Upcoming Events

Künstlergespräch 20.10., 15h
Vernissage 28.11., 19:30h–21:30h


Permanent Collection KioskShop berlin (KSb). ein Gesamtkunstwerk. Semjon H. N. Semjon. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Urban Art, Mixed

11 Jahre hat "KioskShop berlin (KSb)" von H. N. Semjon von 2000 - 2011 das Gesicht von Berlins Mitte mitgeprägt. Der weiße Laden als ein minimalistisches Kunstwerk, der die Kunst und den EInzelhandel miteinander verbindet, mit den seltsam entrückten weiß-wächsernen Produkstskupturen von Alltagsgütern. Zum neuen Leben erwacht, bedingt durch die beinahe Zerstörung durch des großen Kunstammlers Nicloas Berggruen eigener Holdings, wird er bis 2027 auf jeden Fall noch zu sehen sein.

18.10. – 23.11. Ceres and Folded Drawing Dot. Takayuki Daikoku. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture. Repro Dopple-Ceres 2024-02, Takayuki Daikoku, 2024, Kampferholz, Gips, Acrylfarbe, 23 x 18 x 11 cm, Photo: Takayuki Daikoku

The artist Takayuki Daikoku, who lives in Shiga (Japan), is returning to Berlin after 6 years to present his latest works.
On display are his wooden sculptures from the “Ceres” series, archaic-looking structures that open up inwards and appear individually or as twins or triplets. The “Folded Drawing Dot” series is the logical continuation of his “Folded Drawings”, which he began in Japan in 2016. The drawings are lifted pastily into the space.

18.10. – 23.11. Ceres and Folded Drawing Dot. Takayuki Daikoku. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture. Repro Folded Drawing Dort RGB (Detail), Takayuki Daikoku, 2024, Acryl und Graphit auf Papier, 200 x 300 cm, Photo: Takayuki Daikoku

The artist Takayuki Daikoku, who lives in Shiga (Japan), is returning to Berlin after 6 years to present his latest works.
On display are his wooden sculptures from the “Ceres” series, archaic-looking structures that open up inwards and appear individually or as twins or triplets. The “Folded Drawing Dot” series is the logical continuation of his “Folded Drawings”, which he began in Japan in 2016. The drawings are lifted pastily into the space.


The Berlin gallery Semjon Contemporary, founded by Semjon H. N. Semjon in 2011, represents German and international artists working in various media such as painting, sculpture, installation, drawing, photography and video. The contemporary program is mostly shown in solo exhibitions. At the same time, works by all the artists are usually on display in the office, Schaulager and Garten-Salon, staged as dialogical constellations.


29.11. – 18.01.2025 Li Silberberg. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture. Repro O.T., Li Silberberg, 2023, Papier, Tinte auf Leinwand, je 100 x 100 cm, Photo: Eric Tschernow

Paper is the material par excellence for the artist Li Silberberg. When she uses it for her paintings and artist's books (pl. compare "Bibliothk/Library"), she enters into a very close mental and physical relationship with it. So close that she literally rubs the soft and wet paper with her hands, penetrating the still reasonably smooth surface. The canvas works are particularly radical and voluminous and tactile in their massive layering, inviting the viewer's eyes to take a journey.

24.01.2025 – 01.03.2025 Unuhr. Ursula Sax. Print, Work on Paper, Sculpture, Installation. Repro Unuhren, Ursula Sax, 2007, Xerox-Drucke, Photo: Ursula Sax

Reflecting on (life) time, thinking and looking ahead may be necessary for everyone in life from time to time. Ursula Sax, who turns 90 this year, began a group of works, the "Unuhren", at the beginning of the millennium and will continue to develop them in various media. We can be curious. Time is surprisingly brushed against the grain. The clock is ticking...


06.09. – 12.10. Transition I. Colin Ardley. Drawing, Sculpture, Installation. Repro In the Making (Atelier), Colin Ardley, 2024, Photo: Colin Ardley

Colin Ardley's work is characterized by his idiosyncratic and at the same time confident composition, the balancing and interrelating of volume, color and form. Ponderation is the term that describes it all. The artist needs months, even years in the case of large works, until the ponderation has reached its ideal center. The work must grow - slowly - one part docks onto the other, expands into the space and becomes a parable of time.

06.09. – 12.10. Transition I. Colin Ardley. Drawing, Sculpture, Installation. Repro In the Making (Studio), Colin Ardley, 2024, Photo: Colin Ardley

Colin Ardley's work is characterized by his idiosyncratic and at the same time confident composition, the balancing and interrelating of volume, color and form. Ponderation is the term that describes it all. The artist needs months, even years in the case of large works, until the ponderation has reached its ideal center. The work must grow - slowly - one part docks onto the other, expands into the space and becomes a parable of time.

06.08. – 04.09. Sommerpause | Summer Break. Repro Sommerfrische, 2024, Fotografie, Photo: Galerie
05.07. – 03.08. sex sells – beyond the historical matrix. The female gaze on men on women, the male gaze on men. Johnny Abbate, Bernadette Anzengruber, Henrietta Armstrong, Pancho Assoluto, Norbert Bisky, Joanna Buchowska, Luke Carter, Rick Castro, Collagism (Holly-Anne Buck), Kerstin Drechsel, Ute Essig, Tony Franz, Andreas Fux, Cihangir Gümüştürkmen, Renate Hampke, Kirsty Harris, Florian Hetz, Norbert Heuler, Rinaldo Hopf, Male shabiri, Jan-Holger Mauss, Anja Müller, Marcel Odenbach, Detlev Pusch, Michael Sayles, Eva Schwab, Tanja Selzer, Marianna Stoll, Thomas Synnamon, Ingo Taubhorn, Stefan Thiel, Petra Tödter, Elmar Vestner, Georg Weise. Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Linocut, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro detail of “Fürchte Dich nicht” from the series “Im letzten Viertel der Nacht”, 2016, 50 x 50 cm, C print, artist hand print (exhibition print edition of 15 (+2), Andreas Fux, 2016/2024, Pigmentdruck auf Hahnemühlen-Baryta, 21 x 29,7 cm, Photo: Andreas Fux

The gaze negotiated here, often also understood in erotic and explicit terms, aims to trace the self-empowerment that is characteristic of women and mostly gay men. The intermediate stages of the LGTB community are conditionally included. The gaze meanders between self-assurance, the self-confident statement and desire. Almost all media will be represented including In this exhibition, the male millennial view of women is omitted.

