Upcoming Events

Kuratorinnenführung 13.02., 16h
Kuratorinnenführung 13.03., 16h


until 27.04. Deutsche Juden heute. Leonard Freed. Leonard Freed. Fotografie. Repro Simchat Tora-Ball in Köln. Aus der Serie "Deutsche Juden heute", Leonard Freed, Köln 1961
until 04.05. Access Kafka. Cory Arcangel, Yuval Barel, Yael Bartana, Guy Ben-Ner, Marcel Broodthaers, Marcel Duchamp, Maria Eichhorn, Mary Flanagan, Ceal Floyer, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Tehching Hsieh, Anne Imhof, Fatoş İrwen, Franz Kafka, Uri Katzenstein, Lina Kim, Martin Kippenberger, Maria Lassnig, Michal Naaman, Trevor Paglen, Alona Rodeh, Roee Rosen, Gregor Schneider, Hito Steyerl. Painting, Work on Paper, Drawing, Watercolor, Installation, Light Art, Media Art, Digital Art, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Mary Flanagan, Videostill aus [borders: chichen itza], 2010, Video

Kafka comes to Berlin! One hundred years after the death of Franz Kafka, the Jewish Museum Berlin is providing new insights into his work with its exhibition Access Kafka: manuscripts and drawings from Franz Kafka’s estate come together with contemporary art by artists such as Yael Bartana, Maria Eichhorn, Anne Imhof, Martin Kippenberger, Maria Lassnig, Trevor Paglen and Hito Steyerl. The focus is on universal and timeless questions concerning access.


The Jewish Museum Berlin is one of the outstanding institutions on the European museum landscape. Its new core exhibition that opened in 2020, its temporary exhibitions, collections, events program and the W. Michael Blumenthal Academy, as well as its digital and educational offerings make the museum is a vibrant place for dialog and reflection on Jewish past and present in Germany.


20.05. – 12.10. Inventuren. Salman Schockens Vermächtnis. Joshua Cohen. Repro Bücherei des Schocken Verlags, Berlin, 1933-1939, Photo: Monika Sommerer
11.07. – 23.11. Widerstände. Jüdische Designerinnen der Moderne. Print, Work on Paper, Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed. Repro Kaffee- und Teeservice, Emmy Roth, Berlin 1931, Silber, getrieben, Photo: Jens Ziehe

The exhibition reveals the important role that Jewish women designers played in German society’s process of eman­cipation and modernization in the early twentieth century. Featuring around three hundred exhibits by more than fifty designers, this is the world’s first collective exhibition on the theme. It brings together pioneering women who battled social marginali­zation to attain prominent positions in their own domains.

Die Aufzeichnungen. Claude Lanzmann

Ab dem 27. November 2025 ist dann die dritte Ausstellung der Reihe zu sehen: Zum 100. Geburtstag des Journalisten und Dokumentarfilmers Claude Lanzmann (1925–2018) präsentiert die Ausstellung zum ersten Mal das Audio-Archiv zu seinem Film Shoah (1985). Zusammen mit dem Film, der vor 40 Jahren Geschichte schrieb, zählt das Archiv seit 2023 zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Die Sammlung umfasst 152 bisher unbekannte Magnettonkassetten. Sie dokumentieren die zahlreichen Gespräche, die Lanzmann und seine Assistentinnen in den 1970er Jahren während der mehrjährigen Recherchephase vor Beginn der Dreharbeiten mit Opfern, Tätern und Dritten führten. Die Audiomitschnitte stehen im Fokus der Ausstellung – ergänzt durch Objekte, Dokumente und Filmaufnahmen.


17.05.2024 – 06.10.2024 Sex. Jüdische Positionen. Siona Benjamin, Gabriella Boros, Gilbert Block, Judy Chicago, Nicole Eisenman, Ken Goldman, Susan Kaplow, Benyamin Reich, Noa Snir, Gil Yefman, u. a. Painting, Print, Work on Paper, Drawing, Sculpture, Installation, Textile art, Media Art, Fotografie.

