Upcoming Events

Vernissage 30.01., 19h–22h


until 12.01.2025 This Causes Consciousness to Fracture – A Puppet Play. Gisèle Vienne. Installation. Repro Series PORTRAITS 48/63, Gisèle Vienne, 2024, Photo: Foto: Gisèle Vienne

In autumn 2024, Haus am Waldsee, in cooperation with the Georg Kolbe Museum and Sophiensæle, will present the artistic work of the Austrian-French artist, choreographer and director Gisèle Vienne (*1976) in Berlin for the first time. Over the past 25 years, Gisèle Vienne has created a complex and wilful oeuvre that questions our patterns of perception and invents artistic languages to pave the way for structural social change.


As an exhibition centre, Haus am Waldsee has been showing international contemporary art in Berlin since 1946. The content of our programme covers a wide spectrum from the visual arts, design and architecture all the way to artists working with sound and composition. In up to five exhibitions per year single, truly innovative positions of artistic practice, thematically driven group exhibitions and seminal works of post-war Modernism are put up for debate. 


31.01.2025 – 04.05.2025 Ull Hohn. Painting

Im Januar 2025 präsentiert das Haus am Waldsee die erste umfassende institutionelle Einzelausstellung des deutschen Künstlers Ull Hohn (*1960 in Trier; †1995 in Berlin) in Deutschland, in der das gesamte Spektrum seines malerischen Œuvres vorgestellt wird.


24.05. – 18.08. How Frequency The Eye. Josephine Pryde. Installation, Media Art, Fotografie. Repro N-CT-W 2 (S), Josephine Pryde, 2022, Silver gelatine print, 51.5 × 42.5 cm, Photo: Courtesy die Künstlerin; Galerie Neu, Berlin und Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York

In May, Haus am Waldsee presents a comprehensive solo exhibition by Josephine Pryde. Throughout her working life, the currently Berlin-based British artist has explored and questioned the creation and consumption of images, with a particular focus on photography and its associated modes of production.

27.04. Zooms and Streams – Gallery Weekend Guided Tour. Kombinierte Führung von Fluentum "Live Stream" zum Haus am Waldsee "Jenna Bliss / Carol Rhodes". Jenna Bliss, Carol Rhodes, Patricia L. Boyd, Jason Hirata, Nina Könnemann, Michael E. Smith and Matt Welch. Painting, Sculpture, Installation, Media Art, Fotografie. Repro "True Entertainment", Eröffnung im Haus am Waldsee, Jenna Bliss, 2023/24, Photo: Harry Schnitger

Zooms and Streams – Gallery Weekend Guided Tour

Combined guided tour from Fluentum Live Stream to the Haus am Waldsee Jenna Bliss & Carol Rhodes

2 pm, 1st part Guided Tour, Fluentum, Clayallee 174, 14195 Berlin
3.30 pm, 2nd part Guided Tour, Haus am Waldsee, Argentinische Allee 30, 14163 Berlin

Max. 20 people. Participation free of charge. The guided tours are held in German.
Registration at: info@fluentum.org

02.02. – 05.05. Carol Rhodes. Painting, Work on Paper, Media Art, Fotografie. Repro Roads, Buildings (Evening), Carol Rhodes, 2013-2014, Öl auf Holz, 51 x 53 cm, Photo: Courtesy Toby Treves

In February 2024, Haus am Waldsee presents two parallel exhibitions by the American artist Jenna Bliss (*1984 New York) and the Scottish painter Carol Rhodes (*1959 Edinburgh; † 2018 Glasgow). The use of temporally or spatially distanced perspectives to reveal new angles on established narratives are characteristic of the work of both artists. Through these critical perspectives, geographic, social and historical contexts come into view.