05.07. – 03.08. sex sells – beyond the historical matrix. The female gaze on men on women, the male gaze on men. Johnny Abbate, Bernadette Anzengruber, Henrietta Armstrong, Pancho Assoluto, Norbert Bisky, Joanna Buchowska, Luke Carter, Rick Castro, Collagism (Holly-Anne Buck), Kerstin Drechsel, Ute Essig, Tony Franz, Andreas Fux, Cihangir Gümüştürkmen, Renate Hampke, Kirsty Harris, Florian Hetz, Norbert Heuler, Rinaldo Hopf, Male shabiri, Jan-Holger Mauss, Anja Müller, Marcel Odenbach, Detlev Pusch, Michael Sayles, Eva Schwab, Tanja Selzer, Marianna Stoll, Thomas Synnamon, Ingo Taubhorn, Stefan Thiel, Petra Tödter, Elmar Vestner, Georg Weise. Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Linocut, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Comittment, Joanna Buchowska, 2024, Collage, 50 x 40 cm, Photo: Joanna Buchowska

The gaze negotiated here, often also understood in erotic and explicit terms, aims to trace the self-empowerment that is characteristic of women and mostly gay men. The intermediate stages of the LGTB community are conditionally included. The gaze meanders between self-assurance, the self-confident statement and desire. Almost all media will be represented including In this exhibition, the male millennial view of women is omitted.

05.07. – 03.08. sex sells – beyond the historical matrix. The female gaze on men on women, the male gaze on men. Johnny Abbate, Bernadette Anzengruber, Henrietta Armstrong, Pancho Assoluto, Norbert Bisky, Joanna Buchowska, Luke Carter, Rick Castro, Collagism (Holly-Anne Buck), Kerstin Drechsel, Ute Essig, Tony Franz, Andreas Fux, Cihangir Gümüştürkmen, Renate Hampke, Kirsty Harris, Florian Hetz, Norbert Heuler, Rinaldo Hopf, Male shabiri, Jan-Holger Mauss, Anja Müller, Marcel Odenbach, Detlev Pusch, Michael Sayles, Eva Schwab, Tanja Selzer, Marianna Stoll, Thomas Synnamon, Ingo Taubhorn, Stefan Thiel, Petra Tödter, Elmar Vestner, Georg Weise. Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Linocut, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Rod, Elmar Vestner, 2014, gravierter Druck, 30 x 30 cm, Photo: Elmar Vestner

The gaze negotiated here, often also understood in erotic and explicit terms, aims to trace the self-empowerment that is characteristic of women and mostly gay men. The intermediate stages of the LGTB community are conditionally included. The gaze meanders between self-assurance, the self-confident statement and desire. Almost all media will be represented including In this exhibition, the male millennial view of women is omitted.

05.07. – 03.08. sex sells – beyond the historical matrix. The female gaze on men on women, the male gaze on men. Johnny Abbate, Bernadette Anzengruber, Henrietta Armstrong, Pancho Assoluto, Norbert Bisky, Joanna Buchowska, Luke Carter, Rick Castro, Collagism (Holly-Anne Buck), Kerstin Drechsel, Ute Essig, Tony Franz, Andreas Fux, Cihangir Gümüştürkmen, Renate Hampke, Kirsty Harris, Florian Hetz, Norbert Heuler, Rinaldo Hopf, Male shabiri, Jan-Holger Mauss, Anja Müller, Marcel Odenbach, Detlev Pusch, Michael Sayles, Eva Schwab, Tanja Selzer, Marianna Stoll, Thomas Synnamon, Ingo Taubhorn, Stefan Thiel, Petra Tödter, Elmar Vestner, Georg Weise. Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Linocut, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Kain, Florian Hetz, 2021, Fine Art Print, 60 x 45, Photo: Florian Hetz

The gaze negotiated here, often also understood in erotic and explicit terms, aims to trace the self-empowerment that is characteristic of women and mostly gay men. The intermediate stages of the LGTB community are conditionally included. The gaze meanders between self-assurance, the self-confident statement and desire. Almost all media will be represented including In this exhibition, the male millennial view of women is omitted.

05.07. – 03.08. sex sells – beyond the historical matrix. The female gaze on men on women, the male gaze on men. Johnny Abbate, Bernadette Anzengruber, Henrietta Armstrong, Pancho Assoluto, Norbert Bisky, Joanna Buchowska, Luke Carter, Rick Castro, Collagism (Holly-Anne Buck), Kerstin Drechsel, Ute Essig, Tony Franz, Andreas Fux, Cihangir Gümüştürkmen, Renate Hampke, Kirsty Harris, Florian Hetz, Norbert Heuler, Rinaldo Hopf, Male shabiri, Jan-Holger Mauss, Anja Müller, Marcel Odenbach, Detlev Pusch, Michael Sayles, Eva Schwab, Tanja Selzer, Marianna Stoll, Thomas Synnamon, Ingo Taubhorn, Stefan Thiel, Petra Tödter, Elmar Vestner, Georg Weise. Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Linocut, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro U boy 4, Eva Schwab, 2024, Mixed Media, ca. 40 x 30 cm, Photo: Eva Schwab

The gaze negotiated here, often also understood in erotic and explicit terms, aims to trace the self-empowerment that is characteristic of women and mostly gay men. The intermediate stages of the LGTB community are conditionally included. The gaze meanders between self-assurance, the self-confident statement and desire. Almost all media will be represented including In this exhibition, the male millennial view of women is omitted.

