Upcoming Events
The ROOT Gallery is a gallery for explorers. Its main aim is to present artists outside the mainstream. To achieve this, the ROOT Gallery works closely with the Academy of Painting in Berlin. This guarantees high quality at attractive prices. The exhibition concept stages dialogues between contemporary painting and sculpture.
Galerie ROOT
Schillerstr. 34, Vorderhaus, Parterre, B 10627
Berlin West
M: +49.157.50171807
F: +49.30.45086100
Tu 10–12:30 and 16–19h, We 10–13h, Th 12:30–13:30 and 14–18h
Freitags von 20 - 22 Uhr, wenn Öffentliche Präsentationen an der Akademie für Malerei Berlin sind (bitte erfragen)