
until 18.10. Textil. Addas Ahmad, Anna Katrine Herburger, Annabella Morgenstern, Anne-Sophie Oury Haquette, Ina Belau, Biljana Bosiljka Brdar, Carmen S, Christian Wollert, Detlef M. Hein, Guthrie Mc Donald, Heidi Bruck, Irina , Jan Martin Fürstenberg, Joseph-Henry Baroso-Ilola, Katharina Ellrich, Kenneth Rasmussen, Kiko-Camille Böhm, Laura Rammo, Lukasz Loska, Madeleine Jark, Mathew Calandra, Maurits Sterkenburg, Olha Shcherbaniuk-Chokan, Oliver Rincke, Peter Konarski, Rille, Senem Gürüz, Sigfried Laube, Yulia Shkurpela. Textile art. Repro Textil: Digitale Collage , Photo: © Galerie ART CRU Berlin und die Künstler:innen

Galerie ART CRU Berlin presents the textile works of 29 international artists in collaboration with 17 partner organizations as a large-scale group exhibition. Curated by Maren Rabe, the exhibition showcases a wide range of textile artistic expression, connecting both works and people. 


Galerie ART CRU Berlin has been Berlin's only gallery for so-called outsider art since 2008. The gallery is located not far from Museum Island in the heart of Berlin's vibrant art and culture scene. The program shows artists from Berlin's diverse art workshops as well as new discoveries and established greats of outsider art - some are already part of famous collections such as the Collection de L'Art Brut Lausanne or are discovered through exhibiting at the gallery. The non-profit gallery ART CRU Berlin is run by the association PS-Art e.V. Berlin. Visit the gallery in the Kunsthof on Oranienburger Straße.


21.11. – 27.02.2025 Wiktor Gorazdowski. Drawing. Repro Zaowocowałem, Wiktor Gorazdowski, 2021, Fineliner und Marker auf Papier, 21x30, Photo: Galerie ART CRU Berlin

Galerie ART CRU Berlin shows the drawings of selft-taught artist Wiktor Gorazdowski (born 1979, Warswaw). 

After studying at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, he turned to art. His colorful drawings are a fascinating combination of form and content. The form of these works is a careful contour filled with color, the content is deeply existential, not devoid of humour, and the effect - surreal.


18.04. – 28.06. Ralph Schumacher. Drawing.
23.01. – 28.03. Unruhe. Stephanie Hebrich. Painting, Drawing, Mixed. Repro Mittsommer, Stephanie Herbrich, 2022, Mischtechnik, 59,5 × 42
01.11.2023 – 11.01. Brennen musst du, wenn du atmen willst. Harald Schulz. Painting. Repro Freude, Harald Schulz, 2001, Öl auf Leinwand, 101 x 144
01.11.2023 – 11.01. Brennen musst du, wenn du atmen willst. Harald Schulz. Painting. Repro Mistral, Harald Schulz, 1998, Öl auf Leinwand, 137 x 185
01.11.2023 – 11.01. Brennen musst du, wenn du atmen willst. Harald Schulz. Painting. Repro So blau wie Schnee, Harald Schulz, 1998, Öl auf Leinwand, 126x197
01.11.2023 – 11.01. Brennen musst du, wenn du atmen willst. Harald Schulz. Painting. Repro Georgische Landschaft, Harald Schulz, 1986, Öl auf Leinwand, 27x36,5
01.11.2023 – 11.01. Brennen musst du, wenn du atmen willst. Harald Schulz. Painting. Repro Portraitstudie, Harald Schulz, 1989, Öl auf Leinwand, 52x45
01.08.2023 – 19.10.2023 Andere im Spiegel. Olga Mezenceva. Painting. Repro O.T., Olga Mezenceva, 2021, Ölkreide, Fineliner, Buntstift, Filzstift auf Papier, 50x65, Photo: Galerie ART CRU Berlin

Since 2004, Olga Mezenceva has worked at the Kaspar Hauser Foundation, where people with assistance needs are supported. Although she can hardly express herself linguistically, she finds a way of expression in art that allows her to share her unique perspective on the world with others. Her paintings can be seen at exhibitions in galleries and museums throughout Germany and have been nominated for awards many times.

