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Vortrag 16.01., 19h


Permanent Collection Architecture & Morality. Das HaL baut. Mixed. Repro Veltener Hartbrandziegel, gelber Handstrich, 25/12/6,5, Ton, um 1900. Musterstein

An exhibition on the occasion of the new building project and the 60th anniversary of the Haus am Lützowplatz association. Curated by Asja Wolf.


until 09.02. How We Live. Tracey Snelling. Sculpture, Installation, Digital Art. Repro Leipziger Straße 40, Tracey Snelling, 2024

One unifying element of the sculptures in the „How we Live“ exhibition is the theme of social housing, i.e. state-subsidized construction projects and the associated social issues. For the „Haus am Lützowplatz“ art association, the „How we Live“ project is directly related to a socially linked construction project on the site of the former parking lot, which will be realized from autumn 2024 after a planning phase lasting several years. 


For further information in english please contact the gallery.


02.08.2024 – 25.08.2024 Joker. Tarek Aly, Kassandra von Aschenbach, Nadine Baldow, Nastia Eliseeva, Katrin Kampmann, Leopold Landrichter, Inna Levinson, Mikołaj Poliński, Brigitte Schröck, Misa Shimomura, Mike Strauch. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Installation, Mixed. Repro Titelbild Gruppenausstellung "JOKER", 2024

Players in art can be both Joker and Homo ludens, players with a serious duty and an important mirror of society. Their spaces of game are abyss and dreamland.

Curated by Sarah Letzel & Asja Wolf

18.05.2024 – 21.07.2024 Meme Me. Zohar Fraiman. Painting. Repro Ugat Gvina, Zohar Fraiman, 2023, Öl auf Leinwand, 115 x 195 cm
18.05.2024 – 20.10.2024 HaL-Hofskulptur #9. Workout-City. Jim Avignon. Repro Workout-City, Jim Avignon, 2024

Berlin wants to build. However, how to create as much affordable housing as possible in the shortest amount of time is controversial. Jim Avignon is concerned about Berlin's housing policy and comments on it with the high-rise character created for the HaL courtyard sculpture. Like Jonathan Borowsky's "Hammering Man" tirelessly swinging the hammer, Jim Avignon's sculpture "Workout-City" tirelessly lifts weights. Creating living space and finding living space seems to demand equally tireless effort.

02.03.2024 – 28.04.2024 A Home for Something Unknown. Eine Kooperation mit dem n.b.k.. Yalda Afsah, Taslima Ahmed, Rosanna Graf, Armin Lorenz Gerold, José Montealegre, Marcela Moraga, Mohammad Shawky Hassan, Line Skywalker Karlström, Mazen Kerbaj, Paola Yacoub, Bassem Yousri, Sati Zech. Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Sculpture, Installation, Textile art, Media Art, Mixed. Repro Aries III, Bob Kil, 2023, Collage, Photo: © Bob Kil

With the exhibition "A Home for Something Unknown," the n.b.k. (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein) and the Haus am Lützowplatz present works by 26 international artists living in Berlin who were awarded the Visual Arts Fellowship by the Berlin Senate in 2023. For the first time spread across two exhibition venues, the group show brings together a diversity of individual engagements with societal phenomena and provides insight into the current art scene in Berlin.

25.11.2023 – 11.02.2024 The Bad Mother. Louise Bourgeois, Candice Breitz, Nathalie Djurberg, Hans Berg, Antje Engelmann, Niina Lehtonen Braun, Carina Linge, Eva Vuillemin, Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld, Katarina Janečková Walshe, Kuratiert von Katharina Schilling. Painting, Sculpture, Media Art, Fotografie, Mixed

Anknüpfend an die titelgebende Arbeit The Bad Mother von Louise Bourgeois setzt sich die Gruppenausstellung mit der Erwartungshaltung an Mütter künstlerisch auseinander. Mit Müttern, die zu egoistisch, zu sexy, zu selbstaufopfernd, zu „mütterlich“ sind. Die Ausstellung vereint Arbeiten jenseits der klischeehaften Abbildung des Familienglücks und der ewig mild lächelnden Mutter wie es nicht nur in Darstellungen der Übermutter Maria, sondern auch in den Bildern der sozialen Medien noch immer vorherrscht. 

