
until 16.11. The Unsaid. Carina Linge. Fotografie. Repro Die Übersetzering (Tableau C. L.), Carina Linge, 2024, C-Print auf Dibond, 100 x 150 cm

Atmospherically and symbolically charged photographs, presented in multi-part image tableaux, are characteristic of Carina Linge's artistic approach. With her latest works, the Leipzig-based artist continues her series of psychogram-like portraits of selected female artists. Profound emotional worlds become visible in Carina Linge's perfectly staged still lifes and body paintings. Losses, changes and the challenges of new phases of life are tangible in many different ways. 


Jarmuschek + Partner has been representing contemporary artists since 2004 and shows their works in Berlin, at external exhibition projects and at international art fairs. Many of the works presented move in a tension field between figurative-representational and abstraction, the focus is also on painting and the medium of paper. In addition to the long-standing collaboration with the artists of the gallery, also young positions are discovered and promoted.


07.12. – 25.01.2025 solo show. Patrick Cierpka. Painting


12.09. – 15.09. Positions Berlin Art Fair. MALWINE STAUSS, Elisa Manig, Patrick Cierpka, Katharina Stadler, Carina Linge, Janis Sneiders, Majla Zeneli. (Flughafen Tempelhof – Hangar 6+7, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Etching, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie. Repro Fall in Love, Katharina Stadler, 2024, Acryl auf Baumwolle (vernähnt), 190 x 210 cm
24.08. – 02.10. So sieht Sie der Kunde. Petra Lottje. Work on Paper, Drawing, Media Art. Repro Das Mitarbeiterfest, Petra Lottje, 2024, Acryl und Kohle auf Papier, 125 x 300 cm (Detail)

With her latest works, Petra Lottje presents us an artistically condensed personal view of a place steeped in tradition that symbolizes the changes in our society. With dynamic strokes, she creates individual portraits, group constellations and atmospherically charged places of action, which as key moments can shed light on our everyday coexistence, our working and living realities.

09.07. – 10.08. Half Light. Majla Zeneli. Print, Work on Paper, Installation. Repro o.T. (Here, where light is.), Majla Zeneli, 2022, Mezzotinto-Druck, 10,4 x 8,4 cm

Diffuse blurs, geometric-abstract forms and complex collages - Majla Zeneli always creates touching visual worlds that allow us as viewers to immerse ourselves, linger and think ahead. In the interplay of patterns, layers and variables, the artist focuses on the light in her latest works. Contrasts of light and dark, black and white in all their facets and mergers up to text passages and letters lead into a multi-layered meditation on emptiness, the hidden, origins and eternities.

25.05. – 29.06. Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört, der weiß, wie Wolken schmecken. Oliver Gröne. Painting. Repro Birkenstämme, Oliver Gröne, 2023, Öl auf Leinwand, 220 x 145 cm

the radical achievements of European art history always are the basis and starting point for Oliver Grönes' painting, which for him is a form of organising space and a search for a visual essence of our world. He is not interested in the pretended illusion of a specific place or object, but in showing us something essential in order to enable us to locate ourselves in the pictorial space we have imagined.

25.04. – 28.04. paper positions berlin. David Eager Maher, Petra Lottje. (Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Französische Str. 33a-c, 10117 Berlin) Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing. Repro Wind Breaker, David Eager Maher, 2023, collage, oil on paper, 42 x 29,7 cm
16.03. – 08.05. Erdlinge. Malwine Stauss. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Sculpture. Repro BUBBLE, Malwine Stauss, 2024, clay (fired and glazed), 25 x 22 x 10 cm
14.10.2023 – 25.11.2023 Children & Flowers. David Eager Maher. Painting, Print. Repro Partition, David Eager Maher, 2023, Öl, Aquarell und Collage auf Papier, 42 x 29,7 cm

The works by the Irish artist David Eager Maher (*1979 in Dublin) are complex encounters in form and content. His collages of found papers, further developed with painting, drawing and text, open up entire worlds to the beholder, which spatially intertwine, overlap in time and merge thematically in a surreal manner.

