Upcoming Events

Vernissage 28.03., 18h–21h
Vernissage 09.05., 18h–21h


until 22.03. The Palace. Mårten Lange. Fotografie.

‘The Palace’ by Swedish artist Mårten Lange explores architecture as a repository for history, memories, and emotions. Over three years, Lange photographed historical sites across Europe, focusing on basic architectural elements like doors, windows, and stairs. These elements, inspired by the memory palace concept, invite viewers to construct their own labyrinths. The work meditates on the psychological impact of architecture and the enduring presence of the past.


Es­tab­lished in 2004, Robert Morat Ga­lerie is a con­tem­po­rary art gallery, pri­mar­ily fo­cussing on emerg­ing po­si­tions in con­tem­po­rary pho­tog­ra­phy and photo-based art. Founded in Ham­burg, the gallery has since moved to Berlin and is now lo­cated on Lin­ien­strasse in the Mitte art dis­trict. The gallery is a reg­u­lar ex­hibitor at in­ter­na­tional art fairs such as Paris Photo, Photo Lon­don, Unseen Am­s­ter­dam or The Pho­tog­ra­phy Show in New York.


29.03. – 04.05. Gong Co. Christian Patterson. Fotografie.
10.05. – 12.07. Plein Soleil. Jessica Backhaus. Fotografie.


26.10.2024 – 21.12.2024 Fugue. Lydia Goldblatt. Fotografie
07.09.2024 – 19.10.2024 Plates I-XXXI. Lia Darjes. Fotografie
08.06.2024 – 27.07.2024 Looking at what can't be seen. Simon Roberts. Fotografie.

The exhibition combines works from two series by British artist and photographer Simon Roberts: “The Celestials” and “Cloud Negatives”. During the global pandemic and ensuing lockdown, satellite images released by NASA and the European Space Agency showed a dramatic drop in nitrogen dioxide emissions; the skies were clearer and bluer, an the earth was breathing again

23.03.2024 – 01.06.2024 Solid Slip. Hannah Hughes. Work on Paper, Fotografie. Repro Lith II, Hannah Hughes, 2023, Pigment printed papers, 12,9 x 17 cm

Hannah Hughes's work explores the relationship between image, object, and language, focusing on the potential of negative space, and the salvaging and re-use of discarded materials.

13.01.2024 – 16.03.2024 Mühl. Bernhard Fuchs. Fotografie. Repro o.T. (Nr. 26 aus der Serie "MÜHL"), Bernhard Fuchs, 2014-2019, C-Print, 37,5 x 38 cm, Photo: © VG-Bildkunst, Bonn. Courtesy Robert Morat Galerie
28.10.2023 – 21.12.2023 Ich denke auch Familienbilder. Linn Schröder. Fotografie
08.09.2023 – 21.10.2023 Escapism. Roger Eberhard. Fotografie
02.06.2023 – 29.07.2023 True Places Never Are. Matteo Di Giovanni. Fotografie.

The exhibition presents a selection of prints from Italian photographer Matteo Di Giovanni of his three latest photo books which are a “loose trilogy” based on road-trips.

04.03.2023 – 13.05.2023 when is a place. Bill Jacobson. Fotografie. Repro when is a place #134, 2018

On the occasion of the EMOP in spring 2023, Robert Morat Galerie is very happy to be able to present new, out-of-focus, black&white photographic works by American artist Bill Jacobson. 

13.01.2023 – 25.02.2023 Artefakte und Modelle. Lena Amuat, Zoë Meyer. Fotografie. Repro Mathematisches Modell Nr. 138, 2018

The series “Artefakte und Modelle” by Lena Amuat and Zoë Meyer is a collection of objects that embody the human struggle for knowledge. Over twelve years in the making and numbering hundreds of images, the project inventories the models, artifacts, natural specimens and teaching objects that the two women have unearthed traveling to search through the archives and collections of European universities and natural history museums.

21.10.2022 – 22.12.2022 Cold Mountain. Michael Lange. Fotografie.

The ROBERT MORAT GALLERY is very pleased to exhibit a collection of evocative meditative images that oscillate between light and dark, silence and storm by photographer Michael Lange. Over a period of six years, Michael Lange made extensive trips to various regions of the French Alps (Mercantour, Ecrin, Serre-Chevalier, Valloire, Val Cenis, Vanoise and others) in search of silence and solitude.

06.09.2022 – 15.10.2022 Family Trilogy. Christopher Anderson. Fotografie.

ROBERT MORAT GALERIE is very pleased to present an exhibition of images from the three series "Son", "Pia" and "Marion" by photographer Christopher Anderson on the occasion of the Berlin Photo Week and the 75th anniversary of Magnum Photos in Berlin in the fall of 2022.

20.05.2022 – 30.07.2022 Bright Red. José Pedro Cortes. Fotografie. Repro Foot(II), José Pedro Cortes, 2019, Archival pigment print, 60 x 40 cm, Photo: José Pedro Cortes

"Bright Red" brings together new works by Portuguese artist José Pedro Cortes. The title alludes to the visual deficiency that each man has, a mild color blindness that shifts the color red (or what is known as red) to green, changing the reading of the color spectrum. His photographs function as a map of visual possibilities. Cortes says: "My images reflect our time of constant doubt."

01.04.2022 – 14.05.2022 Ghost Witness. Mårten Lange. Fotografie. Repro Steam rising (Shanghai), Mårten Lange, 2019, Archival pigment print, 70 x 105 cm (also available in 35 x 52.5 cm)

Photographing hypermodern urban landscapes through the ghostly haze of LEDs and smog, Mårten Lange’s new work from China shows a country haunted as much by its past as by its future. Made in the six largest cities of the country, the series depicts urban places that have expanded rapidly in recent years and that appear both futuristic and suspended outside of time.

