Upcoming Events

Vernissage 31.10., 19h–23h
Vernissage 09.01., 19h–23h


until 26.10. blau. Constanze Vogt. Work on Paper, Drawing, Installation, Textile art. Repro o. T. (spira) #13, Constanze Vogt, 2024, Fineliner auf Papier, 84,1 x 59,4 cm, Photo: Constanze Vogt

In her process-oriented work, Constanze Vogt explores material transformations and translations between media such as drawing, Object and Text. Using straight lines and flat surfaces as a departure point, Vogt creates three-dimensional organic shapes in form of drawings, textiles and paper objects. Reminiscent of abstract bodies, knots or Möbius strips, they challenge notions of linear temporality. In a perpetual movement of translation, the different works refer to each other associatively.


In order to bring an open-minded public into dialogue with young and innovative artists, we deliberately chose the gallery location Berlin-Schöneberg in summer 2008. Here we tie in with hundred-year-old art traditions as well as with very current developments of gallery clusters.


01.11. – 04.01.2025 Jens Rausch. Painting. Repro Durchforsteter Schwarzwald, Jens Rausch, 2023, Öl, Asche, Pflanzenteile, Bitumen, Kalk, Erden auf Leinwand, 170 x 120 x 6 cm, Photo: Jens Rausch

Jens Rausch, * 1976, Fulda (Hessen), Germany, lives and works in Schlitz. In his works, Jens Rausch deals with natural flows and cycles, all completely within the sense of the principle of recycling. His artistic-artificial process involves the use of such materials as ash, bitumen, rust, fire and soot. That is, those materials which themselves originate from transformation processes or which trigger these. An element of chance plays an important role in this as there is a limit to the extent to which the triggered, and partly ongoing, processes can be managed and controlled. His works use artistic dialogue to unite the artificially-triggered and naturally-ongoing processes into a complex unity and, in doing so, correlate these with the respective pictorial motif.

10.01.2025 – 08.03.2025 in Planung


12.09. – 15.09. Positions Berlin Art Fair. Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Jens Rausch, Jaime Sicilia, HALFA (Detlef Halfa). (Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 6 - 7, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture, Light Art, Fotografie. Repro Lichtbild #969, Jakob Kupfer, 2023, Pigment, Wachs auf Papier, Alu Dibond, Rahmen, 102 x 100 cm, Photo: Jakob Kupfer
12.07. – 31.08. mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, HALFA, Tina Heuter, Claudia Kallscheuer, Jakob Kupfer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Jaime Sicilia, und Gäste. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture, Textile art, Light Art, Fotografie. Repro NELKE LACHS, Andrea Esswein, 2023, Copygramm, Papier auf Holzkörper, Lack, Unikat, 24 x 18 x 3 cm, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

Once a year we show the artists of the gallery who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year with guest artist Andrea Esswein from Wiesbaden. This gives you the opportunity to discover something new and at the same time to participate in the current developments of our artists. You can look forward to the individual positions and the dialog in the juxtaposition.

12.07. – 31.08. mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, HALFA, Tina Heuter, Claudia Kallscheuer, Jakob Kupfer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Jaime Sicilia, und Gäste. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture, Textile art, Light Art, Fotografie. Repro aus der Serie Landschaft #2323, Katharina Schnitzler, 2023, Mischtechnik auf Stoff auf Leinwand, 50 x 60 cm, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

Once a year we show the artists of the gallery who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year with guest artist Andrea Esswein from Wiesbaden. This gives you the opportunity to discover something new and at the same time to participate in the current developments of our artists. You can look forward to the individual positions and the dialog in the juxtaposition.

12.07. – 31.08. mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, HALFA, Tina Heuter, Claudia Kallscheuer, Jakob Kupfer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Jaime Sicilia, und Gäste. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture, Textile art, Light Art, Fotografie. Repro Paisaje ultramar (JS500/JS501), Jaime Sicilia, 2023, Acryl und Öl auf Leinwand, Rahmen Walnussholz, geölt, 130 x 160 cm, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

Once a year we show the artists of the gallery who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year with guest artist Andrea Esswein from Wiesbaden. This gives you the opportunity to discover something new and at the same time to participate in the current developments of our artists. You can look forward to the individual positions and the dialog in the juxtaposition.

12.07. – 31.08. mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, HALFA, Tina Heuter, Claudia Kallscheuer, Jakob Kupfer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Jaime Sicilia, und Gäste. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture, Textile art, Light Art, Fotografie. Repro Dream, Tina Heuter, 2023, Bronze, 90 cm, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

Once a year we show the artists of the gallery who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year with guest artist Andrea Esswein from Wiesbaden. This gives you the opportunity to discover something new and at the same time to participate in the current developments of our artists. You can look forward to the individual positions and the dialog in the juxtaposition.

12.07. – 31.08. mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, HALFA, Tina Heuter, Claudia Kallscheuer, Jakob Kupfer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Jaime Sicilia, und Gäste. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture, Textile art, Light Art, Fotografie. Repro Wandlung Philharmonie Berlin 2, Marc Dittrich, 2024, verwobenen Tintenstrahlprints, Karton, Papier, Rahmen, 80 x 78 x 3 cm (Rahmen 103 x 88 x 5,5 cm), Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

Once a year we show the artists of the gallery who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year with guest artist Andrea Esswein from Wiesbaden. This gives you the opportunity to discover something new and at the same time to participate in the current developments of our artists. You can look forward to the individual positions and the dialog in the juxtaposition.

