
Permanent Collection Surreale Welten. Max Ernst, Hans Bellmer, René Magritte, Salvador Dalí, Yves Tanguy, André Masson, u. a. Painting, Print, Sculpture. Repro Ansicht der Sammlungspräsentation "Surreale Welten, Hans Bellmer, La poupée, 1936/38, Photo: © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017/ Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg / Thomas Bruns


The Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg traces common threads that weave through the evolution of the art of the fantastic, starting with works by Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Francisco de Goya, and culminating in the museum’s largest suite of works: the Surrealist art of such giants of 20th-century painting as Max Ernst and René Magritte.


08.12.2023 – 28.04. Mythos und Massaker. Ernst Wilhelm Nay, André Masson. Repro Der Besuch (Detail), Ernst Wilhelm Nay, 1945, Photo: © Privatbesitz, © Foto: Ernst Wilhelm Nay Stiftung, Köln

This exhibition focuses on the artistic relationship between the Surrealist Masson, born in 1896 in France, and Nay, born in Berlin in 1902, whose art would soon move away from figurative representation, becoming an icon of Modernist abstraction in post-war West Germany.

27.05.2023 – 29.10.2023 Der Geschöpfe sind viele. Neuerwerbungen im Kontext der Sammlung. Hannah Höch, Max von Moos, Unica Zürn, Fatoş İrwen. Repro Der Geschöpfe sind viele zwischen Himmel und Erde, Hannah Höch, 1930, Photo: Stiftung Dieter Scharf zur Erinnerung an Otto Gerstenberg Fotonachweis: Grisebach GmbH / VG Bild-Kunst, 2023

To mark a generous gift, the Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg’s new collection presentation puts the spotlight on 30 works by Swiss Surrealist Max von Moos (1903–1979) as well as new acquisitions of others by Hannah Höch (1889–1978), Unica Zürn (1916–1970) and contemporary artist Fatoş İrwen. Taking as its starting point Hannah Höch’s gouache "Der Geschöpfe sind viele zwischen Himmel und Erde" (1930), the exhibition consisting of six sections explores the human figure in Surrealism.

21.09.2022 – 12.11.2023 Das Museum Berggruen zu Gast in der Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg. Alberto Giacometti, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Henri Matisse, Paul Cézanne. Painting. Repro Junges Mädchen mit offenem Haar, Paul Cézanne, um 1873/1874, Öl auf Leinwand , Photo: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie, Museum Berggruen, Leihgabe aus Privatbesitz / Foto: Jens Ziehe

While the Museum Berggruen is closed for major renovations, and a large section of the collection is on tour, the Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg has made museum space available on it’s first upper level to show a small but representative selection of Berggruen works.


Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg

Schloßstr. 70, B 14059

Berlin West

T: +49.30.266424242

Tu–Su 10–18h

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