
Permanent Collection Sammlung Achim Freyer. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Etching, Lithography, Sculpture, Textile art, Fotografie. Repro Achim Freyer Sammlung, Photo: Gunter Leptowski

One of Berlin's most extraordinary private collections with more than 2,000 works from the 19th to 21st centuries (Eastern and Western art, outsider art, art brut). In an exuberant interpretation of the term "Petersburg hanging", works by famous masters hang on an equal footing alongside works by outsider art artists and young, undiscovered talents.

Only with guided tour, every Sunday at 3 p.m.

Admission: €14 / €7

Information and registration at

until 29.03. ACHIM FREYER I innen raum land schaften. Malerei – Assemblagen – Zeichnungen. Achim Freyer. (Galerie Tammen, Hedemannstrasse 14, 10969 Berlin) Repro Horizont I, Achim Freyer, 2001, Öl auf Leinwand, 200 × 160 cm
until 13.04. Szenen auf Papier. Monika Maurer-Morgenstern.


Free admission. Guided tours through the collection Sun 15-17h, 14/7€, registration via


30.03. – 27.04. Hommage an Achim Freyer. (di Galerie, Askanischer Platz 4, 10963 Berlin, So 16–19h)


04.10.2024 – 27.10.2024 Neuste Werke. im Verein Berliner Künstler (VBK). Achim Freyer. (Verein Berliner Künstler, Schöneberger Ufer 57, 10785 Berlin) Repro DOMESTIFIKATION, Achim Freyer, 2023, Acryl auf Leinwand, 122 x 138 cm, Photo: ACHIM FREYER STIFTUNG

In October Achim Freyer will be showing his latest works in the gallery of Berlin Artists' Association.

Berlin Artists' Association, Schöneberger Ufer 57, 10785 Berlin

Opening hours:
Wed-Sun 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.


15.09.2024 – 23.02. Achim Freyer Bilder I Eine Retrospektive. (Schloss Biesdorf, Alt Biesdorf 55, 12683 Berlin I Galerie) Repro o. T., Achim Freyer, 2004, Acryl auf Leinwand, 280 x 230 cm, Photo: ACHIM FREYER STIFTUNG

As part of Berlin Art Week, the exhibition "ACHIM FREYER PAINTINGS  I  a retrospective" opens at Schloss Biesdorf on September 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. 

The exhibition shows for the first time the visual artistic work of Achim Freyer from over 70 years in connection with his theater work, film and the collection in the art house of the Achim Freyer Foundation.

Location: Schloss Biesdorf, Alt Biesdorf 55, 12683 Berlin 

Opening hours: 
daily  10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 
Fridays  12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 
closed on Tuesdays 

Free admission

14.09.2024 – 15.09.2024 Open House zur Berlin Art Week I 12 - 18 Uhr. Repro ACHIM FREYER KUNSTHAUS, Photo: Gunter Lepkowski

Contemporary art of various kinds: Berlin Art Week offers a wide and diverse program. We are part of it again!
This time with hourly free guided tours, video presentations of Achim Freyer's work and our current exhibition: "Bilder I setzen, stellen legen"

Location: Achim Freyer Kunsthaus, Kadettenweg 53, 12205 Berlin
Free entry

14.09.2024 – 15.09.2024 Open House zur Berlin Art Week I 12 - 18 Uhr. Repro ACHIM FREYER KUNSTHAUS I SAMMLUNG I, Photo: Gunter Lepkowski

Contemporary art of various kinds: Berlin Art Week offers a wide and diverse program. We are part of it again!
This time with hourly free guided tours, video presentations of Achim Freyer's work and our current exhibition: "Bilder I setzen, stellen legen"

Location: Achim Freyer Kunsthaus, Kadettenweg 53, 12205 Berlin
Free entry

14.09.2024 – 15.09.2024 Open House zur Berlin Art Week I 12 - 18 Uhr. Repro ACHIM FREYER KUNSTHAUS I SAMMLUNG II, Photo: Gunter Lepkowski

Contemporary art of various kinds: Berlin Art Week offers a wide and diverse program. We are part of it again!
This time with hourly free guided tours, video presentations of Achim Freyer's work and our current exhibition: "Bilder I setzen, stellen legen"

Location: Achim Freyer Kunsthaus, Kadettenweg 53, 12205 Berlin
Free entry

08.09.2024 Open House zum Tag des Offenen Denkmals I 12-18 Uhr. Repro ACHIM FREYER KUNSTHAUS, Photo: Gunter Lepkowski

“Landmarks. Witnesses of history”. That is the theme of this year's Open Monument Day.
We are part of it and open our doors! Our program includes video presentations of Achim Freyer's artistic work, as well as hourly free tours of the collection. The current exhibition „Bilder I setzen, stellen legen“ can be visited in the gallery.