17.05. – 06.07. Kohärenz. Ulrich Haug, Thomas Röthel. Painting, Sculpture, Installation, Mixed. Repro Gemeinschaftsarbeit #24.03, Ulrich Haug, Thomas Röthel, 2024, Stahl, Parafin, 9 x 112 x 6 cm, Photo: Ulrich Haug
25.04. – 28.04. paper positions berlin. Marc Dittrich. (Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Französische Str. 33a-c, 10117 Berlin) Work on Paper, Fotografie. Repro Wandlung Shellhaus, Marc Dittrich, 2022, verwobene Laserprints, Holz, Papier, 360 x 110 x 40 cm, Photo: Marc Dittrich

For his photo sculptures, Dittrich cuts his own photographs of modern high-rise facades into strips and weaves them into new architectural surfaces. The interweaving creates an offset in the motif, shifting the original grid of the façade. Material and motif combine to form a new architecture-like sculpture, a surreal hybrid of sober documentation and dynamic structure, in stark contrast to the geometry of the original motifs.

22.03. – 11.05. Ins Freie. Michael Schuster. Work on Paper, Installation, Mixed. Repro Lichtgestalt #03, Michael Schuster, 2024, Laub auf Papier, 120 x 100 cm, Photo: Michael Schuster

Schuster exhibits works on paper, small sculptures and wall installations made from fragile dried, pressed leaves. He cuts these out and applies them to paper or positions them in the room. Photographs, mostly snapshots originating from his private family album, serve as samples and his starting point.

26.01. – 16.03. Linien Formen Flächen. Anica Hauswald, Gisoo Kim, Ines Schaikowski. Painting, Work on Paper, Textile art, Fotografie. Repro lines and space 6, Gisoo Kim, 2023, Gestickt auf Fotocollage, 30 x 31 cm, Photo: Gisoo Kim

Just as music has its tones and signs, language its sounds and scripts, visual art also has its design and formal elements. In addition to colour and materials, these include lines, shapes and surfaces. Anica Hauswald, Gisoo Kim and Ines Schaikowski each utilise these design elements in their own unique way. Be it the embroidered and holding together lines, the transformations in repetition or the graphically arranged surfaces that seem to dissolve and start moving again.

26.01. – 16.03. Linien Formen Flächen. Anica Hauswald, Gisoo Kim, Ines Schaikowski. Painting, Work on Paper, Textile art, Fotografie. Repro Ohne Titel, Ines Schaikowski, 2018, Beton, Karton, 15 x 21 x 15 cm, Photo: Ines Schaikowski

Just as music has its tones and signs, language its sounds and scripts, visual art also has its design and formal elements. In addition to colour and materials, these include lines, shapes and surfaces. Anica Hauswald, Gisoo Kim and Ines Schaikowski each utilise these design elements in their own unique way. Be it the embroidered and holding together lines, the transformations in repetition or the graphically arranged surfaces that seem to dissolve and start moving again.

26.01. – 16.03. Linien Formen Flächen. Anica Hauswald, Gisoo Kim, Ines Schaikowski. Painting, Work on Paper, Textile art, Fotografie. Repro Dinner mit Bordeaux, Anica Hauswald, 2020, Handgeknüpftes Kunstfell und Öl auf Leinwand, 90 x 70 cm, Photo: Ben Hermanni

Just as music has its tones and signs, language its sounds and scripts, visual art also has its design and formal elements. In addition to colour and materials, these include lines, shapes and surfaces. Anica Hauswald, Gisoo Kim and Ines Schaikowski each utilise these design elements in their own unique way. Be it the embroidered and holding together lines, the transformations in repetition or the graphically arranged surfaces that seem to dissolve and start moving again.

10.11.2023 – 20.01. Between. Tina Heuter. Sculpture. Repro Between, Tina Heuter, 2023, Beton, Neonschrift, 80 cm (120 cm), Photo: Urs Kuckertz

The human being is central of Tina Heuter's work. For more than a quarter of a century, the artist has been working on forms of expression that capture his existence and on constantly rediscovering the ancient theme of sculpture: human as an acrobat, as an angel, in everyday life, with animals or as a classical standing figure. The image of mankind that Tina Heuter forms in her sculptures is as varied as the many ways in which he may be viewed.

Dr. Sabine Ziegenrücker

14.09.2023 – 17.09.2023 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 5 - 6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Tina Heuter, Gisoo Kim, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Print, Sculpture
01.09.2023 – 04.11.2023 Auf Wunder warten. Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler. Painting, Print, Drawing, Watercolor, Sculpture. Repro NO WAR PEACE # 2226, Katharina Schnitzler, 2022, Mischtechnik auf Leinwand, 110 x 110 cm, Photo: Eric Tschernow
14.07.2023 – 26.08.2023 mianki & friends. Mechthild Ehmann, Halfa , Ulrich Haug, Claudia Kallscheuer, Gisoo Kim, Christophe Laudamiel, Jens Rausch, Ines Schaikowski, Michael Schuster, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Mixed. Repro OT (Masse), Ines Schaikowski, 2022, Wandobjekt aus Kosmetiktüchern und Kordel, 160 x 25 x 25 cm, Photo: Rolf Hellmeier

It’s summer and with it the time for our exhibition series mianki & friends in which we show the artists of the gallery once a year who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year we have invited the artists Mechthild Ehmann from Dachsberg (Südschwarzwald) and Ines Schaikowski from Wriezen (Brandenburg).