01.06. – 29.06. Neue Arbeiten. Hitomi Uchikura. Work on Paper, Sculpture, Installation. Repro Themenbild (Detail einer "Bright Cell"), Hitomi Uchikura, 2023-2024, Plastilin, Nikon-Kameralinsen, Spiegel, Hermes-Leder, variabel, Photo: Galerie

Light and shadow are the artist's partners when, for example, she uses physical pressure and persistence to create reliefs from sheets of paper that expand sculpturally into the space (the Lumière works), or spring from the paper ground as 'abstract-organic growths'. Her Bright Cells, sculptures made of malleable material, as well as objective lenses, mirrors and treated leather, also work with light. Only that they capture it and give the sculpture a rich inner life.

01.06. – 29.06. Neue Arbeiten. Hitomi Uchikura. Work on Paper, Sculpture, Installation. Repro Lumière (detail), Hitomi Uchikura, 2018, Papier, gedrückt, variabel, Photo: Galerie

Light and shadow are the artist's partners when, for example, she uses physical pressure and persistence to create reliefs from sheets of paper that expand sculpturally into the space (the Lumière works), or spring from the paper ground as 'abstract-organic growths'. Her Bright Cells, sculptures made of malleable material, as well as objective lenses, mirrors and treated leather, also work with light. Only that they capture it and give the sculpture a rich inner life.

31.05. – 29.06. Lumière & Bright Cells. Hitomi Uchikura. Work on Paper, Sculpture, Installation, Mixed. Repro Lumière, Hitomi Uchikura, 2024, Papier, bossiert und geschnitten, je 220 x 100 cm, Photo: Hiroshi Noguchi

Paper is a very important material for the artist, who lives near Tokyo. Hitomi Uchikura's Lumière series, created by applying physical force to the paper, floats in front of the wall as a large rectangular paper disc with its numerous sculptural concave medallions and radiates calm and concentrated power. Her glass sculptures covered with colored leather form a logical counterpart to the Lumière panes. The light is guided into infinity.

31.05. – 29.06. Lumière & Bright Cells. Hitomi Uchikura. Work on Paper, Sculpture, Installation, Mixed. Repro Bright Cells (in the making), Hitomi Uchikura, 2024, F.R.P., konkave Linsen, Spiegel, Leder, unterschiedlich, Photo: Hitomi Uchikura

Paper is a very important material for the artist, who lives near Tokyo. Hitomi Uchikura's Lumière series, created by applying physical force to the paper, floats in front of the wall as a large rectangular paper disc with its numerous sculptural concave medallions and radiates calm and concentrated power. Her glass sculptures covered with colored leather form a logical counterpart to the Lumière panes. The light is guided into infinity.

26.04. – 25.05. en face – Poträt + Porträt (II). Malerei, Zeichnung und Skulptur. Harald Kohlmetz, MK Kaehne, Stefan Thiel, Gil Shachar, Renate Hampke, Ursula Sax, Mia Witte, Olaf Hajek, u. a. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture. Repro Dan und Marx, Stefan Thiel, 2017, Öl auf Leinwand, 120 x 100 cm, Photo: Stefan Thiel

The second part of this exhibition series focuses on painting (Shachar, Kohlmetz, Thiel and guests), drawing (Shachar, Kohlmetz, Kaehne and guests) and sculpture (Shachar, Kaehne and guests). How can the image of the human being be represented in contemporary art today, when we have long been visually overwhelmed by images of images, sculptures and people through digital social media? Part I of en face was dedicated to photography.

26.04. – 25.05. en face – Poträt + Porträt (II). Malerei, Zeichnung und Skulptur. Harald Kohlmetz, MK Kaehne, Stefan Thiel, Gil Shachar, Renate Hampke, Ursula Sax, Mia Witte, Olaf Hajek, u. a. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture. Repro Detail von Portrait (My mother was...) (aus dem Zyklus | from the cycle Mutter), MK Kaehne, 2021/2022, Silicon, Haare, Holz, Sweatshirt, bestickt, 181 x 68 x 52 cm (mit Sockel), Photo: Eric Tschernow

The second part of this exhibition series focuses on painting (Shachar, Kohlmetz, Thiel and guests), drawing (Shachar, Kohlmetz, Kaehne and guests) and sculpture (Shachar, Kaehne and guests). How can the image of the human being be represented in contemporary art today, when we have long been visually overwhelmed by images of images, sculptures and people through digital social media? Part I of en face was dedicated to photography.

15.03. – 13.04. It happened tomorrow. Ute Essig, Henrik U. Müller. Painting, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Intrusion, Ute Essig, 2013-2024, Keramik, glasiert, variabel, Photo: Lukas Heibges

The exhibition provides an insight into the work of Ute Essig and Henrik U. Müller, who also form a studio community as artists. Ute Essig's Berlin porcelain paving stones as a mural are not only beautiful, but also irritating, because the original granite material is contrasted by the opposite connotation of porcelain: valuable and fragile: Henrik Müller's panel work is a composite work of photography, gold ground and lacquer and captivates with its elegance.