The exhibition plays with the differing perceptions of sexuality in Judaism. Contemporary art, traditional artifacts, film, and new media illustrate a range of Jewish positions that have been discussed for centuries. From marriage and procreation, via desire, taboos, and the questioning of social norms, to the eroticism of spirituality, the exhibition presents the whole spectrum of Jewish attitudes.

The exhibition is presented in cooperation with the Jewish Museum Amsterdam.

09.02.2024 – 23.06.2024 „Mein Dichten ist wie Dynamit“. Curt Blochs Het Onderwater Cabaret. Curt Bloch, Marina Frenk, Richard Gonlag, Mathias Schäfer. Print, Work on Paper, Drawing. Repro Het Onderwater Cabaret, Curt Bloch, Gestaltung: buerominimal

Over a period of more than 19 months between August 1943 and April 1945, the hitherto unknown German Jewish author Curt Bloch produced a unique work of creative resistance while in hiding in the Netherlands: Het Onderwater Cabaret.

Curt Bloch’s hope is now finally being fulfilled: The exhibition presents all 95 original issues of the Het Onderwater Cabaret, accompanied by insight into the production of their covers.

08.09.2023 – 14.01.2024 Ein anderes Land. Jüdisch in der DDR. Silvia Dzubas, Lea Grundig, Barbara Honigmann, Marion Kahnemann, Yael Reuveny, Vera Singer, Leon Kahane. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Installation, Media Art, Fotografie, Mixed. Repro Alice Zadek mit ihrer Tochter Ruth und ihrem Neffen David Hopp auf der Stalinallee (heute: Karl-Marx-Allee), Berlin ca. 1956, Photo: Foto: Gerhard Zadek. Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Schenkung von Ruth Zadek; Gestaltung: buerominimal Berlin

The Jewish Museum Berlin is now showing the first-ever large-scale exhibition on Jewish experiences in East Germany, on display until 14 January 2024. With a focus on cultural history and drawing on documentary research, the show delves into a little-examined aspect of German-Jewish history, bringing together visual art, film, and literature, as well as multifaceted biographies and exceptional artifacts.

05.05.2023 – 27.08.2023 Sans histoire. Mit dem DAGESH-Kunst­preis 2023 aus­­gezeichnete Video­installation. Maya Schweizer. Media Art. Repro Video still aus Sans histoire, Maya Schweizer, 2023, Photo: © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023

Artist Maya Schweizer won this year’s DAGESH Art Award for her video installation Sans histoire. The prize is awarded by the Jewish Museum Berlin (JMB) and DAGESH: Jewish Art in Context. In her artwork, Schweizer engages with the Jewish Museum Berlin as a site of ritualized remembrance. Reflecting on the award’s question “What Now? From Dystopias to Utopias,” her answer is open—sans histoire: both without history and without story.

25.01.2023 – 01.05.2023 Paris Magnétique. 1905–1940. Sonia Delaunay, Marc Chagall, Amedeo Modigliani, Chaïm Soutine, Rudolf Levy, Chana Orloff, Jacques Lipchitz, Marevna (Maria Worobjowa), Léopold Gottlieb. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie. Repro Portrait de Dédie, Amedeo Modigliani, 1918, Öl auf Leinwand, 92x60 cm, Photo: Centre Pompidou Paris, 1952 gespendet von Frau und Herr André Lefèvre

With "Paris Magnétique. 1905–1940", the Jewish Museum Berlin is presenting the first major exhibition in Germany devoted to the Jewish artists of the School of Paris. Featuring around 120 works in ten sections, the exhibition charts how migrant, often marginalized perspectives from the Parisian avant-garde have influenced today’s under­standing of Western modernist art.

22.10.2022 – 05.02.2023 Inside Out. Etgar Keret. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Mixed
03.09.2021 – 24.04.2022 Zerheilt. Ein foto­grafischer Essay von Frédéric Brenner. Frédéric Brenner. Fotografie. Repro Zerheilt, Frédéric Brenner

Following more than forty years of photographic storytelling of Jewish life around the world, Frédéric Brenner's new photographic essay, Zerheilt: Haeled to Pieces, portrays individuals – newcomers, old timers, converts, immigrants and others – who have made Berlin their home or are just passing through. Via a series of fragmentary insights into this incubator of paradoxes and dissonances, he reflects on conflicting narratives of redemption.