14.07.2023 – 26.08.2023 mianki & friends. Mechthild Ehmann, Halfa , Ulrich Haug, Claudia Kallscheuer, Gisoo Kim, Christophe Laudamiel, Jens Rausch, Ines Schaikowski, Michael Schuster, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Adelante, Mechthild Ehmann, 2023, Massivglas, geschliffen, poliert, Unikat, 28 x 25 x 15 cm, Photo: Mechthild Ehmann

It’s summer and with it the time for our exhibition series mianki & friends in which we show the artists of the gallery once a year who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year we have invited the artists Mechthild Ehmann from Dachsberg (Südschwarzwald) and Ines Schaikowski from Wriezen (Brandenburg).

26.05.2023 – 08.07.2023 Reflexion. Jakob Kupfer. Painting, Fotografie, Textile art. Repro Lichtbild #228, Jakob Kupfer, 2021, Pigment, Wachs auf Papier, Aludibond, 102 x 100 cm, Photo: Jakob Kupfer

Jakob Kupfer's light pictures are snapshots of light in the space between us and things. They make the light visible on its way from the reflecting object to the perceiving subject. The multiform traces of colour and light form resonance spaces in which we can experience what happens to our perception as soon as we let ourselves in on the pure flow of light without explanatory contours.

26.05.2023 – 08.07.2023 Reflexion. Jakob Kupfer. Painting, Fotografie, Textile art. Repro Lichtbild #024, Jakob Kupfer, 2023, Pigment, Wachs auf Papier, Aludibond, 102 x 100 cm, Photo: Jakob Kupfer

Jakob Kupfer's light pictures are snapshots of light in the space between us and things. They make the light visible on its way from the reflecting object to the perceiving subject. The multiform traces of colour and light form resonance spaces in which we can experience what happens to our perception as soon as we let ourselves in on the pure flow of light without explanatory contours.

26.05.2023 – 08.07.2023 Reflexion. Jakob Kupfer. Painting, Fotografie, Textile art. Repro Lichtbild #969, Jakob Kupfer, 2023, Pigment, Wachs auf Papier, Aludibond, 102 x 100 cm, Photo: Jakob Kupfer

Jakob Kupfer's light pictures are snapshots of light in the space between us and things. They make the light visible on its way from the reflecting object to the perceiving subject. The multiform traces of colour and light form resonance spaces in which we can experience what happens to our perception as soon as we let ourselves in on the pure flow of light without explanatory contours.

26.05.2023 – 08.07.2023 Reflexion. Jakob Kupfer. Painting, Fotografie, Textile art. Repro Lichtbild #257, Jakob Kupfer, 2023, Pigment, Wachs auf Papier, Aludibond, 102 x 100 cm, Photo: Jakob Kupfer

Jakob Kupfer's light pictures are snapshots of light in the space between us and things. They make the light visible on its way from the reflecting object to the perceiving subject. The multiform traces of colour and light form resonance spaces in which we can experience what happens to our perception as soon as we let ourselves in on the pure flow of light without explanatory contours.

26.05.2023 – 08.07.2023 Reflexion. Jakob Kupfer. Painting, Fotografie, Textile art. Repro Lichtbild #230, Jakob Kupfer, 2023, Pigment, Wachs auf Papier, Aludibond, 102 x 100 cm, Photo: Jakob Kupfer

Jakob Kupfer's light pictures are snapshots of light in the space between us and things. They make the light visible on its way from the reflecting object to the perceiving subject. The multiform traces of colour and light form resonance spaces in which we can experience what happens to our perception as soon as we let ourselves in on the pure flow of light without explanatory contours.

27.04.2023 – 30.04.2023 paper positions berlin. Gisoo Kim. (Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Französische Str. 33a-c, 10117 Berlin) Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Baumäste, Gisoo Kim, 2022, gestickt auf Fotocollage, 100 x 70 cm, Photo: Gisoo Kim
31.03.2023 – 20.05.2023 Ultramar. Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Fotografie. Repro Ultramar-SC441, Jaime Sicilia, 2023, Acryl und Pigment auf Holz, Rahmen aus geöltem Nussbaumholz, 100 x 100 cm, Photo: Jaime Sicilia

Beauty repairs.

This is the concept that guides the development of the work of artist and architect Jaime Sicilia (Madrid 1970, Spain). As an artist he works on multidisciplinary projects with painting, sculpture, photography and video. His work is a reflection on colour, light, matter, space and time. Nature is primarily the subject and this is offered as a contemplative experience.

31.03.2023 – 20.05.2023 Ultramar. Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Fotografie. Repro Ultramar-SC442, Jaime Sicilia, 2023, Acryl und Pigment auf Holz, Rahmen aus geöltem Nussbaumholz, 100 x 100 cm, Photo: Jaime Sicilia

Beauty repairs.

This is the concept that guides the development of the work of artist and architect Jaime Sicilia (Madrid 1970, Spain). As an artist he works on multidisciplinary projects with painting, sculpture, photography and video. His work is a reflection on colour, light, matter, space and time. Nature is primarily the subject and this is offered as a contemplative experience.

31.03.2023 – 20.05.2023 Ultramar. Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Fotografie. Repro My amazonic journey, Jaime Sicilia, 2022, Geätzte Messingplatte und Tusche, gerahmt, je 25 × 18 × 2 cm, Photo: Jaime Sicilia

Beauty repairs.

This is the concept that guides the development of the work of artist and architect Jaime Sicilia (Madrid 1970, Spain). As an artist he works on multidisciplinary projects with painting, sculpture, photography and video. His work is a reflection on colour, light, matter, space and time. Nature is primarily the subject and this is offered as a contemplative experience.

31.03.2023 – 20.05.2023 Ultramar. Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Fotografie. Repro Amapolas blanca, Jaime Sicilia, 2021, Fotografie, pig. Tinte auf Baumwollpapier, Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308, gerahmt, 30 x 22 cm, Photo: Jaime Sicilia

Beauty repairs.