09.09.2023 – 05.11.2023 Unleashed Utopias - Künstlerische Spekulationen über Gegenwart und Zukunft im Metaverse. VR Kunstpreis 2023. Marlene Bart, Anan Fries, Rebecca Merlic, Mohsen Hazrati, Lauren Moffatt. Mixed.
01.07.2023 – 27.08.2023 Cold Shelter / Schutzraum. In der HaL Studiogalerie

Kuratiert von Max Dax

09.06.2023 – 27.08.2023 Who by Fire. Israelische zeitgenössische Kunst

Kuratiert von Liav Mizrahi

21.04.2023 – 18.06.2023 Mein trübes Wasser wurde klar (HaL Studiogalerie)
21.04.2023 – 27.08.2023 Fountain . HaL-Hofskulptur #8. Philip Topolovac. Sculpture. Repro Philip Topolovac 2023

Berlin-based artist Philip Topolovac was invited by guest curator Max Dax to create HaL-Hofskulptur #8. Referring to the shape of the T reinforced concrete fountain in the Berghain beer garden in Berlin, Philip Topolovac's sculpture "Fountain" constructs a fountain that functions as a signpost or memorial.

31.03.2023 – 29.05.2023 Wir sollen wie Hunde sein! Ziervogel .

The works by ZIERVOGEL in the exhibition Wir sollen wie Hunde sein! (We should be like dogs!) peculiarly place the production of art and the process of its viewing in a multi-layered contemporary field. The common vanishing point of all the works shown is the human body in its physical and genetic makeup and as a site of sensory and mental experience.

18.03.2023 – 10.04.2023 Back to the Future II. Michel Castaignet, Kathrin Landa, Florence Obrecht, Axel Pahlavi, Alexej Tchernyi, Alex Tennigkeit, Wu Zhi. (HaL Studiogalerie) Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro Installationsansicht, 2023

For the exhibition Back to the Future II, just like teenager Marty McFly and Dr. Emmett L. "Doc" Brown in the legendary fiction film trilogy of the same name, "Back to the Future," the collective’s members embark on a journey through time that takes them to both the past and the future.

28.01.2023 – 05.03.2023 Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit. in der HaL Studiogalerie. Charlotte Bastian, Bénédicte Blondeau, Benjamin Gräbner, Zora Janković, Thomas Ravens, Benedikt Terwiel. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art, Mixed. Repro Südgelände, Ausschnitt1, Kamera 1“, Benedikt Terwiel, 2021, Fotorendering, Maße variabel

Two- and three-dimensional, the group exhibition "Possibility and Reality" ventures into unsecured terrain. The works of the selected artists raise questions about the reality of fragile landscapes and surfaces: is what we see of artificial or natural origin, do we see a beginning or an end, dystopian or merely transitory states? Where are we in the midst of these images and forms, and can we still rely on our perception?

20.01.2023 – 19.03.2023 Früchte des Zorns . Versuch einer Annäherung: Ukraine. Nazar Bilyk, Serhij Bratkov, Johanna Diehl, Open Group , Alevtina Kakhidze, Lesia Khomenko, Dariia Kuzmych, Boris Mikhailov, Mykola Ridnyi, Steve Schepens, Hito Steyerl, Mariya Vasilyeva, Clemens von Wedemeyer. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Media Art. Repro Gay Train, Steve Schepens, 2015, glazed ceramics, 14 x 19 x 36 cm

The international artists allow us an insight, as the fight for a free Ukraine and the future of Europe continues. Their works reveal personal, social, and political phenomena and question the role of art in this conflict. The artists take different perspectives on this.

22.10.2022 – 08.01.2023 aller Beute Spuren. Malerei Zeichnung Objekte Sound. Julia Miorin, Una H. Moehrke, Luise von Rohden, Jochen Schneider, Marie Lynn Speckert. Painting, Sculpture, Media Art.