15.01.2022 – 26.03.2022 Cut Outs. Jessica Backhaus. Fotografie. Repro Cut Out #67, Jessica Backhaus, 2020, Archival pigment print, 75 x 112.5 cm (also available in 40 x 60 cm)

Color, form, light and shadow – the images in Jessica Backhaus’ series “Cut Outs” are created using the basic elements of photography. Cut out transparent papers are arranged on a paper backdrop, exposed to the sun and photographed. The papers react to the intense heat, deform, rise, contract, cast shadows. Jessica Backhaus becomes the documentarist of a visual experiment, a poetic choreography of intense colors in the sunlight.

06.11.2021 – 23.12.2021 12 Hz. Ron Jude. Fotografie

„12 Hz“ besteht aus Bildern von Lavaröhren und -strömen, Gezeitenströmungen, Gletschereis und Tuffformationen: Bilder, die die Rohstoffe des Planeten zeigen, die organisches Leben ermöglichen. Die Bilder wurden an mehreren Orten aufgenommen – von den hohen Lavaebenen, Schluchten und Höhlen im Bundesstaat Oregon bis zu den Gletschern Islands und den Lavaströmen des Kilauea auf Hawaii.

03.09.2021 – 30.10.2021 Known and Strange Things Pass. Andy Sewell. Fotografie.

"Known and Strange Things Pass is about the deep and complex entanglement of technology with contemporary life. It’s about the immediacy of touch and the commonplace miracle of action at a distance; the porosity of the boundaries that hold things apart, and the fragility of the bonds that lock them together.“ (Eugenie Shinkle, 1000 Words Magazine)

25.03.2021 – 31.07.2021 Erbgericht – Neue Räume. Andrea Grützner. Fotografie. Repro Erbgericht, Untitled 22, Andrea Grützner, 2020, Archival Pigment Print, 100 x 150 cm

For over a hundred years “Erbgericht” is a county inn in rural Saxony, in a village called Polenz. Andrea Grützner, born 1984 in Pirna, grew up nearby and tells of a big old house, “a collage of material built over generations!”. The images, taken in one analog shot and without any digital alteration of the picture, are studies of rooms and objects. Through the use of color flash and the creation of strong shadow lines, these interiors look alienated and transformed.

25.09.2020 – 19.12.2020 Margins of Excess. Max Pinckers. Fotografie. Repro Idle Talk, Max Pinckers, 2018, Archival Pigment Print, 50 x 41 cm, 93 x 76.1 cm, 125 x 102 cm, Photo: Max Pinckers
09.05.2020 – 19.09.2020 Human Territoriality. Roger Eberhard. Fotografie. Repro 24 th Parallel South, Chile, Roger Eberhard, 2018, Archival Pigment Print, 180 x 140 cm oder 90 x 70 cm, Photo: Roger Eberhard
11.01.2020 – 07.03.2020 Book Stories. Bertien van Manen. Fotografie
06.11.2019 – 10.11.2019 Paris Photo. (Paris) Andrea Grützner, Ute & Werner Mahler, Peter Puklus, Hans-Christian Schink. Fotografie
06.11.2019 – 10.11.2019 Paris Photo. (Paris) Andrea Grützer, Ute und Werner Mahler, Peter Puklus, Hans-Christian Schink. Fotografie
26.10.2019 – 04.01.2020 Tempora Morte. Lia Darjes. Fotografie
20.09.2019 – 22.09.2019 Unseen Amsterdam. (Amsterdam) Lia Darjes, Andrea Grützner , Peter Puklus. Fotografie
07.09.2019 – 19.10.2019 Vandalism. John Divola. Fotografie
13.07.2019 – 31.08.2019 Still (Noon). Shane Lavalette. Fotografie
11.05.2019 – 06.07.2019 Material. Tobias Kruse. Fotografie
23.03.2019 – 04.05.2019 Hinterland. Hans-Christian Schink. Fotografie
19.01.2019 – 16.03.2019 Kleinstadt. Ute Mahler & Werner Mahler. Fotografie
16.11.2018 – 12.01.2019 City Diaries. Peter Bialobrzeski. Fotografie
08.09.2018 – 10.11.2018 Manhattan Sunday. Richard Renaldi. Fotografie
26.05.2018 – 28.07.2018 The Drake Equation. Andrew Phelps, Paul Kanzler
10.05.2018 – 20.05.2018 Intermission. A Trilogy. Jessica Backhaus
01.03.2018 – 05.05.2018 Bill Jacobson, Giorgio Morandi. Painting, Fotografie
13.01.2018 – 10.03.2018 Lot. Bernhard Fuchs. Fotografie
18.11.2017 – 06.01.2018 Nausea
09.09.2017 – 11.11.2017 State of Nature. Claudius Schulze. Fotografie
26.05.2017 – 29.07.2017 Public Property. Simon Roberts. Fotografie
18.03.2017 – 20.05.2017 Recent Work. Mårten Lange. Fotografie
21.01.2017 – 11.03.2017 In Between. Henrik Spohler. Fotografie
26.11.2016 – 14.01.2017 Digging up Clouds. Sjoerd Knibbeler. Fotografie
10.09.2016 – 19.11.2016 Six Degrees of Freedom. Jessica Backhaus. Fotografie
14.05.2016 – 30.07.2016 Erbgericht. Andrea Grützner. Fotografie
05.02.2016 – 07.05.2016 One and a half Meter. Peter Puklus. Fotografie
05.12.2015 – 30.01.2016 Aussicht. Roger Eberhard. Fotografie
02.10.2015 – 28.11.2015 Bottom of the lake. Christian Patterson. Fotografie


Linienstr. 107, B 10115

Berlin Mitte

T: +49.30.25209358

Tu–Sa 12–18h