
until 19.07. Farbenrausch. Ute Mahler, Werner Mahler, Ludwig Schirmer. Fotografie. Repro »Anke« aus der Werkgruppe Mode, Ute Mahler, 1991, Archival Pigment Print, 61 x41 cm

The FARBENRAUSCH exhibition, presented as part of the EMOP 2025, showcases series by Ute Mahler, Werner Mahler and Ludwig Schirmer, Ute Mahler's father.

All three are primarily known for their black and white photography. The exhibition exclusively presents colour works of outstanding quality that invite the viewer to analyse the positive interaction of family ties.


Galerie Springer Berlin combines experience and zeitgeist. Following the reorganisation in 2012, the gallery is once again being run under the traditional name of Heide and Robert Springer. Over the past 12 years, we have focussed on artistic photography. Our programme includes a select group of international artists. 
Heide & Robert Springer


17.09.2024 – 25.01. Looks like Abstraction. Gruppenausstellung. Fotografie. Repro Untitled (Detail), Natsoumi, 2024, Archival pigment print, 100 x 80 cm, Photo: Natsoumi

In the exhibition, we are showing abstract photographs.  We have not only selected artists from our gallery programme, but have also invited new photographers to take part in the presentation.

30.04.2024 – 29.06.2024 Dark Tones. Paintings and Photographs. Anna Szprynger. Painting, Fotografie. Repro Untitled (Garbatka #2) , Anna Szprynger, 2023, Archival pigment print, 40 x 60 cm

With the exhibition by Polish artist Anna Szprynger, we are showing paintings alongside photographic works for the first time in over eleven years. For a long time, Szprynger worked in the field of geometric abstraction. Recently, she has left her comfort zone and ventured into new territory. We are showing new paintings that have emerged from her observations of textures andpatterns from nature. The photographs in the exhibition were created in parallel and are not an inspiration for Anna Szprynger, but a kind of symbiosis. We are also presenting classic works from her repertoire. 

02.03.2024 – 20.04.2024 New Works - Part 2. Edward Burtynsky. Fotografie. Repro Coast Mountains #5, Two Claciers, British Columbia, Canada, Edward Burtynsky, 2023
08.12.2023 – 09.12.2023 Christmas Special. Sonderausstellung. Fotografie. Repro Marisa, Susanne, Ulrike, #73, Ute Mahler, 1978, Silbergelatineabzug

Um uns allen die Vorweihnachtszeit zu versüßen, laden wir Sie zu unserem »Christmas Special« ein. Bei duftendem Glühwein, Tee und Plätzchen zeigen wir Ihnen passend zur Jahreszeit in einer kleinen Sonderausstellung im hinteren Teil unserer Räumlichkeiten ausgewählte Werke von Maria Jauregui Ponte, Peter Klare, Ingar Krauss, Anna Lehmann-Brauns, Jens Liebchen, Ute Mahler, Werner Mahler, Winfried Muthesius, Loredana Nemes, Arnold Odermatt und Aitor Ortiz. In den vorderen Räumen ist die aktuelle Ausstellung »African Studies« von Edward Burtynsky zu sehen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie.

Heide & Robert Springer

12.09.2023 – 26.10.2023 1000 Odyseen. Winfried Muthesius. Painting, Fotografie. Repro 1.000 Odysseen, Winfried Muthesius, 2023

In the exhibition we present works from the new photographic body of work "1000 Odyseen, 2023", complemented by paintings and drawings by the artist. In the series, the artist explores the very current theme of flight, migration, loss of home and familiarity.

07.03.2023 – 31.08.2023 Trees, Seas, and the Bee's knees. Loredana Nemes. Fotografie. Repro Graubaum 7, Loredana Nemes, 2019, Silbergelatineabzug, 97,5 x 73 cm, Photo: Loredana Nemes
20.09.2022 – 28.01.2023 Jubiläums Ausstellung. 10 Jahre Galerie Springer Berlin. Fotografie. Repro Ausschnitt der Titelmotive vergangener Ausstellungen (Auswahl) © bei den Künstlern

Gruppenausstellung mit den Künstlerinnen und Künstern der Galerie

24.05.2022 – 27.08.2022 »Collages« & »L.A. Crossing«. Doppelausstellung. Peter Klare, Jens Liebchen. Fotografie. Repro ohne Titel (Schilf), 2022 (Detail) – ohne Titel (Central Avenue / 4th Street), 2020 - 2022 (Detail), Peter Klare – Jens Liebchen, jeweils Archival Pigment Print, 90 x 90 cm – 80 x 60 cm
24.05.2022 – 27.08.2022 »Collages« & »L.A. Crossing«. Doppelausstellung. Peter Klare, Jens Liebchen. Fotografie. Repro ohne Titel (Central Avenue / 4th Street), Jens Liebchen, 2010 - 2022), Archival Pigment Print, 60 x 80 cm
24.05.2022 – 27.08.2022 »Collages« & »L.A. Crossing«. Doppelausstellung. Peter Klare, Jens Liebchen. Fotografie. Repro ohne Titel (Schilf) Archival Pigment Print, Peter Klare, 2022, Archival Pigment Print, 2022
01.03.2022 – 14.05.2022 Der harte Kern der Schönheit. Portraits und Stillleben. Ingar Krauss. Fotografie. Repro ohne Titel (Apfel) Zechin, Ingar Krauss, 2014, Bromsilberpapier / Ölfarbe, 56 x 42 cm

