"Can you name 3 painters or writers? How about illustrators? Most people will find this difficult. Illustrators are often invisible, even though they are very present. They can shape and make books or music videos successful, yet still stand in the shadow of the writer or band. They often work digitally, many times at a desk in a dark little room. Today often digitally, but in the past with pen and ink. Illustrators are service providers and, in most cases, their content is given to them. Over 1,000 years ago, illustrators worked in monasteries to make the holy scripture appear even more powerful. But what happens outside of the drawing table, and what if there is no client? The mixture shown here offers a glimpse into the free style and perspectives of the often "overlooked" and asks the question: Are artists also illustrators and vice versa? With Christian Badel, Kriki, Katrin Merle, Rachel Haase, Lukas Brauckmann, and El Bocho."
For further information in english please contact the gallery.
05.04. – 30.04.
a bientot.
Ewen Gur.
02.05. – 02.06.
two men show.
Bill Hickey, Paul Sous.
Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing.
Bill Hickey,
Spray paint auf Holz,
45 x 45
06.06. – 10.07.
eine Gruppenausstellung mit neuen Künstlern aus Südafrika.
19.07. – 30.08.
Der Wolf und der Mensch.
eine Gruppenausstellung mit den Künstlern der Galerie.
Mari Kim,
Ultrachrome auf Blattmetall,
93 x 73
18.01. – 15.02.
Wenn man am wenigsten damit rechnet.
Karoline Kroiss
30.11.2024 – 06.01.
Oh du fröhliche! II.
der Weihnachtsbasar .
Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing.
goodbye secret,
El Bocho,
100 x 70 cm , Photo:
Adrian Kretschmer
We are pleased to welcome you to the gallery on all four Advent Saturdays with drinks and cookies.
As every year, you will find treasures from our collection as well as new works by our artists within a Christmas budget.
01.11.2024 – 30.11.2024
Sachlich und Brühwarm.
Jan-Hendrik Brinkmann, Sven Scharfenberg.
Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor.
Zu Gast,
Jan-Hendrik Brinkmann,
Öl und Siebdruck auf Leinwand,
80 x 60 cm , Photo:
Adrian Kretschmer
Two artists fresh from art school. Jan-Hendrik Brinkmann successfully completes his master class in Braunschweig, and Sven Scharfenberg studies in Hamburg with Werner Büttner. After Brinkmann's first solo show at the Raab Gallery Berlin, we are now pleased to present an exhibition featuring collaborative works and the latest pieces by both artists.
12.10.2024 – 02.11.2024
american landscape painting.
Todd Koelmel.
Landscape I,
Todd Koelmel,
Acryl auf Leinwand ,
60 x 80 cm , Photo:
Adrian Kretschmer
We look forward to welcoming Todd Koelmel to his first solo exhibition in Berlin after his successes in New York.
10.10.2024 – 29.10.2024
Das Alphabet.
Acryl, Sprühlack, Resin auf MDF,
40 x 40 cm , Photo:
Adrian Kretschmer
07.09.2024 – 05.10.2024
Printmaking. 4 Generationen.
Nuno Raminhos, Eduardo Cabrer, Phillip Wolf.
Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor.
Burn Out ,
Phillip Wolf,
2024 ,
Acryl auf Leinwand,
120 x 80 cm, Photo:
Adrian Kretschmer
A Mexican-American, a Portuguese, and a Spaniard in a joint exhibition. Three figurative positions that inspire.
17.08.2024 – 03.09.2024
Fleurs Fiori Flowers.
Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Digital Art, Urban Art.
A playful groupshow with flowerpaintings by international artists working with the gallery.
12.07.2024 – 14.08.2024
Molly Goldfarb.
Santa Hey,
Molly Goldfarb,
95 x 158 cm, Photo:
Molly Goldfarb
23.06.2024 – 16.07.2024
Björn Heyn.
25.05.2024 – 20.06.2024
Giacomo Piussi.
Giacomo Piussi
50 x 40 cm
16.03.2024 – 19.04.2024
Thomas Baumgärtel, Otto Alexander Jaahrreiss.