At the HaL Studiogalerie, the media of sound, painting, object, installation and drawing meet and ignite dialogical structures, gentle and radical, incoherent and structurally related.

15.09.2022 – 08.01.2023 ÜberLeben. Fragen an die Zukunft. Bettina von Arnim, Maxim Brandt, John Cage, Louisa Clement, Sabine Groß, Philip Grözinger, Bjørn Melhus, Katja Novitskova, Mette Riise, Michael Schmidt, Nina E. Schönefeld, Markus Wirthmann. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art, Mixed. Repro L.E.O.P.A.R.T (video still), Nina E. Schönefeld, 2019, Video, 1920 x 1080

The exhibition „SurVival: Questions about the Future“ is conceptually based on the film „Soylent Green“ (1973), which takes place in the year 2022 and almost fifty years ago created a gloomy vision of the future, that of extreme overpopulation and the ecological problems it caused. Against the background of this almost 50-year-old look into a future that has now become the present, the exhibition opens up a polyphonic space for reflection with twelve artistic positions.

27.08.2022 – 16.10.2022 Mein Land. kuratiert von Cornelia Renz und Asja Wolf. David Adam, Manaf Halbouni, Cornelia Renz. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Mein Land, Manaf Halbouni, 2019, Mixed Media, 140×280 cm

Against the backdrop of the fear of alienation as well as exclusion and its consequences, the exhibition negotiates the ambivalent concept of homeland in a "volatile modernity" (Zygmunt Bauman) with its experiences of globalization and fluid power structures. The appropriation of the emotionally connoted narrative of homeland by right-wing voices in the sense of a folk ideology is countered by the romanticization of homeland fantasies in commercial folklore.

27.08.2022 HaL Hof Fest 2022. Mixed.

On the occasion of the Long Night of Museums, the Haus am Lützowplatz in cooperation with Party Arty celebrates for the first time the: HaL Hof Fest. 

From 6 p.m. to 0 a.m.: bars, DJs, live acts (Yaneq & Kohle, Jim Avignon's one-man band Neoangin) 

Fee: 5,- Euro

09.07.2022 – 21.08.2022 Forcierte Relikte. Kuratiert von Salve Berlin. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Mixed. Repro Forcierte Relikte, Salve Berlin, 2022

Relic: remnant from a past time, or remnant from a previous of a former state, indicates being left behind, abandoned (Latin: rēlinquere). The curated works show traces of something greater or something that has disappeared. In doing so, the art production imitates, on the one hand, traces of past epochs. On the material plays an essential role. As a medium used are used: quotes, collage, installation, sculpture, drawing, film, textile works.

06.07.2022 Moralophobia. Jörg-Uwe Albig.

Author and journalist Jörg-Uwe Albig will discuss the theses of his new book with Mladen Gladic on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at 7 p.m.

In current debates about climate policy, refugees to Corona, a horror image is regularly conjured up: the specter of moralism. We encounter morality in everyday life, in politics, in society. But morality is often just ranted about. In his new book, Jörg-Uwe Albig counters this in a biting, rousing and cleverly argued way. 

24.06.2022 – 04.09.2022 Folly. Deborah Poynton. Painting. Repro Home Away from Home, Deborah Poynton, 2019

Deborah Poynton’s sometimes monumental canvases are painted in a virtuoso realistic technique that reveals the smallest details. These are works that offer a reflective visual experience that forces one to pause and resists the fleeting flood of images in digital media. The overwhelming visual richness of her pictorial worlds, in which the gaze can wander almost endlessly, shows a constructed reality, combined from different set pieces. 

28.04.2022 – 30.10.2022 280 °C . HaL-Hofskulptur #7. Monika Goetz. Sculpture. Repro 280 °C, Monika Goetz
28.04.2022 – 19.06.2022 pain/t/h/ing – ausser Haus . konzipiert von Elisabeth Sonneck und Stefanie von Schroeter. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro Berlin, 17. Februar 2022
08.04.2022 – 12.06.2022 Ultrasocial Pop. Filip Markiewicz. Mixed. Repro Cover, Filip Markiewicz
12.02.2022 – 10.04.2022 never mind the burnout. Mixed. Repro Hundred Seconds to Midnight, Birgit Brenner, 2020, Video, Format: mp4 Laufzeit: 3:42 min, Photo: Auflage von 3 courtesy Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022

The group exhibition „never mind the burnout“ explores how life on the edge of exhaustion is reflected in the art production of the past few years.