02.02. – 05.05. Jenna Bliss. Media Art, Digital Art, Fotografie. Repro Connecting the dots (film still), Jenna Bliss, 2021, HD Video, 01:52 Min, Loop, Photo: Courtesy the artist

In February 2024, Haus am Waldsee presents two parallel exhibitions by the American artist Jenna Bliss (*1984 New York) and the Scottish painter Carol Rhodes (*1959 Edinburgh; † 2018 Glasgow). The use of temporally or spatially distanced perspectives to reveal new angles on established narratives are characteristic of the work of both artists. Through these critical perspectives, geographic, social and historical contexts come into view.

20.10.2023 – 14.01. Bruno Pélassy and the Order of the Starfish. Bruno Pélassy, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Beth Collar, Jesse Darling, Brice Dellsperger, Leonor Fini, Ull Hohn, Natacha Lesueur, Soshiro Matsubara, Jean Painlevé & Geneviève Hamon, James Richards. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Bruno Pélassy with Starfish, Coco Beach, Nizza, Bruno Pélassy, 1997, Photo: Foto: Laura Cottingham

The Haus is pleased to present the first institutional exhibition of French artist Bruno Pélassy (b. 1966 in Vientiane, Laos, d. 2002 in Nice, France) in Germany. Through formal and playful material excesses in sculpture, couture and jewelry, drawing, and film, the exhibition explores his practice as both a personal and political contention of the conventions of desire, nature, gender, value and health, and a suit for the dissolution of fixed binaries.

16.09.2023 – 17.09.2023 All Fours: Life Guardians. Nina Beier, Bob Kil. Sculpture, Performance. Repro All Fours, Nina Beier & Bob Kil, 2022, Photo: Sebastiano Pellion di Persano

On September 16 and 17, from 11 am till 7 pm each day, Haus am Waldsee will showcase the performance All Fours: Life Guardians at its lakeside, featuring five majestic marble lions draped with home textiles such as bath mats, towels, rags, and blankets. Standing in a close formation, the lions are framed by a group of performers who bring the inanimate sculptures to life through a carefully choreographed sequence of slow, synchronized equestrian movements.

23.06.2023 – 24.09.2023 The First Finger (chapter II). Tolia Astakhishvili. Sculpture. Repro Tolia Astakhishvili and James Richards, Tenant (From Communion to Cannibalism), Tolia Astakhishvili, 2021-ongoing, Slideshow (81 Slides), Detail, Maße variabel, Photo: Courtesy die Künstler*innen; Cabinet, London; Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin; LC Queisser, Tblisi; Rodeo, London und Piraeus

Artist Tolia Astakhishvili will transform the Haus in the course of an expansive solo presentation. Astakhishvili’s multimedia practice is concerned with questions of space: how it is constituted, and how it reflects lived realities. Her works follow the structures and narratives of existing buildings, conjuring up real and imaginary stories through temporary installations and alterations. Curated by Beatrice Hilke.

30.04.2023 Das Zuhause als tägliche Kulisse. Kombinierte Führung von Fluentum “Loretta Fahrenholz – Trash The Musical” zum Haus am Waldsee “Margaret Raspé – Automatik”. Loretta Fahrenholz, Margaret Raspé. (Fluentum, Clayallee 174, 14195 Berlin) Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art.

The Home as Everyday Stage

Combined guided tour from Fluentum "Loretta Fahrenholz - Trash The Musical" to Haus am Waldsee "Margaret Raspé - Automatik".

2 pm, 1st part guided tour, Fluentum, Clayallee 174, 14195 Berlin

3.30 pm, 2nd part guided tour, Haus am Waldsee, Argentinische Allee 30, 14163 Berlin

Please register at: info@fluentum.org

Max. 20 persons

03.02.2023 – 29.05.2023 Automatik. Margaret Raspé. Fotografie, Media Art. Repro Alle Tage wieder – let them swing!, Margaret Raspé, 1974, super 8, colour, without sound, 20 min., film still, Photo: Courtesy the artist and Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin

In the spring of 2023, the Haus am Waldsee presents the first comprehensive retrospective of Berlin-based artist Margaret Raspé (b. 1933 in Breslau), who created a significant body of artistic work in the immediate vicinity of the Haus am Waldsee over the past five decades. In her practice, Raspé developed an ideosyncratic artistic language that considers life and art and their everyday conditions in unison.