Thomas Baumgärtel
17.02.2024 – 10.03.2024
El Bocho.
El Bocho,
Acryl auf Leinwand,
210 x 70 cm
03.11.2023 – 02.12.2023
70 Jahre.
Hubertus Giebe.
Painting, Print.
Kirche im Sonnenuntergang,
Hubertus Giebe ,
Öl auf Leinwand ,
70 x 100 cm, Photo:
Adrian Kretschmer
For the 70th birthday of Hubertus Giebe, JRGallery in cooperation with Raab Gallery, hosts a broad show of famous Dresden based artist. Former student of Bernhard Heisig and head of the base technic classes at the Hochschule für bildene Künste Dresden does not only look back to 50 years being a successful artist but will also show newest works that also proof his never ending urge to paint.
13.10.2023 – 01.11.2023
David Hepher, Jean Michel Alberola, Nina Maron, Gianni Dessi, Ernesto Tatafiore .
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Urban Art
Diskursionsgrundlage der Ausstellung ist der Blick europäsischer KünstlerInnen auf Deutschland und Europa.
Wir haben internationale KünstlerInnen eingeladen, Ihre Gedanken formell darzustellen.
Freuen Sie sich auf eine vielseite Ausstellung mit philosophen Statements a la Jean Michel Alberola, drastischen Darstellungen einer Nina Maron und weiteren Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Status Quo.
16.09.2023 – 15.10.2023
Land and Cityscapes .
Skenar73 .
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Urban Art.
Urban Jungle II,
Acryl, Spraylack, Resin auf MDF,
93,5 x 67 cm, Photo:
Adrian Kretschmer
JRGallery is presenting newest works by well known grafitti artist and by now acclaimed berlin based sprayer Skenar73.
With a mixture of wallpaintings, skulptures and bas-relief style objects the artist explores the genre of land- and cityscapes with the tools of grafitti and his unique aesthetic.
15.09.2023 – 15.10.2023
Land and Cityscapes.
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Urban Art.
Saxonian Holidays 05,
Acryl und Sprühfarbe auf zwei Schichten MDF mit Resin Finish,
91 x 69,5 cm, Photo:
Murals and sculptures are the two oldest disciplines of our visual culture. Murals of graffiti writers and their tabs are especially inspiring, as they bring back memories. For example signs on the wall as in the painting of Rembrandt called "Belzazar", or the poem with the same title by Heinrich Heine.
08.07.2023 – 03.08.2023
NachwuchskünstlerInnen und KünstlerInnen der Galerie .
Astrid Köhler, Björn Heyn, El Bocho , Skenar73 , Thomas Baumgärtel, RAWS , Jan-Hendrik Brinkmann .
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Urban Art, Mixed.
Mausi im Zimmer,
Astrid Köhler,
Öl auf Karton,
29 x 21 cm , Photo:
Astrid Köhler
Working with young art is on of JRGallerys most important concerns. In the upcoming summer exhibition we proudly present newest works by established artists of the gallery, as well as young positions that hopefully will not cease to surprise.
03.06.2023 – 05.07.2023
Mari Kim.
Painting, Print, Sculpture.
F.Champenois Imprimeur-Editeur (Homage of A. Mucha),
Mari Kim,
Ultra Chrome auf Leinwand,
130 x 93,5, Photo:
Mari Kim
MARI KIMs expedition through the history of modern art continues.
Look forward to a lavish evening with the south korean powerhouse.
29.04.2023 – 30.05.2023
instant emotions.
Painting, Print, Sculpture.
Eiskarte ,
Spraylack auf Leinwand ,
120 x 120 cm , Photo:
Eliot the Super
Eliot the Super presents: Instant emotions. New artworks that Echo: Our Childhoods, youths, the most precious vacations. The munich based oldschool hip hop artist makes us smile with the spray can. Look forward to an invigorating evening. The artist is present.
27.04.2023 – 29.04.2023
Meg Jewelry.
Painting, Mixed.
