Kalckreuthstr. 15

Berlin South

Opening hours

Tu–Fr 14–18h, Sa 11–16h

31.03.2023 – 20.05.2023 Ultramar. Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Fotografie. Repro Ultramar-SC441, Jaime Sicilia, 2023, Acryl und Pigment auf Holz, Rahmen aus geöltem Nussbaumholz, 100 x 100 cm, Photo: Jaime Sicilia

Beauty repairs.

This is the concept that guides the development of the work of artist and architect Jaime Sicilia (Madrid 1970, Spain). As an artist he works on multidisciplinary projects with painting, sculpture, photography and video. His work is a reflection on colour, light, matter, space and time. Nature is primarily the subject and this is offered as a contemplative experience.