15.09.2022 – 08.01.2023 Female Remedy. Leila Hekmat. Sculpture, Media Art, Performance. Repro Triple Curly, Leila Hekmat, 2020 , Tryptichon-Still. Digitale Video-Collage, Photo: Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi

The exhibition Female Remedy by Leila Hekmat (b. 1981 in Los Angeles, lives and works in Berlin) transforms the Haus am Waldsee into a religious sanatorium for women, an infirmary of sorts, complete with hospital beds, a surgery room, a chapel and an assortment of specialised rooms for treatment. In tandem with a live performance, the exhibition takes the shape of a satiric, sensory installation that unfolds across the house and the garden.

20.05.2022 – 28.08.2022 Überlagerungen. Thomas Florschuetz. Fotografie. Repro Ohne Titel (Palast) 51, Thomas Florschuetz, 2006, C-Print, 183 x 226 cm

Thomas Florschuetz, born in Zwickau in 1957, is considered to be one of the most important German representatives of contemporary photography. The fascination of photography lies in the complexity of the medium for the artist – which extends beyond the purely illustrative, documentary function. Florschuetz argues that the surrounding reality must be questioned in order to arrive at a more complex image. 

21.01.2022 – 08.05.2022 New Normals. Konstantin Grcic. Mixed. Repro New Normals (Detail), Konstantin Grcic, 2021, Photo: Florian Böhm

For the exhibition, industrial designer Konstantin Grcic creates environments in which his design objects interact with materials and everyday objects of our present. These so-called "New Normals" refer to a future in which other constellations of living and working together are tested and confront the viewers with their own ideas of utopian and dystopian futures.

21.01.2022 – 08.05.2022 New Normals. Konstantin Grcic. Mixed. Repro New Normals (Detail), Konstantin Grcic, 2021, Photo: Florian Böhm

For the exhibition, industrial designer Konstantin Grcic creates environments in which his design objects interact with materials and everyday objects of our present. These so-called "New Normals" refer to a future in which other constellations of living and working together are tested and confront the viewers with their own ideas of utopian and dystopian futures.

21.01.2022 – 08.05.2022 New Normals. Konstantin Grcic. Mixed. Repro Installationsansicht New Normals", Konstantin Grcic, 2021, Photo: Florian Böhm

For the exhibition, industrial designer Konstantin Grcic creates environments in which his design objects interact with materials and everyday objects of our present. These so-called "New Normals" refer to a future in which other constellations of living and working together are tested and confront the viewers with their own ideas of utopian and dystopian futures.

17.09.2021 – 09.01.2022 Drawing as Continuum. Tony Cragg. Painting, Print

Im Haus am Waldsee können wir uns seit Jahren über Tony Craggs Präsenz im Skulpturenpark freuen. Selten tritt der Bildhauer als Zeichner in Erscheinung. Die Ausstellung zeigt Arbeiten auf Papier aus allen Schaffensperioden seit den 1980er Jahren und wird durch ausgesuchte Plastik ergänzt. Konsequent macht Cragg mikro- und makrokosmische Veränderungsprozesse sichtbar. 

20.06.2021 – 05.09.2021 Ordnung der Wildnis. Christiane Löhr. Sculpture. Repro Drei kleine Kuppeln, Christiane Löhr, 2007, Pflanzenstängel, 14 x 13 x 14 cm / 9 x 8 x 8 cm / 5,5, x 8 x 7 cm, Photo: Shouma Kosai

Unprecedented in contemporary sculpture, Christiane Löhr (*1965) uses exclusively renewable material for her sculptural works. Her delicate spatial sculptures of various forms are built from materials like horsehair, grasses, blossoms, or seed clusters. She is particularly interested in the transformation process of her unusual source materials into delicate and therefore all the more daring spatial events. 