15.03. – 13.04. It happened tomorrow. Ute Essig, Henrik U. Müller. Painting, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Kirschblüten, Henrik U. Müller, 2018, Holz, Compositionsgold, Inkjetprint auf adhesiver UV-Folie, Lack, Ca. 122 x 105 cm, Photo: Galerie

The exhibition provides an insight into the work of Ute Essig and Henrik U. Müller, who also form a studio community as artists. Ute Essig's Berlin porcelain paving stones as a mural are not only beautiful, but also irritating, because the original granite material is contrasted by the opposite connotation of porcelain: valuable and fragile: Henrik Müller's panel work is a composite work of photography, gold ground and lacquer and captivates with its elegance.

07.03. – 08.03. Semjon Contemporary Auktion . 150 Ausstellungen . Zukunft. Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Semjon Contemporary Fassade, inversed, Galerie, 2024, variabel, variabel, Photo: Galerie
03.02. – 02.03. de_konstruktion. Thomas Prochnow. Painting, Print, Screen printing, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Urban Art, Mixed. Repro Kristallo 3, Thomas Prochnow, 2024, Zinnblech mit Bitumen, Schrauben, ca. 250 x 250 x 60 cm, Photo: Thomas Prochnow

Prochnow would not be Prochnow if he did not once again present a concert of diverse materials, forms and colors. And this in various artistic genres. From the large wall sculpture Kristallo 3 to a series of wall objects, the wooden pictures, the photographs (as pigment prints) and the accompanying screen print. In times of climate crisis and scarcity of resources, the artist has been working for 20 years to realize sustainable art production as a concept.

03.02. – 02.03. de_konstruktion. Thomas Prochnow. Painting, Print, Screen printing, Sculpture, Installation, Fotografie, Urban Art, Mixed. Repro Holzbilder, Thomas Prochnow, 2019-2024, Fundstück, geleimt und auf DIN-Größe geschnitten, variabel, Photo: Thomas Prochnow

Prochnow would not be Prochnow if he did not once again present a concert of diverse materials, forms and colors. And this in various artistic genres. From the large wall sculpture Kristallo 3 to a series of wall objects, the wooden pictures, the photographs (as pigment prints) and the accompanying screen print. In times of climate crisis and scarcity of resources, the artist has been working for 20 years to realize sustainable art production as a concept.

16.12.2023 – 27.01. Gamma. Bettina Weiß. Painting. Repro Portrait of a secret landscape #27, Bettina Weiß, 2023, Öl und Acryl auf Holz, 40 x 30 x 3 cm, Photo: Bettina Weiß

In numerous work steps, the abstract painting by Bettina Weiß grows layer by layer and is charged with the artist's energy. The colors oscillate from the various depths of the paint application and vibrate into the room. The lightness of these new works literally pops out like jewels that shine particularly brightly against the blue walls.

16.12.2023 – 27.01. Gamma. Bettina Weiß. Painting. Repro Bianki #1, Bettina Weiß, 2023, Öl und Acryl auf Holz, 30 x 24 x 3 cm, Photo: Bettina Weiß

In numerous work steps, the abstract painting by Bettina Weiß grows layer by layer and is charged with the artist's energy. The colors oscillate from the various depths of the paint application and vibrate into the room. The lightness of these new works literally pops out like jewels that shine particularly brightly against the blue walls.

04.11.2023 – 07.12.2023 en face – Porträt + Porträt. Jürgen Baumann, Mathias Bothor, Katja Flint, Andreas Fux, Norbert Heuler, Nataly Hocke, Henrik U. Müller, Angelika Platen, Susanne Pomrehn, Gerda Schütte, Jan Sobottka, Ingo Taubhorn, Stefan Thiel, Barbara Vallribera. Fotografie. Repro WMF, Andreas Fux, 1988, C-Print (Handabzug), 80 x 80 cm, Photo: Fotograf

The exhibition brings together various positions on classical contemporary portrait photography and also provides space for experimental artistic approaches. Works by 15 artist will be on display, by Jürgen Baumann, Mathias Bothor, Katja Flint, Andreas Fux, Norbert Heuler, Nataly Hocke, Henrik U. Müller, Angelika Platen, Susanne Pomrehn, Gerda Schütte, Jan Sobottka, Ingo Taubhorn, Stefan Thiel and Barbara Vallribera

30.09.2023 – 04.11.2023 Yet Untitled. Experimental Setup, Kata Hinterlechner, Bosko Gastager. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Performance, Mixed
30.09.2023 – 28.10.2023 abstract. Colin Ardley, Takayuki Daikoku, Dave Grossmann, Renate Hampke, Nataly Hocke, Michael Kutschbach, Stefan Ludes, Thomas Prochnow, Dirk Rathke, Ursula Sax, Gerda Schütte, Gil Shachar, Klaus Steinmann, Marc von der Hocht, Amélie von Heydebreck, Hitomi Uchikura, Bettina Weiß. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro O.T. (SC-085), Klaus Steinmann, 1973, Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 40 cm, Photo: Jürgen Baumann

An emphasis in the gallery program is abstraction, ranging from Geometric Art to Post Minimal Art. Works of recent production by the majority of the gallery artists and selected guests are shown and juxtaposed with some earlier examples from the 1970s. Painting dominates, but other genres can also be found. From sculpture to drawing to the photogram.

14.09.2023 – 17.09.2023 Positions Berlin Art Fair. Semjon Contemporary Women. (Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 5 - 6, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin) Ute Essig, Katja Flint, Renate Hampke, Kata Hinterlechner, Nataly Hocke, Susanne Pomrehn, Ursula Sax, Gerda Schütte, Li Silberberg, Hitomi Uchikura, Bettina Weiß
26.08.2023 – 23.09.2023 You want it darker. Let's kill the flame!. Ditmar Danner aka Krüger. Painting
26.07.2023 – 29.07.2023 2 x 88 – Circular Encounter. Zum 88. Geburtstag. Renate Hampke, Ursula Sax. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro 2 Kreise, Renate Hampke & Ursula Sax, 2023, Fahradschlauche, Papier und Binderfarbe, je Durchmesser ca. 135 x 135, Photo: Semjon H. N. Semjon

Such a birthday, and then at the same time of 2 gallery artists, who both turn 88 years old, is a rare event. This is something to be honored! In the short special exhibition "2 x 88 - Circular Encounter" meet two artworks that are very special and enter into dialogue with each other, where Renate Hampke responds to the recently made paper disc (blue) by Ursula Sax. Minimal and yet powerful!