Czurated by Katharina Schilling and Jim Avignon

28.01.2022 – 27.03.2022 Lieber Maler. Götz Valien. Painting. Repro Paris Bar, Götz Valien, 1993-2010, Acryl auf Baumwolle, 211 x 381 cm, Photo: Reinhard Görner

Haus am Lützowplatz presents the painter Goetz Valien (* 1960 in Kitzbühel) with an exhibition that relates several of his series of pictures to one another. The work of the artist, who has lived in Berlin since 1985, is characterized by a virtuoso objectivity which he calls „virtual realism“ and which is fed by a tightly woven network of references into popular culture and the history of painting.

16.09.2021 – 09.01.2022 Massen | Masses. Clemens Krauss. Repro Aus der Serie „Protagonists“, Clemens Krauss, 2020, Ölfarbe, Podest, Photo: B. Borchardt

Haus am Lützowplatz presents a solo exhibition by Clemens Krauss under the title Massen / Masses. His works examine issues of the human individual as a psychophysical entity in social, political and cultural contexts and have been shown internationally in institutional solo and group exhibitions.

28.08.2021 – 10.10.2021 Ceremony / Die Zeremonie.

The group exhibition at the Studio Gallery presents works by:

AFFF Collective, A Z I Z A, Ekaterina Burlyga, Apollinaria Broche, Sonya & Varya Cheltsovii, Olga Chernycheva, Alina Glazoun, Katya Isaeva, Anna Kuznetsova, Maria Kolosova, Victoria Kosheleva, Nadezhda Likhogrud, Anna Nezhnaya, Ulyana Podkorytova, Susanna Smailova, Margo Trushina, Ustina Yakovleva

Curated by Yulia Belousova

22.07.2021 – 05.09.2021 Hopesters. Anna Meyer. Repro Hopesters (Detail), Anna Meyer, 2020, Öl auf Leinwand, 160 x 130 cm
30.04.2021 – 11.06.2021 Rotation Rebound. Ausstellung im IG Metall Haus. Susanne Lorenz, Tilman Wendland. (Ausstellung im IG Metall Haus) Sculpture.

For Rotation Rebound, Lorenz and Wendland transform the exhibition space of IG Metall into a stage situation. The street becomes an auditorium. In a course of movement, architectural interventions meet with balance objects from the world of fitness, rehab and agility.

Rotation Rebound opens up a set of possible actions that are visible day and night.

24.04.2021 – 04.07.2021 Earth, t.b.a. kuratiert von Vanessa Souli. Nadine Baldow, Hendrik Czakainski, Kai Löffelbein, Jazoo Yang, Shingo Yoshida. Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Detail, Nadine Baldow

The project presents a series of scenarios of future life on Earth that oscillate between imagination and documentation. The selected works, which are mainly site-specific installations, are imaginary investigations of post-apocalyptic rural and urban landscapes as a result of human influence on nature and architecture. Specifically, the exhibition aims to generate a conversation around the global issues.

24.04.2021 – 24.10.2021 HaL-Hofskulptur #6. Rebound Rotation. Tilman Wendland, Susanne Lorenz. (Hofskulptur) Sculpture.

In the garden of the Haus am Lützowplatz, remodeled in the late 1980s, on a square field in the center of the courtyard lies a capsule composed of trampolines. The jumping sheets of the one-person sports equipment are directed inside, an arrangement in which no one can jump. Impact and rebound as endless rotation?

Simultaneous to the collaborative work HaL-Hofskulptur #6 at HaL, Lorenz and Wendland show their exhibition Rotation Rebound at the Haus der IG Metall.