For the first time we present the artist and photographer Ingar Krauss with an exhibition that traces the development and recurrence of the theme of nature in his work - from early portraits to recent serial works, some of which have never been seen before. His photographs are characterized by a realism that is naturally magical: as a perception of the poetic, the surreal and sometimes the sinister in everyday life.

19.10.2021 – 29.01.2022 Natural Appearance. Maria Jauregui Ponte, Aitor Ortiz. Fotografie. Repro Estorninos 08, Aitor Ortiz, 2020, Archival Pigment Print auf Alu, 70 x 70 cm
19.10.2021 – 29.01.2022 Natural Appearance. Maria Jauregui Ponte, Aitor Ortiz. Fotografie. Repro Maria Jauregui Ponte, Reh 15 / #74, Maria Jauregui Ponte, 2018-2021, Polaroid, 19 x 18,5 cm
27.04.2021 – 25.09.2021 Fairies. Kathrin Linkersdorff. Fotografie. Repro Fairies IV/2, Kathrin Linkersdorff, 2021, Archival Pigment Print, 150 x 150 cm , Photo: Kathrin Linkersdorff
06.10.2020 – 27.02.2021 An den Strömen. , Ute Mahler & Werner Mahler. Fotografie. Repro An den Strömen, Ute Mahler & Werner Mahler, 2019, Silbergelatineabzug, 92 x 115 cm
10.09.2020 – 13.09.2020 Photo Basel / Berlin. (Flughafen Tempelhof Hangar 3-4, Columbiadamm 10, 10965 Berlin) Fotografie. Repro Natural Order # 020, Edward Burtynsky, 2020, Archival Pigment Print, 121 x 163 cm
18.07.2020 – 12.09.2020 Kuratierte Gruppenausstellung
25.02.2020 – 04.07.2020 Utopia. Neu Arbeiten. Georges Rousse. Fotografie
28.09.2019 – 11.01.2020 Expanded Photography. 2002 - 2019. Aitor Ortiz. Fotografie
13.07.2019 – 14.09.2019 Lumineszenzen. Maria Jauregui Ponte, Kathrin Linkersdorff. Fotografie
30.04.2019 – 29.06.2019 Genius Loci - New Works. Winfried Muthesius. Painting, Fotografie
09.02.2019 – 18.04.2019 Anthropocene. New Photographs. Edward Burtynsky. Fotografie
02.10.2018 – 26.01.2019 Ute & Werner Mahler. Essenzen - Fotografien aus 4 Dekaden. Fotografie
30.06.2018 – 15.09.2018 Curator's Choice. Arno Fischer, Ludwig Kuffer, Herbert List, Marianne Mispelaere, Pablo Piovano, Maria Jauregui Ponte, Evelyn Richter, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Enno Kaufhold, Anna Vovan, Michael Tummings, Gabriele Stötzer, Romualdas Pozerskis, Angelika Platen, Detlef Orlopp, Manfred Mayerle, Kathrin Linkersdorff. Fotografie
24.04.2018 – 18.06.2018 Wir und die Anderen / Us and Them. Michael Schäfer
05.12.2017 – 03.02.2018 Cities, Interiors, Still Lifes. Photographs 1962 – 1997. Evelyn Hofer. Fotografie
19.09.2017 – 18.11.2017 Silver. Peter Klare. Fotografie
14.09.2017 – 17.09.2017 art berlin. (STATION BERLIN, Luckenwalder Str. 4 – 6, 10963 Berlin) Fotografie
23.05.2017 – 29.07.2017 System. Jens Liebchen. Fotografie
14.03.2017 – 06.05.2017 Feierabend. Fotografien aus dem gleichnamigen neuen Buch. Arnold Odermatt. Fotografie
21.02.2017 – 07.04.2018 Raum / Räume II. Gruppenausstellung . Aitor Ortiz, Anna Lehmann-Brauns, Joel Meyerowith, Georges Rousse, Jens Liebchen. Fotografie
13.12.2016 – 25.02.2017 First Choice II. Group Show - Photographers. Aitor Ortiz, Arnold Odermatt, Edward Burtynsky, Anna Lehmann-Brauns, Georges Rousse, Saul Leiter, Winfried Muthesius. Fotografie
24.09.2016 – 03.12.2016 Essential Elements. Edward Burtynsky. Fotografie

Galerie Springer Berlin

Fasanenstr. 13, B 10623

Berlin West

T: +49.30.3157220

M: +49.151.24141398

F: +49.30.31572222

Tu–Fr 12–18h, Sa 12–15h