 Berlin, Wed, January 18, 2017, 18.30 hrs. By invitation only.

Studio Visit: Auswärtiges Amt, Entrance Kurstr. 36, 10117 Berlin, Thu, January 19, 16.00 hrs. By registration only:

For further information please please visit and


Berliner Galerien e.V.
Kalckreuthstraße 15
10777 Berlin
T: +49.30.310197–14
F: +49.30.310197–15

Werner Tammen
Andreas Herrmann
(stellv. Vorsitzender)
Nana Poll

Georg Nothelfer †
Eva Poll
Michael J. Wewerka