17.04.2021 – 04.07.2021 Resonanz der Realitäten . VR Kunstpreis der DKB in Kooperation mit CAA Berlin. Banz & Bowinkel, Evelyn Bencicova, Lauren Moffatt, Armin Keplinger, Patricia Detmering. Media Art, Mixed. Repro Poly Mesh, Banz & Bowinkel, 2020

The exhibition presents the works of the VR KUNSTPREIS scholarship holders, who create sculptures and paintings far removed from the laws of physics. The works reflect social dynamics and social changes caused by new technologies. VR art expert and artistic director Tina Sauerländer embeds the VR artworks in site-specific installations: virtual reality enters into dialogue with physical space.

05.02.2021 – 28.03.2021 Lob der Malkunst. Margret Eicher. Painting, Print. Repro Lob der Malkunst, Margret Eicher

The exhibition "Margret Eicher. Lob der Malkunst" is a cooperation with the Museum Villa Stuck in Munich and the continuation of the project in the adopted hometown of the artist (born 1955 in



Live Online Tours:

During the runtime from Tue - Fri 12 - 4 pm with a maximum of 10 participants.

Prior registration is required and possible via the following link:



04.12.2020 – 11.04.2021 Scars and Annual Rings. kuratiert von Huang Mei. Aimin Tao, Tasja Keetman, Andre Joosep Arming. (Studiogalerie) Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art. Repro Book of Women, Aimin Tao 陶艾民, 2005

„It is inevitable that, in addition to joy and success, we will also feel sadness and loss, hurt others and be hurt in our lives. Our bodies can bear scars, as can our hearts. How can we rethink our lives and continue to love with these scars? How do we create art and record annual rings of our life with these scars?" (Huang Mei)

27.11.2020 – 31.01.2021 Kunst kann. Einblicke in zeitgenössische künstlerische Haltungen. Arno Oehri, Martin Wohlwend, Ilona Kálnoky, Marco Schmitt, Nicole Wendel, Cornelia Lochmann, Maria Seisenbacher, uvm. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art, Performance.
03.10.2020 – 29.11.2020 Zusammen. 30 Jahre Wiedervereinigung aus künstlerischer PerspektiveStudio Galerie. Sibylle Bergemann, Norbert Bisky, Nina Fischer, Asta Gröting, David Polzin, Cornelia Schleime, Ulrich Weichert, Tobias Zielony. (Studiogalerie) Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Doppeldenk, Norbert Bisky, 2019, Öl auf Leinwand, Detail, Photo: Bernd Borchardt
29.08.2020 – 20.09.2020 0+255. Studiogalerie. (Studiogalerie) Gabriele Basch, Ursula Döbereiner, Ricarda Hoop, Gesa Lange, Kanta Kimura, Katja Pudor, Andrea van Reimersdahl, Sophia Schama, Tilman Wendland, Paul Wesenberg. Painting

0 ist der RGB Farbwert für die Farbe Schwarz und 255 ist der RGB Farbwert für die Farbe Weiß. Die Ausstellungsreihe 0+255 bringt zeitgenössische Positionen von Künstler*innen zusammen, die sich in ihrer Arbeitsweise aus verschiedenen Gründen auf den Gebrauch der Farben Schwarz und Weiß beschränken. Der Titel verweist dabei auf einen digitalen Farbraum, der schon lange für die Kunstproduktion und unseren Alltag selbstverständlich ist.