This is the concept that guides the development of the work of artist and architect Jaime Sicilia (Madrid 1970, Spain). As an artist he works on multidisciplinary projects with painting, sculpture, photography and video. His work is a reflection on colour, light, matter, space and time. Nature is primarily the subject and this is offered as a contemplative experience.

27.01.2023 – 25.03.2023 Versatzstücke. Marc Dittrich. Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Wandlung Shellhaus, Marc Dittrich, 2022, verwobene Laserprints, Holz, Papier, 230 x 110 x 40 cm (Ausschnitt), Photo: Marc Dittrich

For his photo sculptures, Marc Dittrich cuts his own photographs of modern skyscraper facades into fine strips and weaves them into new architectural surfaces. When the prints are interwoven, an offset is created in the motif, the original grid of the facade is shifted in itself. Material and motif combine to form a new architecture-like sculpture, a surreal hybrid of sober documentation and dynamic structure. This contrasts with the strict geometry of the original motifs.

11.11.2022 – 21.01.2023 Gleichgewicht Halten. Ulrich Haug. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro Gleichgewicht Halten, Ulrich Haug, 2021, Paraffin, Holzkohle, Acryl, 107 x 30 x 4 cm, Photo: Ulrich Haug

Ulrich Haug's works are image and object. They are plan and rectangular – thus reminiscent of the contours of paintings. At the same time, they unfold an object-like and sculptural presence in space.

11.11.2022 – 21.01.2023 Gleichgewicht Halten. Ulrich Haug. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro Gleichgewicht halten #22.12, Ulrich Haug, 2022, Paraffin, Holzkohle, Acryl, 73 x 161 x 7 cm, Photo: Foto: Nikolaus Fürcho, courtesy: mianki.Gallery

Ulrich Haug's works are image and object. They are plan and rectangular – thus reminiscent of the contours of paintings. At the same time, they unfold an object-like and sculptural presence in space.

11.11.2022 – 21.01.2023 Gleichgewicht Halten. Ulrich Haug. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro Gleichgewicht halten Geoden (Installation aus 19 Werken), Ulrich Haug, 2022, Paraffin, Holzkohle, Bienenwachs, Wabe, je ca. 24 x 33 x 7 cm, Photo: Foto: Nikolaus Fürcho, courtesy: mianki.Gallery

Ulrich Haug's works are image and object. They are plan and rectangular – thus reminiscent of the contours of paintings. At the same time, they unfold an object-like and sculptural presence in space.

15.09.2022 – 18.09.2022 Positions Berlin Art Fair. Tina Heuter, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. (Flughafen Tempelhof - Hangar 5 & 6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro Liegender, Tina Heuter, 2001, Bronze, 170 cm, Photo: Urs Kuckerts
15.09.2022 – 18.09.2022 Positions Berlin Art Fair. Tina Heuter, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. (Flughafen Tempelhof - Hangar 5 & 6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro MAR ORO PRUSIA, Jaime Sicilia, 2022, Acryl und Pigment auf Holzplatte, 100 x 100 cm, Photo: Jaime Sicilia
15.09.2022 – 18.09.2022 Positions Berlin Art Fair. Tina Heuter, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. (Flughafen Tempelhof - Hangar 5 & 6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro Lichtbild 2020/05, Michael Schuster, 2021, Laub auf Papier, 86 x 122 cm, Photo: Michael Schuster
15.09.2022 – 18.09.2022 Positions Berlin Art Fair. Tina Heuter, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. (Flughafen Tempelhof - Hangar 5 & 6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro Durchkämung, Jens Rausch, 2021, Öl, Sand, Erden und Bitumen auf Leinwand, 40 x 50 cm, Photo: Jens Rausch
02.09.2022 – 05.11.2022 Miles. Jens Rausch. Painting, Mixed. Repro Grenzgebiet, Jens Rausch, 2022, Öl, Kalk, Gips, Erden und Bitumen auf Leinwand, 90 x 100 cm, Photo: Jens Rausch
01.07.2022 – 27.08.2022 mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Maija Kurševa, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Black Line.Mirror, Maija Kurseva, 2022, Gouache, Acryl auf Papierausschnitten, 32 x 19 cm (Papier A3), Photo: Foto: Maija Kurseva, courtesy: Galerie Māksla XO

Summer is coming and with it the time for our exhibition series mianki & friends in which we show the artists of the gallery once a year who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year we have invited the artist Maija Kurseva from Riga, who caught our eye at the Ma–ksla XO Gallery, Riga. Look forward to the individual positions and the dialogue in juxtaposition with each other.

01.07.2022 – 27.08.2022 mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Maija Kurševa, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Serie Black Line, Maija Kurševa, 2022, Gouache, Acryl auf Papierausschnitten, Variabel, Photo: Photo: Foto: Maija Kurseva, courtesy: Galerie Māksla XO

Summer is coming and with it the time for our exhibition series mianki & friends in which we show the artists of the gallery once a year who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year we have invited the artist Maija Kurseva from Riga, who caught our eye at the Ma–ksla XO Gallery, Riga. Look forward to the individual positions and the dialogue in juxtaposition with each other.

01.07.2022 – 27.08.2022 mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Maija Kurševa, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro NO WAR PEACE #2212, Katharina Schnitzler, 2022, Mischtechnik auf Leinwand, 150 x 100 cm, Photo: Foto: Nikolaus Fürcho, courtesy: mianki.Gallery

Summer is coming and with it the time for our exhibition series mianki & friends in which we show the artists of the gallery once a year who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year we have invited the artist Maija Kurseva from Riga, who caught our eye at the Ma–ksla XO Gallery, Riga. Look forward to the individual positions and the dialogue in juxtaposition with each other.