07.07.2023 – 22.07.2023 His Nature. Painting, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro It was, it is, and it will be (Detail), Seungjun Lee, 2022, Sandburg, Sand, ca. 60 x 52 x 40 cm, Photo: Seungjun Lee

I love things that disappear, may reappear, and could disappear again. They are so soft and fragile. But They leave a long impression behind. (Quote from a comment on this work by Seungjun Lee)

07.07.2023 – 22.07.2023 Metamorphosis. Amélie von Heydebreck. Painting, Print, Mixed. Repro Moonwalk (Lightpainting), Amélie von Heydebreck, 2023, Pigmentedruck auf Alu-Dibond, 40 x 46,6 cm, Photo: Amélie von Heydebreck

The  technique of haptic-plastic application of the color pigments to aluminum suggests painting, because the pigment clearly becomes a material in its own right and is not merely a mediator or carrier of color. The fact that the artist also specifies painting as light painting is due on the one hand to physics, since color is nothing other than light in a defined wavelength range. It also refers to the process of creation of the works.

30.06.2023 – 02.07.2023 University Of South Australia Bauhaus Tour. led by Michael Kutschbach and Katica Pedisic. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro BAUHAUS, Michael Kutschbach, 2023, Photography of a cover of the publication BAUAHAUS, Photo: Michael Kutschbach

The UniSA study tour group of architecture and art students from the University of South Australia explores the Bauhaus in Weimar and its impacts until today. In Berlin a joint workshop follows within the acommodations of CityLAB:Berlin, which guides into an exhibition on view at Semjon Contemporary, the Berlin gallery representing Michael Kutschbach.

10.06.2023 – 25.06.2023 Kontaktaufnahme. Nataly Hocke. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Performance. Repro summertime in berlin, Nataly Hocke, 2023, Fotografie, 29,7 x 21 cm (Papiermaß), Photo: Nataly Hocke

Discarded violins serve as material for a space-filling installation. The visual artist and musician Nataly Hocke intertwines her two passions in this work and leads us into her world, which is at the same time open to our projections.

10.06.2023 – 25.06.2023 Kontaktaufnahme. Nataly Hocke. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Performance. Repro Kontaktaufnahme, Nataly Hocke, 1998/2023, Fotigrafie, 29,7 x 21 cm (Papiermaß), Photo: Nataly Hocke

Discarded violins serve as material for a space-filling installation. The visual artist and musician Nataly Hocke intertwines her two passions in this work and leads us into her world, which is at the same time open to our projections.

22.04.2023 – 03.06.2023 Mutter. MK Kaehne. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro O.T. (aus dem Zyklus "Mutter", MK Kaehne, 2015-2019, Mixed Media, Epoxidharz, Ölfarbe, 167 x 147 x 219 cm, Photo: MK Kaehne

The main work, a lifelike nude woman in her prime sitting on her bed, looking at her crotch with a mirror, causes irritation. Especially in the context of the exhibition title and the name of the cycle of works "Mother". Is it the artist's mother or mistress? Or is she representative of the female human race, which is present to us all at least as a mother. Is this verism simply a portrait or an homage?

22.04.2023 – 03.06.2023 Intervention XXX-03. (KioskShop berlin (KSb)) Ellinor Euler. Sculpture

Die farbigen Metallgespinste von Ellinor Euler – scheinbar in der Luft schwebend oder liegend – erobern den Raum und bilden einen organischen Kontrapunkt zur nüchternen Kühle und geometrisch-funktionalen Architektur des KioskShop.

11.03.2023 – 15.04.2023 Deutsche Landschaften. Stefan Thiel. Painting, Fotografie. Repro Gelbensande, Stefan Thiel, 2018, Öl auf Leinwand, 35 x 43 cm, Photo: Stefan Thiel

At first glance, the landscape paintings by Stefan Thiel seem like romantic testimonies to German (cultural) landscapes. An oppressive feeling can arise during prolonged viewing. Why? Certainly because a 'leaden' heaviness, which cannot be further defined, lies over the picture-pretty motifs. An inkling could arise and it becomes certainty, if one knows about the 'historically poisened' background of these romantically appearing stretches of land. 

04.02.2023 – 04.03.2023 In Shape. Dave Grossmann. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Urban Art, Mixed. Repro Form N°906, Dave Grossmann, 2023, Hammerschlaglack und Sprühlack auf Alu-Dibond, 40 x 30 cm, Photo: Dave Grossmann

Starting from his artist's book "In SHAPE" of 2022 with 1000 geometric drawings, which are summarized as a compendium, these in turn serve as a matrix for further series of artworks, which differ in technique and material. From computer-milled relief to lacquer works on Alu-Dibond or fire drawings, they show a wealth of possibilities that spring from Dave Grossmann's analytical system and are also characterized by high craftsmanship. A concert for the senses is generated!

04.02.2023 – 04.03.2023 In Shape. Dave Grossmann. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Urban Art, Mixed. Repro Form N°906, Dave Grossmann, 2023, Hammerschlaglack und Sprayfarbe auf Alu-Dibond, 40 x 30, Photo: Dave Grossmann

Starting from his artist's book "In SHAPE" of 2022 with 1000 geometric drawings, which are summarized as a compendium, these in turn serve as a matrix for further series of artworks, which differ in technique and material. From computer-milled relief to lacquer works on Alu-Dibond or fire drawings, they show a wealth of possibilities that spring from Dave Grossmann's analytical system and are also characterized by high craftsmanship. A concert for the senses is generated!