27.08.2020 – 08.11.2020 In weiter Ferne so nah. AArtist in Residence-Programm 2016-2020. Said Baalbaki, Catherine Biocca, Yvon Chabrowski, Manaf Halbouni, Kerstin Honeit, Ali Kaaf, Ahmed Kamel, David Krippendorff, Andréas Lang, Beatrice Minda, uwm. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art. Repro Sumpfwald, Andreas Lang, 2016, Pigment-Print, 104,40 x 128,40 cm (Detail)
25.07.2020 – 25.10.2020 Gravity. HaL Hofskulptur #5. Viviana Abelson. Sculpture, Performance. Repro Model for Movement, Viviana Abelson, 2020
07.03.2020 – 02.08.2020 Ich, Gott & die Welt. 100 Tage – 100 Werke – 100 Autoren. Timm Ulrichs. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art
17.01.2020 – 23.02.2020 The Unknown. Dorothee Diebold. Painting, Sculpture
29.11.2019 – 05.01.2020 Labor und Atelier . Stefanie Bürkle. Fotografie
16.11.2019 – 24.02.2020 It was all a Dream. Kuratiert von Laura Helena Würth (Studiogalerie)
28.09.2019 – 10.11.2019 Ein Monument für Wolfgang Neuss, initiiert von Jan Muche . (Studiogalerie) Painting
12.09.2019 – 19.11.2019 Perplexy. Tobias Dostal. Textile art
23.08.2019 – 01.09.2019 Radiosand. Thom Kubli. Sculpture
22.06.2019 – 11.08.2019 Hey Mars! Kuratiert von Lydia Korndörfer. (Studiogalerie) Andreas Greiner, Armin Keplinger, Natalie Körner, Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld, Louis-Phillipe Scoufaras. Painting, Sculpture
07.06.2019 – 11.08.2019 Mostly Happy - Finnish Art Today. In Kooperation mit dem Finnland Institut in Deutschland . Elina Brotherus, Miklos Gaál, Hanaleena Heiska, Antti Laitinen, Niina Lehtonen Braun, Aurora Reinhard, Toni R. Toivonen, Kari Vehosalo. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art
06.04.2019 – 26.05.2019 Entering, Permanent, Welt, Attrappe. Kuratiert von Andreas Koch und Peter K. Koch. (Studiogalerie) Oliver van den Berg, Miriam Böhm, Jürgen Drescher, Claus Goedicke, Joachim Grommek, Claudia Kugler, Johanna von Monkiewitsch, Kathrin Sonntag, René Wirths. Painting, Sculpture
05.04.2019 – 20.10.2019 Hofskulptur #4. Wartehäuschen. Andreas Koch. Sculpture
22.03.2019 – 26.05.2019 Global National. Kuratiert von Raimar Stange. Ulf Amide, Candice Breitz, Peter Friedl, Nadira Husain, Michaela Meise, Olaf Metzel, Marina Naprushkina, Bethan Huws, Dan Perjovchi, Martha Rosler. Painting, Sculpture, Media Art
26.01.2019 – 24.03.2019 Wort zu Bild. Kuratiert von Susanne Schirdewahn. Anke Becker, Nina Ansari, Ina Geissler, Oliver Mark, Via Lewandowsky, Cornelia Renz, Leander Haußmann, Markus Keibel, HP Adamski, Susanne Schirdewahn. Sculpture
18.01.2019 – 10.03.2019 Burning Man - Electric Sky. Römer+Römer. Painting
30.11.2018 – 06.01.2019 Preis des Präsidenten der UdK Berlin. Für Meisterschülerinnen und Meisterschüler der Bildenden Kunst. Johannes Bansmann, Nils Fischer, Juliane Tübke. Sculpture, Fotografie
17.11.2018 – 20.01.2019 set in scene. (Studiogalerie) Jack Burton, Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg, Przemek Pyszczek. Painting, Sculpture
22.09.2018 – 04.11.2018 Heroes / Koryphäen / Synapses .. In Zusammenarbeit mit Yulia Belousova / Ephemeral Dinner. (Studiogalerie) Tjorg Douglas Beer
14.09.2018 – 18.11.2018 November - Versuch über eine Revolution. Kuratiert von Marc Wellmann. Robert Barta, Julius von Bismarck, Mariechen Danz, Tracey Moffatt, Bettina Pousttchi, Katja Strunz. Sculpture, Media Art