01.07.2022 – 27.08.2022 mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Maija Kurševa, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro #enough, Tina Heuter, 2021, Beton, Neonschrift, 2-teilig, Auflage 9, 80 cm (ca. 120 cm), Photo: Foto: Nikolaus Fürcho, courtesy: mianki.Gallery

Summer is coming and with it the time for our exhibition series mianki & friends in which we show the artists of the gallery once a year who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year we have invited the artist Maija Kurseva from Riga, who caught our eye at the Ma–ksla XO Gallery, Riga. Look forward to the individual positions and the dialogue in juxtaposition with each other.

01.07.2022 – 27.08.2022 mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Maija Kurševa, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Wandlung Atelierturm Berlin, Marc Dittrich, 2021, verwobene Laserprints, Karton, Papier, Holz, 148 x 68 x 9 cm, Photo: Foto: Nikolaus Fürcho, courtesy: mianki.Gallery

Summer is coming and with it the time for our exhibition series mianki & friends in which we show the artists of the gallery once a year who are not represented with a solo exhibition in the respective exhibition year. This year we have invited the artist Maija Kurseva from Riga, who caught our eye at the Ma–ksla XO Gallery, Riga. Look forward to the individual positions and the dialogue in juxtaposition with each other.

13.05.2022 – 25.06.2022 Weisst du was?=Freitag. Claudia Kallscheuer. Painting, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro Kissen_LOVE..., Claudia Kallscheuer, 2022, Nessel, Baumwolle, Stickerei, Füllwatte und Fäden, 36 x 30 cm, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

Claudia Kallscheuer has an unusual way of expressing art – writing and drawing using the sewing machine, embroidery and sewing and sometimes just leaving threads hanging. Highlighting little things as valuable, things we mostly no longer appreciate. Claudia Kallscheuer transports the seemingly inconsequential, processual, repetitive, linked with calculated chaotic thread. The works obtain strong relevance through the implementation of embroidery.

25.03.2022 – 07.05.2022 Lines and Spaces. Gisoo Kim. Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro lines and spaces, Gisoo Kim, 2020, Fotocollage und Garn, 55 x 45 cm, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

With her photo collages, Gisoo Kim seeks to create new realities. She achieves this by assembling photographs of very different places and subjects manually – and by deliberately not using the computer or glue.

14.01.2022 – 19.03.2022 Im Moment. Michael Schuster. Painting, Print, Mixed. Repro Lichtbild 2021/05, Michael Schuster, 2021, Laub auf Papier, 100 x 140 cm, Photo: Michael Schuster

Michael Schuster‘s starting point: the photographically produced image. This is fellowed by reduction processes of the samples and the use of leaves to suggest the past release. These solve the photographs from their original context. Thus subjectivity and intimacy disappear. The result is an image: universal, independent and new – freed from the attempt to fabricate the present and reality.

14.01.2022 – 19.03.2022 Im Moment. Michael Schuster. Painting, Print, Mixed. Repro Ausstellungsansicht, Michael Schuster, 2022, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

Michael Schuster‘s starting point: the photographically produced image. This is fellowed by reduction processes of the samples and the use of leaves to suggest the past release. These solve the photographs from their original context. Thus subjectivity and intimacy disappear. The result is an image: universal, independent and new – freed from the attempt to fabricate the present and reality.

14.01.2022 – 19.03.2022 Im Moment. Michael Schuster. Painting, Print, Mixed. Repro Lichtbild 2021/01, Michael Schuster, 2022, Laub auf Papier, 60 x 80 cm, Photo: Michael Schuster

Michael Schuster‘s starting point: the photographically produced image. This is fellowed by reduction processes of the samples and the use of leaves to suggest the past release. These solve the photographs from their original context. Thus subjectivity and intimacy disappear. The result is an image: universal, independent and new – freed from the attempt to fabricate the present and reality.

14.01.2022 – 19.03.2022 Im Moment. Michael Schuster. Painting, Print, Mixed. Repro Lichtbild 2021/07, Michael Schuster, 2021, Laub auf Papier, 60 x 80 cm, Photo: Michael Schuster

Michael Schuster‘s starting point: the photographically produced image. This is fellowed by reduction processes of the samples and the use of leaves to suggest the past release. These solve the photographs from their original context. Thus subjectivity and intimacy disappear. The result is an image: universal, independent and new – freed from the attempt to fabricate the present and reality.

14.01.2022 – 19.03.2022 Im Moment. Michael Schuster. Painting, Print, Mixed. Repro Lichtbild 2020/04, Michael Schuster, 2021, Laub auf Papier, 86 x 122 cm, Photo: Michael Schuster

Michael Schuster‘s starting point: the photographically produced image. This is fellowed by reduction processes of the samples and the use of leaves to suggest the past release. These solve the photographs from their original context. Thus subjectivity and intimacy disappear. The result is an image: universal, independent and new – freed from the attempt to fabricate the present and reality.

29.10.2021 – 08.01.2022 Lichtbildner. Jakob Kupfer. Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art. Repro Lichtbild #519, Jakob Kupfer, 2021, Pigment, Wachs auf Papier, Aludibond, 102 x 100 cm, Photo: Jakob Kupfer

He is a photo painter in the best, traditional sense: in his photo paintings Jakob Kupfer creates compact works of art out of diffuse colour and light reflections. Kupfer does not merely depict things; rather, he lets the light itself live out its creative streak. Abstractness and permanent flux are essential qualities both of light in itself and of Jakob Kupfer’s works. His art affords us a peek inside the space between us and all things: the space where light is at play.