Location: Achim Freyer Kunsthaus, Kadettenweg 53, 12205 Berlin
Free entry

20.06.2024 – 24.10.2024 Kreuzwege – Neue Werke. Sommerausstellung in der Kirche Am Hohenzollernplatz. Achim Freyer. (Kirche Am Hohenzollernplatz, Nassauische Straße 6-67, 10717 Berlin) Repro KREUZIGUNG, Achim Freyer, 2023, Acryl auf Leinwand, 292 x 260 cm, Photo: ACHIM FREYER STIFTUNG

After his exhibition “Light from Color” in 2018, Achim Freyer returns to the church on Hohenzollernplatz with “KREUZWEGE: ACHIM FREYER – NEUE WERKE”. He designed the glass windows back in 1991, which have since bathed the church in a unique light.

The focus of the exhibition “KREUZWEGE: ACHIM FREYER – NEUE WERKE” is his five-part Passion Cycle from 2023, in which the artistic path of life becomes a symbol of the transformation of suffering and happiness.

Church at Hohenzollernplatz, Nassauische Straße 66-67, 10717 Berlin

Opening times:
Mon+Thurs: 4-6 p.m.
Wed: 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Sat: 1-3 p.m.

Free admission

20.06.2024 – 24.10.2024 Kreuzwege – Neue Werke. Sommerausstellung in der Kirche Am Hohenzollernplatz. Achim Freyer. (Kirche Am Hohenzollernplatz, Nassauische Straße 6-67, 10717 Berlin) Repro Kirche am Hohenzollernplatz I mit Fenstern von ACHIM FREYER, Photo: ACHIM FREYER STIFTUNG

After his exhibition “Light from Color” in 2018, Achim Freyer returns to the church on Hohenzollernplatz with “KREUZWEGE: ACHIM FREYER – NEUE WERKE”. He designed the glass windows back in 1991, which have since bathed the church in a unique light.

The focus of the exhibition “KREUZWEGE: ACHIM FREYER – NEUE WERKE” is his five-part Passion Cycle from 2023, in which the artistic path of life becomes a symbol of the transformation of suffering and happiness.

Church at Hohenzollernplatz, Nassauische Straße 66-67, 10717 Berlin

Opening times:
Mon+Thurs: 4-6 p.m.
Wed: 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Sat: 1-3 p.m.

Free admission

06.04.2024 – 30.11.2024 Freyer im Olymp I Bilder in Bewegung. (Galerie Olymp, In der EuropaCity, Otto-Weidt-Platz 8, 10557 Berlin) Repro Aus der Reihe_gelb, Achim Freyer, 2023, Acryl auf Leinwand, 100 x 100 cm, Photo: ACHIM FREYER STIFTUNG

The Galerie Olymp presents Achim Freyer. Three series of works from the last four years are on display. The works are radiant and bright and filled with Freyer's zest for life and curiosity. Each picture appears like a single score, and yet all the works together resonate in wonderful harmony.

Pictures in motion:
I: 6.4.–5.6.
II: 7.7.–27.9.
III: 12.10.–30.11.

Galerie Olymp, In der EuropaCity, Otto-Weidt-Platz 8, 10557 Berlin
Opening times:
Tuesday to Friday 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.

04.02.2024 – 15.12.2024 Bilder | setzen, stellen, legen. Achim Freyer. Repro Ausstellungsplakat

The gallery in the ACHIM FREYER FOUNDATION's KUNSTHAUS will be transformed into an artistic showroom in which up to 100 current works by Achim Freyer will be arranged in ever-changing constellations. The show is a preparatory space for more than ten exhibitions to mark the 90th birthday of the visual artist and theatre maker. The paintings will be accessible to the public for the first time during the gallery's usual opening hours (Tue, Thu, Sun - 3-6 pm). 
Achim Freyer himself or guests invited by him will be present on selected dates.

More information - also on the supporting programme at Admission free.