21.05.2021 – 10.10.2021 The violence we have witnessed carries a weight on our hearts. Dagesh-Kunstpreis 2021. Talya Feldman
26.04.2021 – 21.11.2021 Redemption Now. Yael Bartana. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art. Repro Stand­bild aus Malka Germania, Auftrags­arbeit für das Jüdische Museum Berlin, Yael Bartana, 2021

From 26 April 2021, the Jewish Museum Berlin will present Yael Bartana: Redemption Now. This large-scale solo exhibition of the contemporary artist investigates the power of imagination and art’s redemptive potential. For more than twenty years, Bartana has been inquiring into grand historical narratives that help to constitute national and other collective identities.

The show brings together more than fifty works, including video installations, photographs, and neon works.

Permanent Collection 23.08.2020 Jüdische Geschichte und Gegenwart in Deutschland. Die Dauerausstellung des Jüdischen Museums Berlin. Painting, Print, Sculpture, Fotografie, Textile art, Media Art.
07.06.2019 – 19.04.2020 This Place. Fotoausstellung. Frédéric Brenner, Wendy Ewald, Martin Kollar, Josef Koudelka, Jungjin Lee, Gilles Peress, Fazal Sheikh, Stephen Shore, Rosalind Fox Solomon, Thomas Struth, Jeff Wall, Nick Waplington. Fotografie
18.01.2019 – 31.03.2019 Carl Melchior. Jüdischer Vorkämpfer eines europäischen Friedens
26.11.2018 – 19.04.2020 A wie Jüdisch. In 22 Buchstaben durch die Gegenwart. Mixed
28.09.2018 – 29.09.2018 res•o•nant LIVE. Juan Atkins: Deep Space – a live evolving installation with synthesizers I 16 - 20 h. Mischa Kuball. Sculpture, Textile art, Performance, Mixed
26.09.2018 – 30.09.2018 res·o·nant LIVE. Eine Licht- und Klanginstallation im öffentlichen Raum. Misch Kuball. Sculpture, Textile art, Performance, Urban Art
26.09.2018 – 30.09.2018 res•o•nant LIVE. Eine Licht- und Klanginstallation im öffentlichen Raum. (Oranienstraße 1, 10999 Berlin) Mischa Kuball. Sculpture, Textile art, Performance, Urban Art
12.04.2018 – 06.10.2019 Ganzfeld »Aural«. James Turrell. Sculpture, Textile art
11.12.2017 – 01.05.2019 Welcome to Jerusalem. Mixed
17.11.2017 – 01.09.2019 res·o·nant. Licht- und Klanginstallation. Mischa Kuball. Sculpture, Textile art, Mixed
13.07.2017 – 27.08.2017 Der Blaue Raum. Kunst- und Begegnungsprojekt
01.06.2017 – 01.09.2017 Verhüllung (W. M. Blumenthal Akademie, Garten der Diaspora, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin)
31.03.2017 – 02.07.2017 Cherchez la Femme. Perücke, Burka, Ordenstracht
28.10.2016 – 05.03.2017 A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew. Eran Shakine. Painting, Print
23.09.2016 – 29.01.2017 Golem. Anselm Kiefer, Joshua Abarbanel, Ronald Brooks Kitaj, u.v.m.. Painting, Sculpture, Fotografie, Media Art
26.02.2016 – 31.07.2016 Keine Kompromisse! Boris Lurie. Painting, Print, Sculpture
22.05.2015 – 15.11.2015 Gehorsam. Eine Installation in 15 Räumen. Saskia Boddeke, Peter Greenaway. Sculpture
22.05.2015 – 15.11.2015 Gehorsam. Eine Installation in 15 Räumen. Saskia Boddeke, Peter Greenaway. Sculpture

Jüdisches Museum Berlin

Lindenstr. 9–14, B 10969

Berlin South

T: +49.30.25993300

Mo–Su 10–18h

Um Ihre Wartezeit im Jüdischen Museum Berlin so kurz wie möglich zu halten, empfehlen wir die vorherige Buchung eines Zeitfenster-Tickets im Online-Ticketshop: https://tickets.jmberlin.de/