21.08.2018 – 26.08.2018 The Future of Art: A Camp. Or: How to Bury the White Man. Erik Niedling
18.08.2018 – 19.08.2018 Women. Kuratiert von Anna Gien und Adela Yawitz. Amy Ball. Sculpture, Media Art
23.06.2018 – 05.08.2018 Pirating Presence - Aneignung der Aneignung. (Studiogalerie) Margret Eicher, Adi Hösle, Isabel Kerkermeier, Stefan Römer, Heidi Sill, Susanne Wehr, Toni Wirthmüller. Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art, Performance
25.05.2018 – 14.10.2018 Riding Giants - Hofskulptur #3. Janine Eggert, Philipp Ricklefs. Sculpture
05.05.2018 – 17.06.2018 The Female Gaze - On Body, Love, And Sex II. (Studiogalerie) Selma Alaçam, Sabrina Jung, Claudia Hart, Juliana Cerqueira Leite & Zoë Claire Miller, Eglė Otto, Anaïs Senli, Kuratiert von Isabelle Meiffert . Painting, Sculpture, Media Art
26.04.2018 – 05.08.2018 Grosses Gesichtsfeld. Heiner Franzen. Painting, Sculpture, Media Art
23.03.2018 – 04.05.2018 M. Et Al. . (IG Metall-Haus) Karsten Konrad. Painting, Sculpture
17.03.2018 – 29.04.2018 Beyond the Moon . (Studiogalerie) Dew Kim, Catherine Lorent, Steve Nietz, Yudi Noor, Linnéa Sjöberg, Kuratiert von Green|Gonzalez. Sculpture, Media Art, Performance
19.01.2018 – 08.04.2018 Der schwarze Hund trägt bunt. Eckhart Hahn. Painting, Sculpture
01.12.2017 – 07.01.2018 Meisterschülerpreis des Präsidenten der UdK Berlin 2017. Rafael Ibarra, Lisa Peters, Gary Schlingheider. Painting, Sculpture, Performance
17.11.2017 – 21.01.2018 Relics of Chaos. Kuratiert von Kat Rickard. (Studiogalerie) Yasmin Alt, Leonard Traynor, Nadja Schütt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Textile art
29.09.2017 – 05.11.2017 R.A.Q. - Rarely Asked Questions. Kuratiert von CAPRI Berlin. (Studiogalerie) Ina Bierstedt, Bettina Carl, Anna Gollwitzer, Irène Hug, Lucy Powell, Peter Torp. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Media Art
22.09.2017 – 10.11.2017 Laundromat. (Ausstellungsraum der IG Metall, Alte Jakobstraße 149, 10969 Berlin) Marion Eichmann. Painting, Print, Sculpture
14.09.2017 – 19.11.2017 Prometheus Delivered. Thomas Feuerstein. Sculpture
31.08.2017 – 02.09.2017 Trajectories #01. New Drawing Embodiments. Nicole Wendel, Lea Pischke, Stella Geppert, Jan Burkhardt, Morgan O'Hara, u.a.. Painting, Performance
24.06.2017 – 20.08.2017 Farbauftrag. (Studiogalerie) Isabelle Dutoit, Zohar Fraiman, Marie Gold, Franziska Guettler, Nina K. Jurk, Heike Kelter, Marianna Krueger, Kathrin Landa, Verena Landau, Catherine Lorent, u.a.. Painting, Sculpture
02.06.2017 Künstlerinnen im Gespräch 16h. Farbauftrag Austellung. Nina K. Jurk, Maria Sainz Rueda, Bettina Sellmann, Alex Tennigkeit, . Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie
01.06.2017 – 20.08.2017 Transaktionen. Über den Wert künstlerischer Arbeit. Nadine Fecht, Ali Fitzgerald, Moritz Frei, Thorsten Goldberg, Christian Jankowski, Ligthart Enterprises, Michael Sailstorfer, Joshua Schwebe, Santiago Sierra, Pilvi Takala. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art
22.04.2017 – 11.06.2017 / interf ∆ ce(s) /. (Studiogalerie) Marion Andrieu, Yann Gerstberger, Zora Mann