An evening with Meg Jewellery,
Meg Jewellery , Photo:
Iris Daios
Prior to Gallery weekend and right in the berlin art week JRGallery is inviting you to a spectacular presentation of art and craftmanship in context.
Iris Daios will be presenting a selection of high end quality jewellery from her 1959 established brand MAG Jewellery together with works of Mari Kim.
25.03.2023 – 22.04.2023
Neuste Werke.
Torsten Schlüter.
Painting, Print.
Lanzunge auf Hiddensee ,
Torsten Schlüter,
70 x 90 cm, Photo:
Torsten Schlüter
Torsten Schlüter is working between Berlin, Hiddensee and India. Metropols and their inhabitants, rough landscapes and animals are fascinating the berlin based artist - and he knows where to find them. We are looking forward to newest paintings, watercolors and drawings by Torsten Schlüter.
Die JRGallery präsentiert eine Gruppenausstellung von vier KünstlerInnen: Astrid Köhler, Nuno Raminhos, Skenar73 und Nina Maron.
Vier KünstlerInnen setzten sich spielerisch in unterschiedlichen Stilen mit der Ästethik Japans auseinander.
01.10.2022 – 31.10.2022
omta [omta:].
Jan-Hendrik Brinkmann.
Painting, Print.
Doppelbildnis mit Beziehung vor digitalisierter Landschaft [ta rrraaa],
Jan-Hendrik Brinkmann,
Öl auf Leinwand ,
160 x 180 cm, Photo:
Jan-Hendrik Brinkmann
The JRGally proudly presents Jan-Hendrik Brinkmanns first solo exhibition in their rooms in Berlin.
Rejoice newest works by the young emerging Painter.
14.09.2022 – 18.09.2022
Thomas Baumgärtel.
Painting, Print.
Der Wald im Gegenlicht,
Thomas Baumgärtel ,
Spraylack auf Plakatwand ,
79,5 x 120 cm , Photo:
Thomas Baumgärtel
The JRGallery is happy to present a unique discussion of famous "Bananensprayer" Thomas Baumgärtel with the topic of german forests. Baumgärtel explores the effect of depicting nature in his eleborate spraying technique on excentric painting grounds.
Make sure to note our special opening hours for the weekend.
27.08.2022 – 28.09.2022
wild wald.
Thomas Baumgärtel.
Painting, Print, Sculpture.
Thomas Baumgärtel
17.06.2022 – 12.07.2022
Marquettes and outdoor monumentals.
Mia Fonassagrives Solow.
Mia Fonssagrives Solow ,
Black enamel on Fiberglass,
244 x 76 x 120 cm , Photo:
Mia Fonssagrives Solow
Mia Fonssagrives Solow is an established and internationally celebrated artist. As the daughter of renowned photographer Fernand Fonssagrives and iconic super model Lisa Fonssagrives, as well as the step-daughter of fashion photographer Irving Penn, Mia was born into and molded by a world of art and design. She continues to build upon this legacy as a celebrated sculptor. Fonssagrives Solow has exhibited work throughout the U.S. and been published in Elle, Harper's Bazaar and Artnet.
05.04.2022 – 11.06.2022
neuste Arbeiten .
El Bocho.
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Urban Art.
Urban Love - Mudjahedin,
El Bocho,
Acryl auf Leinwand,
150 x 100 cm, Photo:
El Bocho
Since El Bocho's transition from the street to the canvas, the JRGallery has regularly exhibited his latest work in solo exhibitions. Thanks to this long-term collaboration, the gallery is lucky to be the first place to present the latest developments in his work. Look forward to new works by the by now iconic Berlin street artist.
18.03.2022 – 15.04.2022
living color.
Nina Maron.
Painting, Print.
Österreich 2.0,
Nina Maron,
Öl auf Leinwand,
50 x 70 cm, Photo:
Nina Maron
The JRGallery is pleased to once again present the latest works by the exeptional student Adolph Froners . Nina Maron's work is characterized by virtuoso handling of oil painting paired with classic sujets of the fine arts, supplemented by current pop-cultural, political and aesthetic nuances.