29.10.2021 – 08.01.2022 Lichtbildner. Jakob Kupfer. Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art. Repro Ausstellungsansicht, Jakob Kupfer, 2021, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

He is a photo painter in the best, traditional sense: in his photo paintings Jakob Kupfer creates compact works of art out of diffuse colour and light reflections. Kupfer does not merely depict things; rather, he lets the light itself live out its creative streak. Abstractness and permanent flux are essential qualities both of light in itself and of Jakob Kupfer’s works. His art affords us a peek inside the space between us and all things: the space where light is at play.

09.09.2021 – 12.09.2021 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Flughafen Tempelhof - Hangar 5 & 6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Marc Dittrich, Tina Heuter, Gisoo Kim, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
27.08.2021 – 23.10.2021 Difference of Waiting. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Tina Heuter. Sculpture. Repro difference of waiting #2, Tina Heuter, 2020, Bronze, Beton, Glas, 30 cm (38 cm), Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho

Tina Heuter concentrates on moods, expressions and situations, yet without getting lost in detail. These sentiments are by no means in your face, however, or even striking. Due to the rough surface, which denotes a skilful combination of facial expressions, gestures and posture, Tina Heuter succeeds in telling stories through her sculptures.

19.08.2021 – 22.08.2021 paper positions berlin. (Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Französische Straße 33 a-c, 10117 Berlin) Tina Heuter, Jens Rausch. Painting, Sculpture
16.07.2021 – 21.08.2021 mianki & friends. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Ulrich Haug, Claudia Kallscheuer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Seascape oro AB 01-02, Jaime Sicilia, 2021, Acryl und Pigment auf Holz, Rahmen aus gewachstem Eichenholz, 90 x 180 cm, Photo: Jaime Sicilia
16.07.2021 – 21.08.2021 mianki & friends. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Ulrich Haug, Claudia Kallscheuer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed. Repro mianki & friends, Ausstellungsansicht, 2021, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho
16.07.2021 – 21.08.2021 mianki & friends. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Ulrich Haug, Claudia Kallscheuer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Ausstellungsansicht mianki & friends, Detlef Halfa, Jaime Sicilia, Claudia Kallscheuer, 2021, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho
16.07.2021 – 21.08.2021 mianki & friends. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Ulrich Haug, Claudia Kallscheuer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Wetterbericht_Haben sie noch einen schönen Nachmittag, Claudia Kallscheuer, 2021, Nessel, Stickerei, Nähgarn, Acrylfarbe, Fotodruck, Plexiglasrahmen, 133 x 115 cm, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho
16.07.2021 – 21.08.2021 mianki & friends. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Ulrich Haug, Claudia Kallscheuer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster, Jaime Sicilia. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Ausstellungsansicht mianki & friends, Jaime Sicilia, Ulrich Haug, Jens Rausch, 2021, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho
21.05.2021 – 10.07.2021 Look at the birds. Zwei Kunstgattungen im Dialog.. Edith Held, Katharina Schnitzler. Painting, Fotografie. Repro Look at the birds, Katharina Schnitzler, 2013, Mischtechnik auf Leinwand, 85 x 85 cm, Photo: Katharina Schnitzler
21.05.2021 – 10.07.2021 Look at the birds. Zwei Kunstgattungen im Dialog.. Edith Held, Katharina Schnitzler. Painting, Fotografie. Repro Tamara, Edith Held, 2019, Hahnemühle Rag, Alu Dibond, Museumsglas, Edition 5 + 2AP, 100 x 100 cm, Photo: Edith Held
19.03.2021 – 15.05.2021 weiterspinnen. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro Ausstellungsansicht, Constanze Vogt, 2021, Photo: Fürcho GmbH

The works of young Kiel-based artist Constanze Vogt shift between varied mediums. Her drawings, installations, objects and texts are all notable for their use of a reduced selection of materials. She uses and shapes materials such as paper, language and light in order to examine the subject of interposing spaces. The extensive, near-ritualistic working process with which she transforms the material is clearly visible in her finished works. Dr. Peter Kruska

19.03.2021 – 15.05.2021 weiterspinnen. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro reifen #4 (Ausschnitt), Constanze Vogt, 2020, Holzreifen, Garn, 220 x 90 x 90 cm, Photo: Frank Kleinbach, Kunstmuseum Reutlingen

The works of young Kiel-based artist Constanze Vogt shift between varied mediums. Her drawings, installations, objects and texts are all notable for their use of a reduced selection of materials. She uses and shapes materials such as paper, language and light in order to examine the subject of interposing spaces. The extensive, near-ritualistic working process with which she transforms the material is clearly visible in her finished works. Dr. Peter Kruska

19.03.2021 – 15.05.2021 weiterspinnen. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro o.T. (spira) #33, Constanze Vogt, 2017, Feinliner auf Papier, 42 x 29,7 cm, Photo: Constanze Vogt

The works of young Kiel-based artist Constanze Vogt shift between varied mediums. Her drawings, installations, objects and texts are all notable for their use of a reduced selection of materials. She uses and shapes materials such as paper, language and light in order to examine the subject of interposing spaces. The extensive, near-ritualistic working process with which she transforms the material is clearly visible in her finished works. Dr. Peter Kruska