07.04.2017 – 21.05.2017 10. Förderpreis für Dokumentarfotografie der Wüstenrot-Stiftung. Sara-Lena Maierhofer, Kalouna Toulakoun, Birte Kaufmann, Arne Schmitt
11.02.2017 – 09.04.2017 Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch. Ausgedacht, zusammengestellt und kuratiert von Philip Grözinger. (Studiogalerie) Heiner Franzen, Caroline Kryzecki, Adrian Lohmüller. Painting, Sculpture, Media Art
20.01.2017 – 19.03.2017 Das was bleibt. René Wirths. Painting
02.12.2016 – 08.01.2017 Meisterschülerpreis des Präsidenten der UdK Berlin. Ayami Awazuhara, Aliénor Dauchez, Marlen Letetzki
08.10.2016 – 29.01.2017 Habseligkeiten. Kuratiert von Katharina Schilling und Benny Golm. Jan Bünnig, Ekaterina Burlyga, Torben Geeck, Bastian Gehbauer, Göran Gnaudschun, Caitlin Levin & Henry Hargreaves, Carina Linge, Eric Meier, Michael Pohl, Ria Patricia Röder u.a.. Fotografie
28.09.2016 Performing Encounters #3. (Studiogalerie) Yvonne Reiners. Performance
15.09.2016 – 20.11.2016 Die Legende des Künstlers und andere Baustellen. Kuratiert von Alexandra von Stosch und Marc Wellmann. Christian Jankowski. Sculpture, Media Art
09.07.2016 – 18.09.2016 Space as a Place. kuratiert von Paulina Olszewska. (Studiogalerie) Piotr Blajerski, Olaf Brzeski, Krystian Truth Czaplicki, Łukasz Rusznica, Kama Sokolnicka. Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art
09.07.2016 – 18.09.2016 Space as a Place. Kuratiert von Paulina Olszewska. (Studiogalerie) Piotr Blajerski, Olaf Brzeski, Krystian Truth Czaplicki, Łukasz Rusznica, Kama Sokolnicka. Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art
26.05.2016 – 16.10.2016 HaL Hofskulptur #1. Reijiro Wada. Sculpture
23.04.2016 – 26.06.2016 BLANKS. Kuratiert von Margit im Schlaa. (Studiogalerie) Marie Rief, Philip Loersch, Ingar Krauss, Jan-Holger Mauss, Richard Schütz, Tim Plamper. Sculpture, Fotografie
18.03.2016 – 05.06.2016 It Will Be! Mathilde ter Heijne. Sculpture, Performance, Mixed
03.03.2016 – 01.05.2016 11. Interventionale #2. (im Ausstellungsraum der IG Metall - Alte Jakobstraße 149, 10969 Berlin) Jan Kage
20.02.2016 – 03.04.2016 10 Jahre Kunstkontakter. (Studiogalerie) Kunstkontakter
22.01.2016 – 02.03.2016 Captured Motion. Anette Rose. Sculpture, Media Art, Mixed
27.11.2015 – 10.01.2016 Attitudes. Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - kuratiert von Marcel Odenbach und Beate Eckstein. Yevgenia Belorusets, Elena Dormeier, Soso Dumbadze, Sarah Held, Franziska Kabisch, Marie Kirchner, Thanh Long, Mariam Mekiwi, René Patzwaldt, Laura Popplow, u.a.. Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art, Urban Art, Mixed
14.11.2015 – 20.11.2015 You Can Feel It. Kuratiert von Jonny Star. (Studiogalerie) Mischa Badasyan, Thomas Behling, Sindy Butz, Anke Cott, Markus Siegfried Fiedler, Franciscus & Franciscus, Monica Germann, Daniel Lorenzi, Reinhold Gottwald, Sol Kjøk
11.09.2015 – 15.11.2015 Review. Andreas Koch
09.09.2015 – 08.11.2015 Transient Material. Zusammengestellt von Harald Theiss. (Studiogalerie) Laurence Bonvin, Moritz Hirsch, Alicja Kwade, Ingeborg Lüscher, Fabian Rockenfeller, Ricarda Roggan, Michael Sailstorfer, Florian Slotawa, Henrik Strömberg, Tears for Fears

Haus am Lützowplatz (HaL)

Lützowplatz 9, B 10785

Berlin South

T: +49.30.2613805

F: +49.30.2644713

Tu–Su 11–18h