28.04.2023 – 13.07.2023 Katinka Kaskeline. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie.
28.02.2023 – 06.04.2023 Gittermenschen. Alexandra Rothausen. Painting, Print. Repro O.T., Alexandra Rothausen, 2022, Fasermaler, Kugelschreiber, 30x21, Photo: Galerie ART CRU Berlin

Galerie ART CRU Berlin is currently presenting the first solo exhibition of Alexandra Rothausen (*1981), showcasing works from the imPerfekt arts workshop. This exhibition features nearly 20 paintings of various formats, sizes, and techniques that represent a series of mindfully abstracted portraits.

19.05.2022 – 14.07.2022 Gesichter. Künstler*innen aus dem Atelier Blumenfisch. Painting, Print. Repro O.T., Marisa Krolikowski, 2019, Buntstift, Bleistift, Serie 6-teilig, je 21x28, Photo: © Galerie ART CRU Berlin / Blumenfisch gGmbH

Galerie ART CRU Berlin zeigt Zeichnungen von Marisa Krolikowski (*1996) aus dem Atelier Blumenfisch in ihrer ersten Einzelausstellung.

Die Künstlerin setzt sich in ihren seriellen Arbeiten mit Fragen der Einzigartigkeit und des Andersseins, der Gleichheit und der Abweichung auseinander.

10.03.2022 – 01.05.2022 Heidi Bruck. Painting. Repro O.T., Heidi Bruck, 2015, Bleistift, 70x100, Photo: Galerie ART CRU Berlin / Thikwa Werkstatt für Theater und Kunst

Galerie ART CRU Berlin shows drawings by Heidi Bruck (*1971 in Berlin), who works at the Thikwa Werkstatt für Theater und Kunst in Kreuzberg.

09.09.2021 – 29.10.2021 Helga Goetze. Painting, Print. Repro Die Liebenden, Helga Goetze, O.D., Gouache, 21x30, Photo: Galerie ART CRU Berlin

Since the early eighties, Helga Sophia Goetze has created a vast, fascinating universe of painted pictures, embroidered carpets, as well as daily written records. Helga Sophia Goetze was notorious for her "vigil" at the Berlin Memorial Church. There she stood for an hour every day for over 20 years to proclaim her message: "Fucking makes peaceful" - "Fucking is peace".

08.07.2021 – 14.08.2021 Anneliese Grisard. Painting. Repro O.T., Anneliese Grisard, 2002, Acryl, 50x70, Photo: Art Cru Berlin

The show features works by Anneliese Grisard (born 1935) who worked for many years, unnoticed by the general public, in the Open Studio of the Karl Bonhoeffer Nervenklinik. At over 80 years of age, she finally gets her first solo exhibition.

29.04.2021 – 18.06.2021 Robert Fischer. Painting. Repro O.T., Robert Fischer, 2016, Mischtechnik, 50x70, Photo: Geyso 20

Galerie ART CRU Berlin is showing paintings by Robert Fischer from Atelier Geyso20 in Braunschweig.

The artist begins his drawings with a graphic framework that makes one think of houses, floor plans or machines. They are memories of trips to amusement parks, museums or city explorations. Using ink, oil and pastel crayons, and felt-tip pens of varying thickness, Fischer covers the page with lines. Abbreviations recall letters and numbers.

04.03.2021 – 17.04.2021 Horst Schiele. Painting. Repro O.T., Horst Schiele, 2015, Ölpastell, 50x70, Photo: Galerie ART CRU Berlin, Matthias Hofmann

We will be showing paintings by Horst Schiele, who was born in Berlin in 1948. It is the first solo exhibition of the artist.

Associatively set forms are colored by Schiele with a broad color palette rich in contrast in oil pastels. They hold a concentrated power and extraordinary compositional dynamics.

The show will initially be presented online:

Please visit us after the end of the lockdown during our opening hours: Tues & Thurs 12-6pm, Wed. 2-6pm.