19.03.2021 – 15.05.2021 weiterspinnen. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro o.T. (spira) #47, Constanze Vogt, 2017, Feinliner auf Papier, 42 x 29,7 cm, Photo: Constanze Vogt

The works of young Kiel-based artist Constanze Vogt shift between varied mediums. Her drawings, installations, objects and texts are all notable for their use of a reduced selection of materials. She uses and shapes materials such as paper, language and light in order to examine the subject of interposing spaces. The extensive, near-ritualistic working process with which she transforms the material is clearly visible in her finished works. Dr. Peter Kruska

19.03.2021 – 15.05.2021 weiterspinnen. Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds. Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro o.T. (spira) #05, Constanze Vogt, 2019, Feinliner auf Papier, 59,4 x 42 cm, Photo: Fürcho GmbH

The works of young Kiel-based artist Constanze Vogt shift between varied mediums. Her drawings, installations, objects and texts are all notable for their use of a reduced selection of materials. She uses and shapes materials such as paper, language and light in order to examine the subject of interposing spaces. The extensive, near-ritualistic working process with which she transforms the material is clearly visible in her finished works. Dr. Peter Kruska

15.01.2021 – 13.03.2021 Einschnitte. ...verlängert und geöffnet bis 13. März 2021. Marc Dittrich, Gisoo Kim. Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Wandlung Spreeufer 1, Marc Dittrich, 2020, verwobene Laserprints, Karton, Papier, Holz, 133 x 120 x 15 cm, Photo: Marc Dittrich
30.10.2020 – 02.01.2021 Resono I. Ev Pommer. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro Studie (Fluss II), Ev Pommer, 2020, Holz, Gras, Wachs, Band, Glassturtz, Ø 25 cm x 53 cm, Photo: Eric Tschernow
10.09.2020 – 13.09.2020 Positions Berlin Art Fair 2020. Stand F 11, Hangar 3 & Selected Positions. Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Jens Rausch, Katharina Schnitzler, Claudia Kallscheuer. (Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 3-4, Columbiadamm 10, 10965 Berlin) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art. Repro RUND TONDO ROUND ROND RONDA ROUDE TRASA, Katharina Schnitzler, 2020, Öl auf Leinwand, Ø 170 cm , Photo: Eric Tschernow
27.08.2020 – 24.10.2020 zwischenSchichten. Ulrich Haug. Painting, Sculpture. Repro Migmatit #20.07 Q, Ulrich Haug, 2020, Paraffin, Beton, Pigment, 13 x 13 x 13 cm, Photo: Ulrich Haug
10.07.2020 – 22.08.2020 mianki & friends. Marc Dittrich, Heike Endemann, Silke Katharina Hahn, HALFA, Tina Heuter, Claudia Kallscheuer, Jakob Kupfer, Katharina Schnitzler, Michael Schuster, Constanze Vogt, u.a. Painting, Sculpture, Textile art. Repro Wandlung Göppingen, Marc Dittrich, 2018, verwobene Laserprints, Karton, Papier, Holz, 210 x 100 x 20 cm, Photo: Marc Dittrich
04.06.2020 – 04.07.2020 Zeichnungen. Douglas James Johnson, Claudia Kallscheuer, Gisoo Kim, Jakob Kupfer, Ev Pommer, Jens Rausch, Jochen Schneider, Katharina Schnitzler, Constanze Vogt, u.a.. Painting, Print
13.03.2020 – 30.05.2020 Experimentierfeld (verlängert bis 30. Mai 2020). Jens Rausch. Painting
10.01.2020 – 29.02.2020 was uns umgibt. Birgit Borggrebe, HALFA, Christophe Laudamiel, Thomas Möller, onformative. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Media Art
01.11.2019 – 04.01.2020 too happy. Tina Heuter. Sculpture
12.09.2019 – 15.09.2019 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Flughafen Tempelhof - Hangar 4, Columbiadamm 10, 10965 Berlin) Ulrich Haug, Tina Heuter, Jens Rausch, Michael Schuster. Painting, Print, Sculpture
30.08.2019 – 26.10.2019 Am Fenster. Cut Outs aus Laub. Michael Schuster. Painting, Print
24.08.2019 – 25.08.2019 Fade - temporäre Lichtkunst-Installation. 3. Berliner Kunstsommer im Humboldt Carré. (Humboldt Carré, Behrenstraße 42, 10117 Berlin) Jakob Kupfer. Textile art
12.07.2019 – 24.08.2019 mianki & friends. Sommerausstellung. Detlef HALFA, Ulrich Haug, Claudia Kallscheuer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Jens Rausch, Nike Schroeder, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro NELKE LACHS, Andrea Esswein, 2023, Copygramm, Papier auf Holzkörper, Lack, Unikat, 24 x 18 x 3 cm, Photo: Nikolaus Fürcho
17.05.2019 – 06.07.2019 Licht Raum Zeit. Jakob Kupfer. Painting, Fotografie, Textile art, Media Art
25.04.2019 – 28.04.2019 paper positions berlin. (Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Französische Straße 33 a-c 10117 Berlin) Tina Heuter, Ev Pommer. Print, Sculpture
22.03.2019 – 11.05.2019 Sie träumen. Katharina Schnitzler. Painting, Print, Sculpture
25.01.2019 – 16.03.2019 about love and lines. Silke Katharina Hahn. Painting, Print, Sculpture