15.09.2023 – 16.09.2023 special presentation. Ashkan Sanei. Print. Repro untitled (A quote from a Poem), Ashkan Sanei, 2021, mixed media on paper, 50 x 70 cm

Jarmuschek + Partner presents a special show by the Iranian artist Ashkan Sanei (*1985) in the gallery's Cabinet Room.

14.09.2023 – 17.09.2023 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 5 - 6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Katharina Stadler, Elisa Manig, Faisal Habibi. Painting, Print, Sculpture
02.09.2023 – 30.09.2023 1 : x ≤ ∞. Internal Topographies . Jānis Šneiders. Painting. Repro ft, Jānis Šneiders, 2023, Bleistift, Öl auf Leinwand, gespannt auf Holz, 24 x 18 cm

Worlds open up in the paintings of the Latvian artist Jānis Šneiders (*1995). The fine lines of his single-point perspective grids get lost in the impenetrable depth of shadows and darkness. The high-contrast pictorial spaces created with few means seem at once clear and mysterious, highly objective and extremely dramatic. Without any scale or context, they leave us reeling between inner and outer infinities.

01.07.2023 – 26.08.2023 J+1. group show. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Media Art

Jarmuschek + Partner präsentiert mit J+ 1 eine besondere Ausstellung: Jede:r der Künstler:innen des Galerieprogramms stellt nicht nur ein aktuelles eigenes Werk, sondern auch einen ausgewählten Gast vor. Jede dieser Konstellationen verrät dabei auch Persönliches über die einladenden Künstler:innen und öffnet individuelle Perspektiven auf ihre künstlerischen Positionen. Gegenseitige Bezüge können dabei genauso zu beobachten sein wie geteilte künstlerische Auffassungen oder geführte Diskurse.

13.05.2023 – 17.06.2023 Happy-Go-Lucky. Katharina Stadler. Painting. Repro Overcome/Sunshower, Katharina Stadler, 2023, Acryl auf Baumwolle (vernäht), 145 x 170 cm

The high-contrast, bold colors of shadowy shapes and surfaces run along the fabric fields delimited by seams in Katharina Stadler's (*1995 in Oberhausen) object-like paintings. Each play of color and form is able to reach the viewer immediately on an emotional level and evoke pipe-chess-like associations. Yet in their interconnection, the sewn and painted cotton pieces are complex collages that challenge and puzzle...

27.04.2023 – 30.04.2023 paper positions berlin. (Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Französische Str. 33a-c, 10117 Berlin) Painting, Print
01.04.2023 – 06.05.2023 Nectar of Ruins. Troels Carlsen. Painting, Print. Repro Nectar of Ruins, Troels Carlsen, 2023, Acryl auf anatomischem Druck, 35 x 26,5 cm

By combining antiquarian drawings of human anatomy with vivid and colourful animal paintings, the Danish artist Troels Carlsen (*1973) mixes the supposedly contradictory. In an associative, condensed and at the same time playful manner, he thus opens up a multi-layered and constantly intertwining dialogue between life and death, culture and nature, history and fantasy in his collages.

16.02.2023 – 22.03.2023 Coexist 2010-2022. Franziska Stünkel. (CSR.ART – Contemporary Show Room, Friedrichstr. 67-70 / Quartier 205, 10117 Berlin) Fotografie. Repro all the stories 15, Franziska Stünkel, 2012, Diasec, 148 x 222 cm

In search of natural reflections on glass, which in their condensation tell of the coexistence of human life, Franziska Stünkel has been traveling for over thirteen years with her Leica through numerous countries and continents. Charged to the highest complexity, her atmospheric and at the same time documentary photographs are the visualization of the commonalities and contrasts that exist in our diversely networked world at all times.


14.02.2023 – 25.03.2023 Coexist. Local Global. Franziska Stünkel. Fotografie. Repro all the stories 146, Franziska Stünkel, 2022

In search of natural reflections on glass, which in their condensation tell of the coexistence of human life, Franziska Stünkel has been traveling with her Leica through numerous countries and continents. Charged to the highest complexity, her atmospheric and at the same time documentary photographs are the visualization of the commonalities and contrasts that exist in our diversely networked world at all times. Jarmuschek + Partner gallery presents the artist's latest works.

