The exhibition title, translated as “dual emphasis,” Luc Wolff considers the reciprocal relationship of design and art. In this exhibition, Wolff juxtaposes his Wallpapers with selected design objects—primarily chairs from the KGM collection.
The exhibition invites a re-evaluation of the established distinction between art and design animating anew a dialogue on their respective roles and relevance in the museum context.
The Luxembourg artist Luc Wolff has lived and worked in Berlin since the late 1980s. His work includes site-specific, mostly temporary interventions in public spaces, architecture-related works, and paintings. Wolff gained international recognition with his work Magazzino at the Venice Biennale (1997) as the official representative of Luxembourg.
For further information in english please contact the gallery.
The experimental design exhibition Imagine: Coral Reef. Regenerative Design seeks a new orientation for design in a world marked by numerous crises. The complex ecosystems formed by corals, where fascinating biodiversity reigns, serve as a metaphor. Increasingly, these “rainforests of the seas” are being so stressed by human-made climate change that they are in danger of disappearing in the near future.
13.02.2024 – 28.02.2024
Junge Kunst für Hanau.
German Forest, Detail,
Arian Roth,
Ölfarbe und Terpentin auf 300g Karton,
44 x 63 cm, Photo:
Fotonachweis: Arian Roth, Integrierte Gesamtschule Kurt Schumacher
03.11.2023 – 03.03.2024
Großes Kino.
Filmplakate aus zwölf Jahrzehnten.
Print, Mixed.
Werbeatelier Degen, Sean Connery als James Bond 007 in Ian Flemings Feuerball, Detail, 1965, Photo:
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Jens Ziehe
Großes Kino – we’re talking about cinema with a capital C, about motion pictures that leave you feeling overwhelmed or in awe. A good movie poster, too, is designed to be remembered: it captures the film’s mood, alludes to storylines, evokes feelings. The drama and narrative of a long film are condensed into a single image. The exhibition "Großes Kino" presents around 100 original movie posters from the 1900s through to the 2020s from the Kunstbibliothek’s collection of graphic design.
16.06.2023 – 09.07.2023
100 beste Plakate 22.
Deutschland Österreich Schweiz.
Print, Mixed.
Key Visual "100 beste Plakate 22. Deutschland Österreich Schweiz" , Photo:
studio lindhorst-emme+hinrichs, D-Berlin
The competition, 100 Best Posters. Germany, Austria and Switzerland, has entered its twenty-second round! We eagerly await submissions and the year’s winning posters, which will set out on a worldwide exhibition tour in June 2023.
Hyperstition refers to ideas whose expression releases such vibrations that they ultimately realise themselves, similar to a self-fulfilling prophecy. The term was first coined in the 1990s by the interdisciplinary collective Cybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU) in the UK, whose members published their findings mainly on blogs on the internet.
05.05.2023 – 27.08.2023
Ufo 1665.
Die Luftschlacht von Stralsund.
Darstellung eines fantastischen Luftschiffs aus dem Hochzeitsfest Kaiser Leopolds I., Illustration aus: Sieg-Streit deß Lufft und Wassers Freuden-Fest, Wien, 1667, Photo:
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstbibliothek
In April 1665, six fishermen witnessed an aerial battle in the skies above the Baltic Sea near Stralsund. As evening broke, a dark-grey disk appeared high above the city centre. With reference to contemporaneous visual and textual sources, this exhibition reconstructs the way this event was portrayed in the media over the years.
The Israeli Holocaust remembrance centre Yad Vashem is showing its much admired exhibition Flashes of Memory,which was first displayed in January 2018 in Jerusalem. It presents a critical account of visual documentation – both photographs and films – created during the Holocaust by German and Jewish photographers, as well as by members of the Allied forces during liberation.
Technologies that produce creative products such as text, musical compositions and images have long been the subject of speculative science fiction narratives. Today they are not only real, but are already in the process of fundamentally changing the field of artistic production.
To mark the thirtieth anniversary of the reunification of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin museums and institutes, it has produced a participatory exhibition at four locations that presents visitors’ memories and encourages digital dialogue.