23.11.2018 – 19.01.2019 Clear and Cloudy. Claudia Kallscheuer. Painting, Sculpture, Textile art
05.10.2018 – 10.11.2018 gleich - anders #3, Sonderprogramm 10 Jahre mianki.Gallery. Alle Künstler der Galerie. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art
27.09.2018 – 30.09.2018 Positions Berlin Art Fair. (Flughafen Tempelhof - Hangar 4, Columbiadamm 10, 10965 Berlin) Ulrich Haug, Tina Heuter, Ev Pommer
07.09.2018 – 29.09.2018 Sonderprogramm 10 Jahre mianki.Gallery, Ausstellung 5/6. Ev Pommer, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture
10.08.2018 – 01.09.2018 Sonderprogramm 10 Jahre mianki.Gallery, Ausstellung 4/6. Silke Katharina Hahn, Michael Schuster. Painting, Print, Sculpture
13.07.2018 – 04.08.2018 Sonderprogramm 10 Jahre mianki.Gallery, Ausstellung 3/6. Tina Heuter, Claudia Kallscheuer. Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed
15.06.2018 – 07.07.2018 Sonderprogramm 10 Jahre mianki.Gallery, Ausstellung 2 / 6. Detlef Halfa, Christophe Laudamiel. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed
18.05.2018 – 09.06.2018 Sonderprogramm 10 Jahre mianki.Gallery ab 17. Mai 2018. Katharina Schnitzler, Jakob Kupfer. Painting, Fotografie, Media Art
16.03.2018 – 12.05.2018 Schichtungen. Ulrich Haug. Painting, Sculpture
26.01.2018 – 10.03.2018 Invisible. Ev Pommer. Print, Sculpture
17.11.2017 – 20.01.2018 Schöner war gestern. Katharina Schnitzler. Painting
02.11.2017 – 04.11.2017 Vorbesichtigung zur 8. Benefiz Kunstauktion der Stiftung Telefonseelsorge Berlin. Bernard Schultze, Lars Teichmann, Friederike von Rauch, Ev Pommer, Silke Katharina Hahn, Grigori Dor, Robert Bosisio, Xu Bing, Ralph Merschmann, Susanne Roewer, uvm.. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed
14.09.2017 – 17.09.2017 Positions Berlin Art Fair 2017. (Arena Berlin, Eichenstrasse 4, 12435 Berlin) Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Michael Schuster, Katharina Schnitzler. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
08.09.2017 – 28.10.2017 Nächste Stationen. Tina Heuter. Sculpture
14.07.2017 – 02.09.2017 Wiederholung. Gruppenausstellung. Silke Katharina Hahn, Constanze Vogt, Daniela Bergschneider, Hillu Liebelt, Detlef HALFA, Martin Bruno Schmid. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed
19.05.2017 – 08.07.2017 fadenSpannung. Gruppenausstellung. Claudia Kallscheuer, Andrea Hild, Angelika Frommherz, Anna Gawronski, Nike Schroeder. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Textile art
28.04.2017 – 30.04.2017 Paper Positions Berlin 2017. (Paper Positions Berlin @ Bikini Berlin, Budapester Str. 38-50, 10787 Berlin) Michael Schuster, HALFA. Print
24.03.2017 – 13.05.2017 Wieder Sehen. Michael Schuster. Painting, Print, Mixed
27.01.2017 – 18.03.2017 Contempo. Jakob Kupfer. Painting, Textile art
18.11.2016 – 21.01.2017 Zwischen Räume. Ev Pommer. Painting, Print, Sculpture
27.10.2016 – 29.10.2016 7. Benefiz-Kunstauktion zugunsten der Telefonseelsorge Berlin, Vorbesichtigung. Pola Brändle, Ian Colverson, Antonius Höckelmann, Ruprecht von Kaufmann, Friederike von Rauch, Mirjam Thomann, Susanne Roewer, Daniel Harms, Elvira Bach, Anna Fasshauer, u. a.. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Mixed
15.09.2016 – 18.09.2016 (Positions Berlin Art Fair - Postbahnhof am Ostbahnhof, Straße der Pariser Kommune 8, 10243 Berlin) Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Tina Heuter, Jakob Kupfer, Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art
09.09.2016 – 22.10.2016 inside\out. 3D Zeichnungen. Silke Katharina Hahn. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed
15.07.2016 – 03.09.2016 gleich - anders #02. Künstler der Galerie. Silke Katharina Hahn, Halfa, Tina Heuter, Claudia Kallscheuer, Jakob Kupfer, Christophe Laudamiel, Ev Pommer, Katharina Schnitzler, Michael Schuster, Constanze Vogt, u. a.. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art
20.05.2016 – 09.07.2016 Szenogramme. zu den Zahlenplänen von Halfa. HALFA. Painting, Print
29.04.2016 – 01.05.2016 drehen. Constanze Vogt. Painting, Sculpture
28.04.2016 – 14.05.2016 Paper Positions. A groupshow at Bikini Berlin. (Bikini Berlin, Budapester Str. 38-50, 10787 Berlin) Print
17.03.2016 – 14.05.2016 drehen. Materialtransformationen. Constanze Vogt. Painting, Print, Sculpture
21.01.2016 – 12.03.2016 1000 Afrikaner in Berlin. Katharina Schnitzler. Painting, Sculpture
12.11.2015 – 16.01.2016 Show me the world. Tina Heuter. Sculpture
29.10.2015 – 31.10.2015 6. Benefizkunstauktion zugunsten der Telefonseelsorge Berlin, Vorbesichtigung. Oliver Gröne, Friederike v. Rauch, Silke K. Hahn, Ruprecht v. Kaufmann, Jakob Kupfer, Katharina Meister, Regina Nieke, u.a.. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie


Kalckreuthstr. 15, B 10777

Berlin South

T: +49.30.36432708

Tu–Fr 14–18h, Sa 11–16h
and by appointment