10.12.2022 – 21.01.2023 Objekte, Fotografie und Zeichnung. Renate Hampke
09.12.2022 – 25.02.2023 Intervention XXX-02. Marlies von Soden. (KioskShop berlin (KSb)) Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Negligé Illuminé, Marlies von Soden, 2016, Polypropylen, Lichtquelle, 110 x 70 x 70 cm, Photo: Semjon H. N. Semjon

Centrally located in the middle of the room, the large hanging sculpture »Negligé Illuminé« delicately glows into the space. Like a painting from another time - one might think of paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe or Tamara Lempicka from the era of Classical Modernism - the form, reminiscent of a rose blossom hanging upside down, unfolds organically in large, folded sweeps, puffing out. 

09.12.2022 – 25.02.2023 Intervention XXX-02. Marlies von Soden. (KioskShop berlin (KSb)) Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Negigé Illuminé, Marlies von Soden, 2016, Polypropylen, Lichtquelle, 110 x 70 x 70, Photo: Semjon H. N. Semjon

Centrally located in the middle of the room, the large hanging sculpture »Negligé Illuminé« delicately glows into the space. Like a painting from another time - one might think of paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe or Tamara Lempicka from the era of Classical Modernism - the form, reminiscent of a rose blossom hanging upside down, unfolds organically in large, folded sweeps, puffing out. 

15.10.2022 – 19.11.2022 SC-XXX-04. Gruppenausstellung
15.10.2022 – 26.11.2022 Gerda Schütte
27.08.2022 – 01.10.2022 Drift. Malerei, Collage und Lichtobjekte. Marc von der Hocht
27.08.2022 – 01.10.2022 Intervention XXX-01. Petra Tödter. (KioskShop berlin (KSb)) Painting, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro Intervention XXX-01, Petra Tödter, 2022, Finpappe, Mdf, Papier und Farbe, variierend, Photo: Petra Tödter

After an 11 year break, the series of Interventions exhibitions will be resumed. Petra Toedter's abstract geometric and colorful sculptures and objects will provide an exciting contrast to the walk-in Gesamtkunstwerk KioskShop berlin (KSb). 


23.07.2022 – 06.08.2022 innocence. Fotografie. Repro Aus der Serie "Aktstudie Jonathan Buttall", Andreas Fux, 1998/2022, Handabzug auf Barytpapier, seelengetont, 42 x 34,5 cm, Photo: Andreas Fux

"innocence" gathers the protagonists, who capture the naturally appearing self-image of these young people and create beguiling as well as disturbing portraits of men, which 'catches the viewer cold' through their unconcern and innocent naturalness. 

Andreas Fux and his protagonists let us participate in a new generation that presents itself with an undisguised look and also self-confidently demands to live its own life.

11.06.2022 – 16.07.2022 Ein kleiner Rückblick. Klaus Steinmann
29.04.2022 – 04.06.2022 Coming together. Dirk Rathke
25.03.2022 – 23.04.2022 Reset to Start. Colin Ardley, Renate Hampke, Bettina Weiß, Henrik U. Müller, Ute Essig, Thomas Prochnow, Ursula Sax, Takayuki Daikoku, Nataly Hocke, Dttmar Danner aka Krüger, u. a. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Reset to Start, Hitomi Uchikura, Ute Essig, Stefan Thiel, Bettina Weiß und Dittmar Danner aka Krüger, , Photo: Dave Grossmann

Back to the start means something like a new beginning: After the successful fight for the gallery space in the Schröderstraße in Mitte, we bring together all artists with their works. The concert of different artistic positions sums up what the gallery's program is all about: it spans from conceptual abstraction to the narratively symbolic to the supposed image of the human being. »KioskShop berlin (KSb)« is still on view.

21.01.2022 – 19.03.2022 benthos borborygmi. Michael Kutschbach. Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art, Mixed. Repro pinguid, Michael Kutschbach, 2022, Digitaldruck auf Seide, 364 x 272 cm, Photo: Michael Kutschbach

In 2021, Michael Kutschbach realised a multi-channel video project on behalf of the Guildhouse in Adelaide, which deals with the collaboration and examination of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra as a differentiated body of sound and organism. The video multi-channel chamber piece is now experiencing its German performance in Berlin.


04.09.2021 – 22.12.2021 X x X – X Jahre Semjon Contemporary. Jubiläums-Edition. Ardley, Buchanan, Daikoku, Danner aka Krüger, Essig, Flint, Hampke, Hocke, von der Hocht, Knaack, Kutschbach, Müller, Pomrehn, Prochnow, Rathke, Sax, Schütte, Silberberg, Spechter, Thiel, Uchikura, Weiß, u.a.. Painting, Print, Fotografie, Mixed

10 Jahre Semjon Contemporary sind Anlass genug, zurück und auch nach vorne zu schauen. Zum runden Jubläum wird eigens eine Edition in kleiner Auflage gefertigt mit einem Werk von jeder Künstlerin und jedem Künstler. Eine gerahmte Version bildet das Herzstück der Ausstellung.

04.09.2021 – 16.10.2021 X : Y – Konstruktion der Moderne (KdM). Die Berliner Sammlung Dr. Carl Theodor Gottlob Grouwet (1919). Semjon H. N. Semjon. Painting, Sculpture, Urban Art, Mixed

Das vielschichtige 'Gesamtkunstwerk' von H. N. Semjon wird nach 11 Jahren wieder der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Der drohende Rauswurf der Galerie durch die Berggruen Holding macht dies notwendig, da die Salonarchitektur von „Konstruktion der Moderne“ von 2010 weitestgehend erhalten ist, und seitdem als Straßen-Salon von Semjon Contemporary genutzt wurde. Der Abbau der Salon-Wände lässt seinen "KioskShop berlin (KSb)" dahinter wieder auferstehen.