24.11.2020 – 31.01.2021 Sonja Halbfass. Painting. Repro O.T., Sonya Halbfass, 2017, Ölpastell, 40x50
11.09.2020 – 22.10.2020 Chaos und Ordnung. Kunst aus dem Offenen Atelier St. Hedwig. Painting. Repro Chaos und Ordnung, Gabriele Graul, 2020, Acryl, 70x50
28.07.2020 – 27.08.2020 Stapellauf - Na klar. Macks Querfeldt. Repro O.T., Macks Querfeldt, 2020, Polster, Stoff, Collage, Band auf MDF-Platte, 41x56, Photo: Ralph Stabbert
20.05.2020 – 31.08.2020 Wassertaufe (III). Teil III als "Strippenausstellung" i. d. Galerie (bis 14.07.2020, Teil I u. II online auf bis 31.08.2020). Uwe Paulsen, Emiehl Päffel, Norbert Backner, Concetta Cassarà, Thi Thu, Katinka Kaskeline, Achim Maaz, Michael Golz
07.02.2020 – 07.03.2020 Diversité. Caroline Crozat. Painting
20.09.2019 – 26.10.2019 Maria Concetta Cassarà. Painting
02.08.2019 – 31.08.2019 A Dream - What Else. Kunst aus dem Offenen Atelier St. Hedwig und von Project Ability, Glasgow. Richard Anderson, Grant Glennie, Simon Mcauly, Angela Mclauchlin, Alan Straiton, R. Fecit, Dirk Kühnel, Robert Latka, Yoshe Malkus, Violetta Volk, Nina Valeska Witzel u. Belhe Zaimolgu. Painting, Fotografie
24.05.2019 – 29.06.2019 Melanie Woste. Painting, Print, Sculpture
06.04.2019 – 11.05.2019 Vom Waisenkind zum Genie. Hans Krüsi. Painting, Print
08.02.2019 – 16.03.2019 Günter Neupel. Painting
23.11.2018 – 12.01.2019 Unschuld. Rudi Bodmeier. Painting, Print, Sculpture
13.09.2018 – 27.10.2018 Chameleonic. 10 Jahre Galerie ART CRU Berlin. Betty Feix, Christo Lufundiso Luanza, Melanie Edwards, Peter Pankow. Painting
03.08.2018 – 01.09.2018 Ein Wild Schlagendes Herz. Erhard Post, Marion Gamerschlag. Painting
15.06.2018 – 14.07.2018 Naturale Systeme. Haci Sami Yaman, Beatrice Guder. Painting
20.04.2018 – 31.05.2018 Normann Seibold. Painting
08.03.2018 – 07.04.2018 Markus Meurer. Sculpture
02.02.2018 – 28.02.2018 Oliver Rincke. Mixed
27.01.2018 – 02.03.2018 Lwerk... Kunstwerk blisse meets Galerie ART CRU Berlin. (Kunstwerk blisse, Blissestraße 14, 10713 Berlin) Achim Maaz. Painting
01.12.2017 – 15.01.2018 Arkadien. Auf der Suche nach Schönheit
13.10.2017 – 24.11.2017 Peter Padubrin-Thomys. Painting, Print
14.09.2017 – 17.09.2017 Positions Berlin Art Fair 2017 (Arena Berlin, Eichenstrasse 4, 12435 Berlin)
25.08.2017 – 30.09.2017 Landkarte. Michael Golz, Torsten Holzapfel. Painting
23.06.2017 – 04.08.2017 To be aware. Katinka Kaskeline, Alexander Kurfürst. Painting
07.04.2017 – 27.05.2017 Anthony Stevens. Textile art
03.03.2017 – 31.03.2017 Neukölln Anders. Jan Sander. Painting
11.11.2016 – 15.01.2017
15.09.2016 – 18.09.2016 (Positions Berlin Art Fair, Postbahnhof am Ostbahnhof, Straße der Pariser Kommune 8, 10243 Berlin) Michael Golz, Frank Jacobowsky, Torsten Holzapfel, Uwe Paulsen, Emiehl Päffel
09.09.2016 – 29.10.2016 Huub Niessen, Michael Rasmussen. Painting, Sculpture
29.07.2016 – 31.08.2016 Ich Bin. Figur und Abstraktion - ein Dialog. Linda Soravia, Kerstin Hölzner, Kristin Junior, Elke Lachert, Gero Schücker, Künstler aus dem Offenen Atelier St. Hedwig
08.04.2016 – 22.05.2016 Abram Wilhelm. Painting, Sculpture
05.02.2016 – 28.03.2016 Celebrities and Bottles. Steve Moseley, Uwe Paulsen, Emiehl Päffel. Painting, Sculpture
09.12.2015 – 23.01.2016 Accrochage. Achim Maaz, Dan Miller, Michael Golz, Betty Feix, Peter Pankow, u.a.
30.10.2015 – 05.12.2015 Zwischenräume. Stephanie Bialek. Painting


Oranienburger Str. 27, B 10117

Berlin Mitte

T: +49.30.24357314

Tu 12–18h, We 14–18h, Th 12–18h

Special opening hours Berlin Art Week

Fr–Su 14–18h