03.12.2021 – 02.01.2022
El Bocho - outside in.
Painting, Print, Sculpture
Neue Arbeiten von El Bocho in der JRGallery.
29.10.2021 – 30.11.2021
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
Die KünsterInnen der JRGallery widmen sich ihren Kindheitshelden und setzen ihnen künstlerische Denkmäler.
13.08.2021 – 14.09.2021
Landscape Gardening I .
H. Giebe, R. Fetting, K. Fußmann,
Painting, Print, Sculpture.
Garten in Dresden,
Hubertus Giebe ,
Öl auf Leinwand,
160 x 120 cm
01.05.2021 – 01.06.2021
Die Nachbarn schauen nach Deutschland.
Jean-Michel Alberola, Enzo Cucchi, Nina Maron, Ernesto Tatafiore.
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Urban Art
24.04.2021 – 08.05.2021
zum Geburtstag.
Die vier Jahreszeiten .
Markus Lüpertz.
Painting, Print, Sculpture
08.01.2021 – 04.02.2021
El Bocho.
Neue Arbeiten .
Painting, Print, Sculpture
01.12.2020 – 07.01.2021
Das kleine Format .
Gruppenausstellung mit Kleinformaten .
Painting, Print, Fotografie
30.10.2020 – 29.11.2020
Gruppenausstellung zu André Hunebelles "Fantomas" .
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
11.09.2020 – 25.10.2020
Immortal Beloved.
Painting, Print.
Portrait of Sylvia von Harden (Homage of Otto Dix),
Ultrachromdruck und Öl auf Leinwand,
120 x 87,3
16.07.2020 – 15.08.2020
Das Detail .
Stephen Chambers, Astrid Köhler.
Painting, Print
11.01.2019 – 10.02.2019
Berliner Wahrzeichen.
07.12.2018 – 06.01.2019
Pianoman und andere Songtitel.
Gruppenausstellung über Lieder. (Die Künstler der Galerie)
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Urban Art
28.09.2018 – 31.10.2018
American Editions.
Original Druckgrafiken aus Amerika und Europa.
Jim Dine, Chuck Close, David Hockney, Donald Sultan, Tom Slaughter, John Giorno, Ross Bleckner, Alex Katz, Joe Andoe.
07.09.2018 – 30.09.2018
Urban Art.
Eliot, Ewen Gur, El Bocho, Thomas Baumgärtel, Loomit.
Urban Art
18.08.2018 – 04.09.2018
40 Jahre Raab Galerie.
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
29.06.2018 – 18.08.2018
El Bocho , Astrid Köhler, Nina Maron,
Painting, Print, Urban Art
01.06.2018 – 25.06.2018
Hommage an David Hockney.
Nuno Raminhos.
27.04.2018 – 26.05.2018
When People Meet.
Mari Kim.
Painting, Print
17.03.2018 – 21.04.2018
Thomas Baumgärtel, El Bocho , K.H. Hödicke, Daniel Maria Thurau, Hubertus Giebe, Ewen Gur, Nuno Raminhos, Francesco De Molfetta, Astrid Köhler, Nina Maron,
Painting, Print, Sculpture
21.02.2018 – 13.03.2018
Gestern im Vorübergehen.
Stephanus Heidacker.
Kunst und Schmuck.
Sonderveranstaltung am 2. Adventsamstag mit einer Schmuckpräsentation von Dr. Katrin Ollech.
25.11.2017 – 28.11.2017
Jubiläumsausstellung . 75 Jahre.
Rosa von Praunheim, Elfi Mikesch, Juwelia, Gustav von Hirschheydt, Michael Pflästerer,
u.a. .
Painting, Print, Fotografie, Media Art, Mixed
11.11.2017 – 03.01.2018
Goldene Zeiten.
El Bocho.
Painting, Print, Sculpture, Urban Art
13.10.2017 – 07.11.2017
Revised 2017
09.09.2017 – 11.10.2017
Mari Kim, Astrid Köhler, Nuno Raminhos,
u.a. (Gruppenausstellung).
Painting, Print, Urban Art, Mixed