24.04.2021 – 14.08.2021 aus und auf Papier. Ursula Sax. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro O.T., Ursula Sax, 2019, Packpapier, Binderfarbe, 2 x ca. 5 x 4 m, Photo: Frank Zimmer

This exhibition informs with work examples about the more than 70 years of artistic works by Ursula Sax (born 1936). The important German sculptress has worked with all materials. Paper as a sculptural material has become important for her in the 1980ies, 1990ies and since. As with all sculptors paper has been accompanying the artist in her artistic practice since 1949. A book of 520 pages with the same title will be be presented during her exhibition.

22.04.2021 – 14.05.2021 The Cast Whale Project. Der Wal in St. Elisabeth / Offene Kirche St. Elisabeth. Gil Shachar. (Schinkelkirche St. Elisabeth, Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin) Sculpture. Repro Abnahme der Form vom gestrandeten jungen Buckelwal, Gil Shachar, 2018, Epoxydharz, 14 Länge, Photo: Warrik Mc Leod

Gil Shachar’s large whale will be ‘stranding’ in Berlin. In 2018 Shachar and his local team were able to take a mould of a Humpback Whale in South Africa. The life-size sculpture (14 m length) was cast and assembled in Cape Town, before being shipped to Germany for it’s first appearance at Kunstmuseum Bochum in 2020. As a space St. Elisbeth church is of considerable historical significance, bearing memory of traumatic but also hopeful occurrences, and seems to be the perfect venue.