14.09.2023 – 14.01.2024 Cage - Curran - Freyer - Rühm - Schnebel. Notation Installation Bild Sound. Repro Zen Ox-Herding Pictures: Set 2, #10, John Cage, 1988, Photo: Courtesy Ray Kass & The Mountain Lake Workshop

The artistic border areas of notation, painting, drawing, installation and sound are the subject of this exhibition, starting from John Cage.
A network of artist friendships and affinities is conveyed. Thus, the personal relationships and artistic interconnections between the composers, visual artists, stage artists and writers John Cage, Dieter Schnebel, Achim Freyer, Alvin Curran and Gerhard Rühm are concealed behind the selected works.

16.04.2023 – 02.07.2023 Walter Weiße Werke. Eine Ausstellung zum 100. Geburtstag des Freyburger Künstlers & Malerfreundes von Achim Freyer. Repro Spirale und dunkle Fahnen, Walter Weiße, 1996, Kreide,Deckweiß,Aquarell, 61 x 86 cm
21.11.2022 – 27.11.2022 KulturkorsoHerbst. Eine Woche voller Vorträge, Workshops und Führungen. Painting.

During this week, the KUNSTHAUS of the ACHIM FREYER FOUNDATION is presenting additional cultural offerings: special gallery tours "Being in the picture" and workshop "Nature in the picture"


15.09.2022 – 02.04.2023 im Bilde Sein. Achim Freyer - 70 Jahre Malerei. Painting.

The exhibition »Being in the Picture« in the GALLERY at KUNSTHAUS of ACHIM FREYER STIFTUNG presents the artistic oeuvre of Achim Freyer in select works from the 1960s to the present.

15.05.2022 – 03.07.2022 Begegnungen. Plakate und Arbeiten für die Volksbühne Am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. Achim Freyer, Bernd Frank. Print. Repro Plakate: Begegnungen, Achim Freyer
28.11.2021 – 01.05.2022 Beuys zum Hundertsten. Joseph Beuys, Achim Freyer, Hildegard Weber, Klaus Staeck. Painting, Print, Fotografie. Repro Beuys zum Hundertsten, Agata Wozniak
12.09.2021 Tag des Offenen Denkmals ®. Mixed.
29.08.2021 – 14.11.2021 Mit eigenem Blick. Ehemalige Student*innen der früheren Meisterklasse Achim Freyer an der Universität der Künste Berlin (1976-1999). Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art, Mixed.
29.08.2021 – 14.11.2021 Mit eigenem Blick. Ehemalige Student*innen der früheren Meisterklasse Achim Freyer an der Universität der Künste Berlin (1976-1999). Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art, Mixed.
01.09.2019 – 19.01.2020 Bilder. Achim Freyer. Painting
14.04.2019 – 30.06.2019 Mit Kinderaugen gesehen. Die Sammlung im Kunsthaus der Achim Freyer Stiftung. In Kooperation mit der Freudberg Gemeinschaftsschule und dem Vermittlungsprogramm Kunstwelten der Akademie der Künste Berlin. Painting, Print
30.09.2018 – 07.04.2019 Ihre Bühne war das Bild, ihre Bilder der Raum. Malerei und Zeichnung. Ilona Freyer-Denecke. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed
22.04.2018 – 16.09.2018 An Ver Wandlungen. Märchenbilder von Achim Freyer und Künstler*innen aus dem Kunsthaus KAT 18 Köln, der Kunstwerkstatt Mosaik Berlin, der Malwerkstatt der Lebenshilfe Bad Dürkheim e.V., der Kraichgauer Kunstwerkstatt Sinsheim und der Kreativen Werkstatt der Diakonie Stetten. Painting, Print, Sculpture
11.02.2018 – 01.04.2018 4 Positionen A.F. Horizonte in Zeit und Raum 1965-2006 | Revolutionen + Reflexionen 1967-2017 | Metaphysische Ortungen 1980-1999 | Das Reine Bild oder Farbe auf Leinwand 2017-2018. Achim Freyer. Painting
29.10.2017 – 28.01.2018 19/20/17. Künstler*innen erinnern Revolutionen. Achim Freyer, Maria-Elena Amos, Carlfriedrich Claus, Osmar Osten, John Heartfield, Emilio Vedova, Käthe Kollwitz, Elena Kovylina, Michael Kutzner, Catherine Lorent, uvm.. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Media Art, Performance
03.09.2017 – 22.10.2017 Rundum. Hans Scheib. Print, Sculpture
09.04.2017 – 02.07.2017 Am Anfang war das Wort Am.* 4 Positionen 1

ACHIM FREYER STIFTUNG | Kunsthaus | Sammlung | Galerie

Kadettenweg 53, B 12205

Berlin South

T: +49.30.8339314

Tu 15–18h, Th 15–18h, Su 15–18h