10.12.2022 – 04.02.2023 Time Goes By. Helena Hafemann. Sculpture, Textile art. Repro The mapping project Nr. 53, Helena Hafemann, 2022, Papier, Garn, 10 x 10 cm

Helena Hafemann (*1997 in Wiesbaden) finds countless things in our consumption-oriented society that are useful and yet mean little to us. Discarded items and those doomed to be ignored she emphatically brings into our field of vision through meticulous handicraft interventions, thus takes the previous purpose of the objects ad absurdum and makes us intensely aware of their pictoriality, materiality and formal nature.

03.12.2022 – 11.02.2023 Solo Show. Helena Hafemann. Sculpture, Textile art
08.10.2022 – 26.11.2022 Nachsommer. Carina Linge. Fotografie. Repro Lass leuchten Dein Antlitz Serie „More than the sum of its parts“, Carina Linge, 2021, C-Print auf Dibond, 150 x 100 cm

For the development of her current photographic series Nachsommer, the Leipzig-based artist Carina Linge was a guest in a special house: In the medieval environment of the now Protestant monastery Lüne, she portrayed three conventual women. Personal realities and inner states of the protagonists play a role in the newly created, atmospherically charged images, as does the place, which is charged with traditions and stories.

15.09.2022 – 18.09.2022 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof, Hangar 5-6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
15.09.2022 – 18.09.2022 Amtsalon Berlin . (Amtsalon Berlin, Kantstraße 79, 10627 Berlin) Elisa Manig. Sculpture
23.07.2022 – 24.09.2022 Layers. Eric Mangen, Artjom Chepovetskyy. Painting, Print. Repro Right: Artjom Chepovetskyy, 2 (12), 2021, mixed media on chiffon, 50 x 40 cm (detail), Left: Eric Mangen, Vernissage II, 2021, acrylic on torn advertising posters, 80 x 120 cm (detail)

In the powerful urbanity of Eric Mangen's (*1983 in Luxemburg) poster works as well as in the delicate materiality of Artjom Chepovetskyy's (*1984 in Odessa) works lurk fundamental questions about painting and an exploration of the limits of pictorial genesis. Layer by layer, this painterly dialogue makes it possible to dive through various degrees of abstraction into individually experienceable pictorial spaces.... 

23.06.2022 – 16.07.2022 J+ 1. group show
28.04.2022 – 01.05.2022 paper positions berlin. Faisal Habibi, Malwine Strauss, Majla Zeneli. (Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Französische Straße 33 a – c, 10117 Berlin) Painting, Print. Repro untitled (I'm ready), Malwine Stauss, 2022, Aquarell auf Papier, 30,5 x 24,5 cm

At paper positions berlin 2022, Jarmuschek + Partner presents the latest drawings by Faisal Habibi, watercolors by Malwine Stauss, and abstract mezzotint prints by Majla Zeneli at booth #41.

22.04.2022 – 04.06.2022 Accurate Glitch. Five artists from the class of Prof. Thomas Scheibitz of the Dusseldorf Art Academy. Filip Gudović, Luc Palmer, Katharina Stadler, Andreas Steinbrecher, Denise Werth. Painting, Sculpture.

From April 22 to June 4, Jarmuschek + Partner presents five artists from the class of Prof. Thomas Scheibitz of the Kunstakademie Dusseldorf. Under the title "Accurate Glitch", paintings and three-dimensional works by Filip Gudović, Luc Palmer, Katharina Stadler, Andreas Steinbrecher and Denise Werth will be shown.

25.03.2022 – 16.04.2022 Schweben, Stürzen, Fliegen. Elisa Manig. Print, Sculpture. Repro Feder, Elisa Manig, 2022, steel, 16 × 21 × 16 cm, Photo: ©Elisa Manig

The Hamburg-based artist Elisa Manig puts us in an intense state of physical and sensual engagement. Like in a whirl, we try to orient ourselves and to fathom the relationship of her works to the surrounding space, but again and again we encounter irritations and supposedly impossible constellations in which weight, gravity, tension and dynamics seem to follow new laws. 