30.01.2021 – 06.03.2021 Encounter. Elisabeth Sonneck, Dittmar Danner aka Krüger. Painting, Sculpture
12.12.2020 – 23.01.2021 Semi Collapse. Dave Grossmann. Painting, Urban Art, Mixed. Repro Collapse, semi & unexcitings, regular, Dave Grossmann, 2019-2020, Lack auf OSB, divers, Photo: Semjon
24.10.2020 – 28.11.2020 edit-2.0/Der Zweite Öffentliche Raum. Thomas Prochnow. Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Urban Art, Mixed. Repro Der zweite Öffentliche Raum – in_memory_of, Thomas Prochnow, 2011, Pigmentdruck, 45 x 60 cm, Photo: Thomas Prochnow
22.08.2020 – 10.10.2020 Lunapark Transylvania. Gil Shachar. Painting, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro O.T., Gil Shachar, 2020, Epoxidhart, Wachs und Farbe, 37 x 52 x 37 cm, Photo: Gil Shachar
07.08.2020 – 15.08.2020 Interim – Sommerfrische – Sehnsucht nach Kunst. Colin Ardley, Ute Essig, Nataly Hocke, Dave Großmann, Karina Spechter, IB Maurice Jorn, Susanne Knaack, Gerda Schütte, Marc von der Hocht, Dittmar Danner aka Krüger, u.a. sowie einige der GaleriekünstlerInnen. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Urban Art. Repro Ausstellungsansicht, Photo: Galerie
20.06.2020 – 01.08.2020 heiter bis wolkig / bright to cloudy. Ute Essig. Print, Sculpture, Mixed
20.06.2020 – 01.08.2020 von gegenüber / from straight across. Henrik U. Müller. Print, Fotografie, Mixed
28.03.2020 – 25.04.2020 Geschnitten und Gerieben. Renate Hampke, Susanne Pomrehn, Ursula Sax, Li Silberberg, Stefan Thiel. Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed
14.12.2019 – 18.01.2020 Tiny Little Things – Accrochage. (Straßen-Salon, Kleines Kabinett, Gartensalon, Schaulager, Büro) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Media Art, Performance, Mixed
02.11.2019 – 07.12.2019 Curves – Neue Arbeiten und Installationen. (Straßen-Salon, Kleines Kabinett, Garten-Salon) Dirk Rathke. Painting, Print, Sculpture
02.11.2019 – 07.12.2019 edit_WHITE. Wandobjekte, Collagen, Assemblagen u.a.. Thomas Prochnow. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed
31.08.2019 – 05.10.2019 Tanz mit dem Raum . Das Geometrische Ballett und andere (performative) Projekte. Ursula Sax. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Performance, Mixed
20.07.2019 – 10.08.2019 Interim . Baustellen- und Sommerausstellung, nur im Hauptraum und Straßen-Salon – Sonderöffnungszeiten. Marc von der Hocht, Ursula Sax, Henrik u. Müller, Ute Essig, Stefan Thiel, Susanne Knaack, u.a.. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed
25.05.2019 – 26.05.2019 48 hrs. Vor der Renovierungspause. Colin Ardley, Ute Essig, Katja Flint, Susanne Knaack, Dittmar Danner aka Krüger, Michael Kutschbach, Henrik U. Müller, Dirk Rathke, Ursula Sax, Marc von der Hocht, alle Künstler*innen der Galerie. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed
30.03.2019 – 04.05.2019 Eins. Fotografie. Katja Flint. Fotografie
09.02.2019 – 16.03.2019 Spatial Strategies. Wandobjekte und Modell. Colin Ardley. Sculpture
09.02.2019 – 16.03.2019 Tafelbild – Bildtafel. Klaus Steinmann. Painting
07.12.2018 – 26.01.2019 Accrochage. Werke von allen Galerie- und GastkünstlerInnen. Colin Ardley, Ute Essig, Nataly Hocke, Henrik U. Müller, Thomas Prochnow, Ursula Sax, Gerda Schütte, Gil Shachar, Stefan Thiel, Marc von der Hocht, u.a.. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed
12.10.2018 – 24.11.2018 It's not dark yet. Dittmar Danner aka Krüger . Painting
07.09.2018 – 06.10.2018 artefact affairs. Marc von der Hocht. Painting, Sculpture, Textile art
08.08.2018 – 25.08.2018 Sommerfrische – Summer Retreat. Colin Ardley, Takayuki Daikoku, Ute Essig, Renate Hampke, Nataly Hocke, Susanne Knaack, Dittmar Krüger, Marc von der Hocht, Thomas Prochnow, Dirk Rathke, u.a.. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed
25.06.2018 Konzert von Barbara Hill (Flöte) - Japanische Kompositionen von M. Miyagi und H. Konoe. Hitomi Uchikura, Takayuki Daikoku
08.06.2018 – 14.07.2018 Faltzeichnungen. (Straßen-Salon) Takayuki Daikoku. Print, Sculpture
08.06.2018 – 14.07.2018 Lumière. Hitomi Uchikura. Print
24.04.2018 – 02.06.2018 Accrochage. (Straßen-Salon, Garten-Salon, Kleines Kabinett und Schaulager) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
24.04.2018 – 26.05.2018 Dead Flat. Skulptur und Wandobjekt. Gil Shachar. Painting, Sculpture
02.03.2018 – 14.04.2018 Misty Molecules. Bettina Weiß. Painting
02.03.2018 – 14.04.2018 Vita et Vanitas. Experimentelle Fotografie. (Straßen-Salon) Henrik Urs Müller. Fotografie
16.01.2018 – 24.02.2018 Gefingert - Nackte Frottagen u.a. Zeichnungen auf Holz. (Straßen-Salon) Renate Hampke. Painting, Mixed
23.12.2017 – 08.01.2018 Winterpause. Mixed
01.12.2017 – 20.01.2018 Accrochage
01.12.2017 – 20.01.2018 Blauer Salon. Ursula Sax. Sculpture
08.09.2017 – 18.11.2017 Fotografie! Eine Rückschau nach vorn. Zum 75. Geburtstag. Gerda Schütte. Fotografie
04.08.2017 – 24.08.2017 Sommerfrische / Window Shopping. Besuch nach Vereinbarung
17.06.2017 – 29.07.2017 gedanken/machen. Installation, Keramik und Stickwerk. (im Straßen-Salon) Ute Essig. Sculpture, Fotografie
17.06.2017 – 29.07.2017 2 ½ Tage Ozean. Installation, Objekte und Fotografie. Nataly Hocke. Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed
27.04.2017 – 03.06.2017 Lockheed. Light and sound object with digital interface exclusive sound produced by Irakli (i/Y). (StraßenSalon) Marc von der Hocht. Sculpture, Mixed
27.04.2017 – 03.06.2017 Malerei & Faltung. Dirk Rathke. Painting, Sculpture
17.03.2017 – 22.04.2017 Penetrating Paper. Gebohrt, Geschnitten, Gefaltet ...
20.01.2017 – 04.03.2017 Flovien Follies. (im Straßen-Salon) Michael Kutschbach. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie
20.01.2017 – 04.03.2017 edit_Black. Thomas Prochnow
04.11.2016 – 22.12.2016 Raku (Keramik). (im Straßen-Salon) Cornelia Nagel. Mixed
04.11.2016 – 22.12.2016 Hund und Katze. Karina Spechter. Painting, Sculpture
09.09.2016 – 22.10.2016 Encounter. Colin Ardley, Klaus Steinmann. Painting, Print
09.09.2016 – 22.10.2016 (Straßen-Salon) Ursula Sax. Print, Sculpture
29.07.2016 – 03.09.2016 Harald Kohlmetz. Painting
29.07.2016 – 03.09.2016 (Straßen-Salon) Gil Shachar. Sculpture
10.06.2016 – 23.07.2016 3 x Solo (2nd edition). Experimentelle Fotografie. Henrik Urs Müller. Fotografie
10.06.2016 – 23.07.2016 3 x Solo (2nd edition). Skulptur & Carve Painting. (Straßen-Salon) Takayuki Daikoku. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie
10.06.2016 – 23.07.2016 3 x Solo (2nd edition). Porzellan-Installation & Stickwerke. (Garten-Salon) Ute Essig. Sculpture, Mixed
27.04.2016 – 04.06.2016 3 x Solo. Susanne Knaack, Marc von der Hocht, Dirk Rathke. Painting, Print, Sculpture
18.03.2016 – 23.04.2016 Don´t be afraid of words! Fotoschnitte. Susanne Pomrehn. Fotografie
18.03.2016 – 23.04.2016 Archiv / Werkstatt. Papierschnitte, Skulptur und Fotografie. (Straßen-Salon) Stefan Thiel. Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
05.02.2016 – 12.03.2016 Pneuma-tac. Rauminstallation. Renate Hampke. Sculpture
05.02.2016 – 12.03.2016 Luminosité. Fotogramme. (Straßen-Salon) Gerda Schütte. Fotografie
12.01.2016 Archiv / Werkstatt. Installation, Papierschnitte, Fotografie und Skulptur. (Straßen-Salon) Stefan Thiel. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
05.12.2015 – 30.01.2016 Fokus Garten-Salon. Bettina Weiß. Painting
04.12.2015 – 30.01.2016 kraftWORK. Thomas Prochnow
11.09.2015 – 21.11.2015 Modell & Wirklichkeit. Realisierte und nicht realisierte Projekte (1950 - 2015) - zum 80. Geburtstag. Ursula Sax

Semjon Contemporary

Schröderstr. 1, B 10115

Berlin Mitte

T: +49.30.7841291

M: +49.175.2082339

Tu–Sa 13–19h