07.04.2021 – 09.06.2021 Online-Ausstellung Fischer & el Sani. (www.hausamwaldsee.de) Media Art. Repro The Rise , Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani , 2007, HD Video, 1 Kanal Video Loop Installation, 18 Min.
18.10.2020 – 06.06.2021 Into Space. Björn Dahlem, Berta Fischer, Naum Gabo. Sculpture. Repro Balam, Berta Fischer, 2018, Styropor, Lack, Silikon, 125 x 105 x 105 cm , Photo: Courtesy die Künstlerin und Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Karin Günther, Hamburg , Foto: Simon Vogel

“Into Space” addresses humanity’s longing for outer space, zero gravity, faraway galaxies and a faith in energies outside our current powers of comprehension and perception. In the show, three sculptors reflect on the intersections of art, science and philosophy across a century and from a Berlin point of view.

18.07.2020 – 04.10.2020 Revolutions of Choice. Barkow Leibinger. Mixed
05.05.2020 – 05.07.2020 Image Ballett. Bernhard Martin. Painting
29.11.2019 – 23.02.2020 In den Falten das Eigentliche. Johanna Diehl. Fotografie
06.09.2019 – 17.11.2019 Inspiration is a little town in China - in Papier. Tobias Rehberger, . Painting, Print, Sculpture
18.05.2019 – 25.08.2019 Lynn Chadwick – Biester der Zeit. Lynn Chadwick, Katja Strunz, Hans Uhlmann. Sculpture
09.03.2019 – 05.05.2019 One to Free. Ammar al–Beik. Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art
26.01.2019 – 03.03.2019 Karin Sander A - Z. Karin Sander. Sculpture
13.02.2018 – 11.03.2018 Marginalia. (Haus am Waldsee im Bikini Berlin, Budapester Str. 46, 10787 Berlin) Anja Lutz. Painting, Print
25.10.2017 – 25.11.2017 Schaufensterausstellung im Bikini Berlin. Spiegelbilder. (Haus am Waldsee im Bikini Berlin, Budapester Str. 46, 10787 Berlin) Thomas Florschuetz. Painting, Sculpture
05.10.2017 – 10.02.2018 Schaufensterausstellung im Bikini Berlin. (Haus am Waldsee im Bikini Berlin, Budapester Str. 46, 10787 Berlin) Susanne Rottenbacher. Textile art
20.07.2017 – 09.09.2017 Fotografien. Schaufensterausstellung im Bikini Berlin. (Haus am Waldsee im Bikini Berlin, Budapester Str. 46, 10787 Berlin) Christiane Seiffert. Fotografie
03.03.2017 – 05.06.2017 VERMISST Der Turm der blauen Pferde von Franz Marc. Zeitgenössische Künstler auf der Suche nach einem verschollenen Meisterwerk. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Media Art
18.11.2016 – 12.02.2017 Recht und Raum. Julian Röder. Fotografie
09.09.2016 – 06.11.2016 Simulationen. Landschaft jenseits der Wirklichkeit. Sven Drühl. Painting
08.07.2016 – 28.08.2016 Chinese Whispers. Ingo Mittelstaedt mit der Sammlung Peter Raue. Ingo Mittelstaedt. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie
28.04.2016 – 26.06.2016 Strukturalien. Architektur als urbane Plastik. J. Mayer.H. Sculpture, Urban Art, Mixed
19.02.2016 – 17.04.2016 ... und plötzlich dreht der Wind. Leiko Ikemura. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie
04.12.2015 – 07.02.2016 Porzellandesign von Hering Berlin. Stefanie Hering
19.09.2015 – 22.11.2015 Monolog aus dem 11ten Stock. Alicja Kwade. Sculpture

Haus am Waldsee

Argentinische Allee 30, B 14163

Berlin South

T: +49.30.8018935

F: +49.30.8022028

Tu–Su 11–18h

Jeder 2. Freitag im Monat: 11 bis 20 Uhr.

Special opening hours Berlin Art Week

Fr 11–20h