16.10.2021 – 18.12.2021 En Route. Sabine Banovic. Painting, Print, Media Art. Repro Bermuda, Sabine Banovic, 2021, Tusche und Marker auf Leinwand, 60 x 50 cm

Jarmuschek + Partner presents new works by the Berlin-based artist Sabine Banovic in a solo show.

Further information:

26.06.2021 – 18.09.2021 Stretch & Fold. Faisal Habibi. Painting, Sculpture

Zum erstem Mal präsentiert Jarmuschek + Partner die Werke des indonesischen Künstlers Faisal Habibi in einer Einzelausstellung in Europa. 

Weitere Infos:

21.05.2021 – 05.06.2021 Spotlights
09.03.2021 – 17.04.2021 Dans mon lit. Inga Kerber, Corinne von Lebusa. Painting, Print. Repro Demoiselle dans les Plantes (poses variés) ) & Hello Doc, Inga Kerber & Corinne von Lebusa, 2020 / 2019

With "Dans mon lit" Jarmuschek + Partner gallery presents current works by the Leipzig-based artists Inga Kerber and Corinne von Lebusa. 

Further information:

17.10.2020 – 14.11.2020 New Age of Dissent . im Rahmen des Europäischen Monats der Fotografie Berlin 2020 . Carina Linge. Fotografie
12.09.2020 – 10.10.2020 Comedia. Troels Carlsen. Painting, Print
10.09.2020 – 13.09.2020 paper positions berlin. (Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 4) Sabine Banovic, Petra Lottje, Majla Zeneli, Michael Merkel. Print
10.09.2020 – 13.09.2020 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 4) Oliver Gröne, Carina Linge, Moritz Schleime. Painting
28.03.2020 – 20.06.2020 Dividuum. Petra Lottje. Print
29.02.2020 – 14.03.2020 Coexist. Franziska Stünkel. Fotografie
16.11.2019 – 11.01.2020 Remix. Patrick Cierpka. Painting
14.09.2019 – 02.11.2019 Painters Corner. Moritz Schleime. Painting
12.09.2019 – 15.09.2019 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Positions Berlin Art Fair | Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof, Hangar 4) Sabine Banovic, Oliver Gröne, Charlene Hahne, Majla Zeneli. Painting, Print, Sculpture
27.04.2019 – 25.05.2019 Kabinett. Oliver Gröne. Painting
25.04.2019 – 28.04.2019 paper positions berlin 2019. (Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Französische Straße 33a-c, 10117 Berlin) Sabine Banovic, David Eager Maher, Majla Zeneli. Print
07.03.2019 – 13.04.2019 Sacri Monti. Michael Merkel. Painting, Print
03.11.2018 – 15.12.2018 Dream Head. David Eager Maher. Painting, Print
29.09.2018 – 27.10.2018 a primo ad extremum . Carina Linge. Sculpture, Fotografie
27.09.2018 – 30.09.2018 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof, Hangar 4) TROELS CARLSEN, OLIVER GRÖNE, CHARLENE HAHNE, PETRA LOTTJE. Painting, Print
28.04.2018 – 16.06.2018 Atlas. Troels Carlsen. Painting, Print, Sculpture
26.04.2018 – 29.04.2018 Paper Positions Berlin 2018. (Jägerstraße 42-44, 10117 Berlin) David Eager Maher, Petra Lottje, Michael Merkel, Troels Carlsen. Painting, Print
10.03.2018 – 14.04.2018 Outerside. CHARLENE HAHNE. Painting
09.12.2017 – 10.02.2018 Moment. Sabine Banovic, Patrick Cierpka, Marion Eichmann, Christel Fetzer, Marc Fromm, Oliver Gröne, Bertram Hasenauer, Oliver Lanz, Carina Linge, Berit Myreboe, u.v.m.. Painting, Print, Textile art, Mixed


Potsdamer Str. 81 A, 2nd floor, B 10785

Berlin South

T: +49.30.28599070

Tu–Sa 11–18h

Special opening hours Berlin Art Week

Fr 11–21h